Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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of course he was right........when you throw a bunch of darts at the same time at a board........at least 1 will stick........;) Knife looks Fantastic. You have so much talent for this its truly amazing. Or is is amasing? I no long know if I have to use an S or a Z in places anymore.......

I hope I was evil and my masterplan would work hahaha.
LOL! Hahaha. No idea! Maybe htis is "amuuuuuzin"? XD

Did you do the shoulder and hip pads by hand or is there a file for them? I found the cod piece. Also, is this the wetsuit you used?


This is some of the best work I've seen by the way. Incredibly detailed and video game accurate .

No, there are no files - there is somewhere a full-body file, you can modify it.
I said quite many times I used normal morphsuit. o_O
Thanks. ;)
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

am curious on how did you made those leveled pieces where the red arrows are. i like them so much , it looks awesome!

- - - Updated - - -

A very small and minor update... but important to me.

FINALLY...FINALLY I gotten the emblem I wanted in Halo 5! There is Fireteam Crimson emblem and in my head-canon my Spartan is a member of that Fireteam and I like wolves and always chosen the wolf for the emblem. Huge coincidence, because 343i chose a wolf for the Fireteam Crimson emblem!
When I've seen it, I've been grinding to get the emblem.
Even better - 343i did the exact color scheme I wanted to have: light gray with dark gray + red. Maybe you recall, I have chosen the same colors for my armor!
Many coincidences, but damn I'm so happy! My life is complete now, hehehe ;)

The emblem will definitely go on my armor. In Halo 4 Spartans have their Fireteam emblems on left shoulder pad... sadly 343i didn't bother to show the emblem on our armor in Halo 5... so yeah, I'll put the emblem on the left shoulder pad.. Just thinking if I'll print it and glue onto the armor or paint it myself.

View attachment 21974

Also, I have finally put put the torso parts on the partial mannequin. I wanted to see how the torso will look like and also have it somewhere else than just laying around to not de-form them more.
Never shown the full torso here before, so... here it is. :D

View attachment 21973

In the meantime much progress on the butt-piece. The base colors are pretty much done, I'll have to paint the battle damage and in few places with light gray, because some paint got somehow under the tape while I was spraying.
And yeah, there is battle damage carved. I decided I'll do it more often.

View attachment 21975

PS. I should definitely take the camera to the basement once... working on the forearm pieces, shins (sanding all and putting more stuff,etc.) and started hardening the right shoulder piece...

on the butt plate. did you made those details out of bondo??? where the red arrows are or where they included with the pep file?
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Whoops! Sorry, probably missed it. I don't think I could ever paint the under suit so well. lol

You can do it. ;)

am curious on how did you made those leveled pieces where the red arrows are. i like them so much , it looks awesome!

- - - Updated - - -

on the butt plate. did you made those details out of bondo??? where the red arrows are or where they included with the pep file?

The buttplate and these raised areas?
I made it out of rondo. I don't really like bondo, it's too brittle for me, so I always pour more or less resin into the mix.
They weren't included in the pep-file. The pep looks like that:


So I just made these myself, looking at the in-game files and renders from Spartan Ops.

Mine for comparison:

Rather than use rondo for flat "panel" raised areas because it's messy and heavy (comparatively), you could use mat board (like what's used for photo frames but it's available as uncut whole sheets in various thicknesses). It's about the same thickness as what I'm seeing in your photos, cuts with an X-acto knife, and attaches with regular glue since it's paper. You can stack it for greater thicknesses and also peel off layers if the thickness you need isn't a multiple of the mat board's thickness. Just thought I'd mention that since mat board is less expensive than bondo/resin and is also much easier to work with. Your parts are looking really good and that knife looks 3D printed - great job on the finishing.
What type of paint did you use for the undersuit?


Rather than use rondo for flat "panel" raised areas because it's messy and heavy (comparatively), you could use mat board (like what's used for photo frames but it's available as uncut whole sheets in various thicknesses). It's about the same thickness as what I'm seeing in your photos, cuts with an X-acto knife, and attaches with regular glue since it's paper. You can stack it for greater thicknesses and also peel off layers if the thickness you need isn't a multiple of the mat board's thickness. Just thought I'd mention that since mat board is less expensive than bondo/resin and is also much easier to work with. Your parts are looking really good and that knife looks 3D printed - great job on the finishing.

Why messy? It was perfectly ok! o.o
When working with bondo/rondo, best to make a frame of the shape you want to fill.


So, nothing went over. Rondo is smoother as it's more liquid, so I didn't have to sand too much either.
These raised panels are about 2-3mm thick, so it isn't much.

