Elite/legendary Skull

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Link, if you do make a skinned one, Could you make a latex mask that we can buy? Ill be needing it for the Arbiter Mask.
thats one reason that im making the skull, so people can use it a a base for there custome...the mandables well be able to be fixed were you can make them move.
i have a controllor broad that can be controled by your hand well your fingers
heres more pics
the skull is done i might tweak the mandabels alittle









Sean Bradley said:
Holy awesome!

Thats pretty slick there Link.. can't wait to see it.

I'd love to airbrush that thing! :D
Awesome wall trophy!
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ya me too.....sucks i have to go into work tonite not going to finsh filling and painting the skull today, plus its raining now
alot..i buy the 5gal resin drum kits which makes 10gals, and i use that up every 2 weeks sometimes 1 a week
LastSpartan said:
Awesomeness! Wow.

How many gallons of smooth-on products have you used in your workshop lol.
I think really much :p Look at the pictures, the big yellow container.

Link, that's just awesome dude. Are you going to make the second knife?
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of cousre i am, once i get this one done im going to mould it.....the blade will be separate from the handle
Those predator mandibles worked out great... I think they might need to be beef'd up a bit to scale with the rest of the skull though. Oh yes, I will need one of these for the collection... keep me in mind link.
im thinking about beefing them up alittle...its like trying to work outside the box without any pictures of what they look like
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