no no, of course, one has standards after all!
ive been hacking and bending away at this metal helmet with limited success.. i guess since the thing was made to deflect bullets, i should have expected it to be tough to shape.
i'll be grinding and cutting a few pieces off and then applying some bondo before i distress it further and give it a desert waste color.
needs more off the sides i think.
the wife stole the mask earlier too, before i chopped it up.
and i'm chopping up half the mask to make templates from, so i can reassemble the mask in plastic over thanksgiving holiday.
pics will be soon,
glad your still interested!
i had very little time around turkey day to do my thing, but i'm in the progress of rebuilding the mask in sheet plastic, it's tricky, but superglue + zip kicker have made things bearable.
it's taking much longer to build, but this is plastic this time around and will be backed with fiberglass afterwards.
much stronger than cardboard and lighter than bondo.