Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Thank you! :D

Thanks very much and I'll be updating frequently from now on... no more lazy breaks from camera. ^^

I did! She didn't only have damaged armor but also some pretty nasty cuts and bruises. :( It was most likely from the Pelican crash and perhaps Palmer also had to defend Halsey? Doctor looked pretty unharmed, while Palmer was a sight for sore eyes... She was limping and she was missing whole thigh piece and a knee pad. Also her whole armor had some scratches and damage, but her chest piece and right arm had taken most of it... But even the right thruster was damaged and you could see the insides. You could even see the blood on the armor! And the shoulder pad was lost and her exo-suit was even torn on her arm so you could see the skin underneath - hence the blood. And she even had a shotgun, first time seeing Palmer with a shotgun.
I really want to know what exactly happened after Fireteam Osiris left Palmer and Halsey with the disabled Pelican. As I said, my bet is that Palmer somehow managed to crash-land with it, but she had to protect Halsey, hence the damage on her and Halsey unharmed... But I'd like to know more! I really like both characters, Halsey and Palmer so I'd love to see another comic or a novel or... anything of what is happening at the moment. o_o

PS. It was also interesting that they took away all the lights from SCOUT armor (and many other armor variants). In Halo 4 you could see pretty much every armor lit up in the darkness with some lights on the armor. While it looked cool on Scout, those two lights on the chest piece and the back (there were minor other light like on shoulders and thigh pieces). I can understand that Scout should remain hidden, and lights would prohibit... but it looked cool anyway, haha. xD

Also, another update. The knee pads and elbow pads are pretty much ready for last details.
(like I said I'm going for more weathered armor, so I don't bother sanding it with higher grit to polish it... scratched surface fits better)

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intresting, so basically , what grit do you start using once the rondo is cured and what grit do you use once you are happy with how it looks?? also when you draw the details, do you carved them with an xacto knife or sanding file?
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

OK Mara, what's the hold up? As Commander, you do have responsibilities ya know! Lol, don't let the weather get ya down.

Spartan, please remember that as a Commander I don't just sit and watch you run the War Games simulations. I have a lot more work, I don't just sit there and try to look pretty... Paperwork. Paperwork is the worst, though.
And, even if we all are Spartans, we still require R&R. ;)

So... What do you need? I'm here now.

That's right!!! Get back it to that dank dark basement and get back to work.........stop this gold-bricking you lazy laggard...... oh, your almost done.......well then that's fine then. Good job.

I don't work in dank dark basement. :p My "basement" is actually too open and too sunny, hehe.
I work outside, literally, in the garden. xD
So, when it rains I have to pack the stuff and bring it inside - but I can't sand inside and such...

yup i know is a brand but thats how we mention it on forums or at the facebook page because it would be silly to just say hey do you use 3m or another company name that makes it. she knows what am talking about lol

Yeah, I know what you meant with bondo. ;)
I use rondo on the outside parts as well.
I don't like pure bondo, it's too sticky, so I always mix resin to make it more fluid - depend on how fluid I want it to be... but I always add bit resin, even if it's just a little.

Especially in winter I learned rondo worked a lot better than resin, especially while hardening so I was using this whenever I could.
I still do use it.

I have to agree with going slow. I may not have any crafting experience yet, but there's plenty of things you pick up here and there. :)
That knife needs a stern talking-to as well. Ears or no ears to listen with.

I wish you luck!

Well, taking time is good, but going TOO slow isn't good either.
I have a deadline, hehe.

Thanks and good luck to you too!

Mara, you're progress is stunning. The paint scheme you've chosen along with the weathering technique gives off a grunge look to every piece, including the combat knife. I like it.

Thank you very much for your kind words.
Hah, what can I say, I like things that are kind of worn out and weathered instead of those that are all new and shiny... so there was no other choice, but to implement it on my build.
(and I can't imagine a Spartan using the armor for a very long time and having it all new and shiny...)

Looks really cool, can't imagine how much paper and cutting out that took, but u certainly have made it look really good

Haha, thank you! Well, there are some great tools... Holy Tools... Tools like dremel and such. ;)
It was a great help, I wouldn't be able to do it without the dremel... and it also saves a lot of time.

