Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]
But yeah, another update. Well, two updates.
First, I've finally found a BoomCo SMG. You have no idea how HARD it is get any BoomCos outside of America. SMG was literally IMPOSSIBRU to get. No store was selling and shipping internationally, or some private sellers had impossibly expensive shipping. Some people from Halo community offered to buy and ship them, but still - shipping was twice as expensive as the blaster.
After over 6 months of searching for it, yes, over 6 months, my jaw dropped when I've seen Mattel selling SMG ONLY in Germany. WOW. I ordered it immediately, lol.

So happy I have it. I have pretty much all the BoomCo blasters I wanted to have... perhaps one day I'll buy the Plasma Pistol as well, but it's available so it's no problem. Some people have been wondering - I'll still be using dual Magnums most of the time. I love the magnums... but I also wanted to have other guns, to either just have them in collection or sometimes use them as props.
ALSO! Lights! As you can see, my chest is lit up like a Christmas Tree! \o/
I was so desperate and was asking around for help here on 405th in different thread and thank you all so much for your help! I am a n00b and idiot when it comes to electronics and physics stuff and such (EGGHEADS!!!), but one of you has given me idea to use flashlights and lamps! This is the best idea for all these people who fear doing electronics themselves. Actually, I have no idea why didn't I think of it before - when I've gotten the BoomCo Needler I'm using a flashlight to mod it... ._.
Made some photos to see how everything looks like and mostly to see how the SMG looks like, if in scale, too small or too big. Pretty nice.

So yeah, I've been searching in these cheaper stores and I've found perfect flashlights.
On the left on the top - you can see how the flashlight looked like and on the bottom how I disassembled it and cut out the plastic I don't need, just keeping the battery box. I bought 6 of these flashlights (4 for chest - 2 front, 2 back and 2 for shoulders) and actually they are so damn bright! 200 lumens... o.o' About 4,50$ for each, thank you! XD