And thanks, I'm really quite proud, especially on the handle of the blade. It took quite lot of time to profile the whole handle and I was SO scared that if I push somewhere too hard, on the edge, I'd destroy it. ;_;
Also, it isn't 100% accurate, as the handle wasn't AS much profiled for the fingers in the game, but I did a very few personalized details I thought looked better, but looked a lot at many screens... and I spent too much time in Theather looking at the assassinations to see the knife. o.o
Alright, I'm off visiting family til the end of the May. So... Unfortunately I won't be able to work on anything til I'm back. :(

Sooo... Here is another tease. BR love, however I won't be working on it til end of summer. I need pistols first as a weapon, then after completing the costume I'll be able to think about any more weapons.
This one is slightly undersized, if I'm right it's 90% and it looks a lot better, right? I mean, it doesn't look too big to me.


ALSO, about the knife - I WAS PLANNING ON FINISHING IT. Don't know what happened, but the paint remained sticky. I'm using same paints I spray my armor with and there was NEVER any problem.
No idea, I just bought the black paint... but I have no explanation why it remained sticky! And it was very warm outside when I was spraying...
So, short story - I had to remove the paint, which took some time. Now, I sprayed just on one side a bit and since I'm leaving I'll see more after I return... I'm curious if it will will be so sticky. <_<

Anyway, I won't be completely gone. I might check forums more often, hehe.
It has taken me roughly a week to read through this whole build and I am blown away by how much thought you are putting into everything. I know everyone keeps saying it, but it's true, you are truly doing a great job. Keep up the good work Mara!
It has taken me roughly a week to read through this whole build and I am blown away by how much thought you are putting into everything. I know everyone keeps saying it, but it's true, you are truly doing a great job. Keep up the good work Mara!

Oh wow! It had to be a long read. o.o
Hope you enjoyed reading it, haha.

Thank you ;)
Looking great!! I was just wondering what the battle rifle was made out of. 3D print Im guessing? or pep? either way it looks great!
Looking great!! I was just wondering what the battle rifle was made out of. 3D print Im guessing? or pep? either way it looks great!

It's 3D, PLA stuff. Great quality I must say. It came in 10 parts altogether, but I really do appreciate that it has also bolts to secure the parts, so while gluing and after gluing everything sits even better together.
I already glued it with epoxy glue and while it wasn't fully cured it looked great and felt very very secure. I don't feel afraid that anything could fall of or break easily like with the AR I felt, maybe because I did all the bonding and I know how I did it.

On the photo I just got the kit and taped the parts together just to see how cool and how big the rifle was.

I also wanted the Halo 4 BR85HB variant, heavy barrel AND the nice magnification scope whereas the regular BR85 in Halo 5 has shorter standard barrel and just the holographic sight...I prefer having a magnifiction scope on the BR and the DMR both.

I'm enjoying keeping an eye on this build! You're doing an awesome job

Thanks! Happy you like it. ^^
Yeah, that rifle looks way better sized than the last one. :)

And to think it's only 90% scaled, so 10% smaller than it should be... But thanks, yeah I agree, it's SO MUCH better.
I'm glad I found a better alternative and dumped that guy. Won't be coming back to him.

That rifle looks good!

Thank you so much! :D
I'm really happy too.

To be honest I'm secretly searching for Halo 4/5 (more likely Halo 5) Magnum.
If I'd find something nice soon for either replacing the BoomCos or later on upgrading them... But I'd like to upgrade the BoomCo pistols one day... but well, depends if and when I'll find the pistol and the price is important too.
Knowing you......you'll either find it by tomorrow or build it by the end of the week and surprise us again.
Knowing you......you'll either find it by tomorrow or build it by the end of the week and surprise us again.

Nah, I probably won't find it anytime soon. xD
I won't pay 200$ for just one Magnum pistol, no matter how good it is.
I don't have a problem going to Gamescom with BoomCo pistols.... I don't know if I'd even want to buy a kit in June/July and try to make two pistols ready for Gamescom when I still have armor to do and pretty much I have only to paint the BoomCos - a lot less work...
And well, if I'd think about buying a kit I'd like it somehow open so I could put magnets inside as I'd like these Magnums to connect to the thigh pieces via magnets... So yeah, I'm bit picky, haha.
I was mainly looking at the future, that I'll want to upgrade the Magnums at some point.
either way, I know that your end result will be a FANTASTIC piece.
Alright. I'm back home.

Well, I did some progress on the knife - it isn't finished... I screwed up, again.
This knife is a nightmare! From the beginning til now, it hates me!
And now, before I left I tried painting it 2 times - something was with the paint and I had to take it off.
Now I came back and everything was going perfect! And then I screwed up.
I wanted to take transparent sealer and I was distracted and instead I took the black paint and sprayed... and ruined the other side, the "blade", part. v_V
I tried sanding it but it looks ugly, so I'll have to re-do the other side again.

To motivate myself I decided to paint this one side that is alright, and weather it. Oh well, it looks nice actually, as you can see it isn't finished.
I just wanted to see it in more finished state, so I don't have to crawl into a corner and cry myself to death.


And, my computer is doing worse - it's about 10 months old, but for some time I was encountering problems... it is slower and slower, I tried everything but probably I'll have to send it to the store, because it's unbelievably slow and laggy... and I can't work or do anything... And yes, I'm devastated because of it. T_T
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