I bought some boomco mags the other day for my build too since I saw how great they seemed to fit you. Plus only 15 bucks means a lot of fun in the hotel for my con. I'll be making an actual replica with magnets and such like you want down the road and I wouldn't mind sending you one when the time comes. I can't promise it would have moving parts since they seem to run off of more space magic than Destiny's hand cannons. But the thought is there :p

Yeah, they are not bad! They will do for now, but I'll search for a better alternative in the future.
I count them now as 'basic', but I'll definitely want to upgrade to something like a resin or 3D printed kit in the future, but after the costume is finished.
I'm equipping these BoomCos with magnets as well, but I already modded mine so they don't shoot, but I can still use the mechanics:

intresting, so basically , what grit do you start using once the rondo is cured and what grit do you use once you are happy with how it looks?? also when you draw the details, do you carved them with an xacto knife or sanding file?

To be honest I use a really low grit paper.
24 for most of the time, 80-100 more rarely. I don't use any higher.
I don't go for all new and shiny look, so I don't mind some scratches and such, on the contrary - I welcome them.

As for the details - I use dremel, there are plenty of tips for the dremel - some are for sanding some are for carving. I use a small one to carve these lines.
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Alright, as for the update... Big update, many photos... you've been warned.

Here is me doing buckles in the front chest - right side is done, but you can see on the left side there is the magnet inside - part of my huge egghead-plan.


After everything was done I had to explain to the 405th members why the Commander can't join them in War Games...
Nobody wants an angry Palmer to punch a holo-table again, right?


And finished. Why was I holding it at such angle? Here is your answer. I attached the lower part to the chest using 4 bolts, two on each side and covered it in fiberglass and bondo - I may be paranoid, but I wouldn't want anything to break apart.
I was holding it, so that piece won't warp to the inside.


Now, working on the shoulders again. I had to harden the pieces I cut out to harden the inside.
Covered the whole piece, so I wouldn't bond together and it wouldn't get dirtier.


The piece fits perfectly! I'll have to trim it down as it's bigger now because the layer of fiberglass and rondo, but shape-wise it fits perfectly.
You can see the lines inside - it is how I planned the trap door.
I'll cut out the center, while bond the edges together so it will look pretty to the viewer and noone will notice the trap door... for which I might use even EVA foam! :D
Was thinking of using a hinge, but 405th (we cool Europeans have a cool chat group on our cells - 405th 24/7 lol) given me a better idea - use the elastic parts I used for strapping! It's lighter and should work even better.

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Ok, posting progress I made on undersuit.
A lot of work went here so far, but as you can see one leg (and a little bit more) is already complete. :D
First I wasn't sure about the thigh, knee and elbow-joints and was thinking of doing them with foam sor something, but foam restricts movement and I didn't want to hinder my movements on key areas where I have to move... So at last I decided to just paint it... so I painted everything to imitate these parts just like hex pattern... Well, in the game all of the undersuit is a texture, lol, so I'm doing kinda the same, hahaha.
Well, it won't be as noticeable when I'll have all the armor parts on and also with the soft undersuit parts.
Oh, also yeah, zipper is on the front. Why? I'll be mounting the spinal parts on the back so I need the material to be able to put them on and also I have to somehow get into the suit by myself - the morphsuit is smaller size to fit me and also I have to somehow manage the zipper, which I wouldn't be able to slide up and down on the back. XD

As for the photos - I cut the small part of the feet - I rather have my own socks, but nothing pulling my undersuit down. XD I *think* they are same length, but it also doesn't matter as I just cut off the toe section.

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soo you added those pads??? i think i didnt read quite well on how you did them lol maybe i skipped a page haha but they look awesome specially with those detail pads and lines omg !!! are the sewn or glued??
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

soo you added those pads??? i think i didnt read quite well on how you did them lol maybe i skipped a page haha but they look awesome specially with those detail pads and lines omg !!! are the sewn or glued??

Not yet, but I tested a scrap foam on a scrap of spandex and it worked well.
I'll be gluing it after I finish painting the costume.
Looking awesome, slow but fkin amazing progress!

And what group chat?? :O
Last, but not least... Some actual work! FOREARM!
The one on the left is untouched. On the right you can see it after a lot of sanding and filling.
A LOT OF SANDING if you compare it to the one untouched... actually it was touched, before I covered it in rondo I still sanded the edges so they won't stick as much. Yes, it was even worse.
So, I'm quite proud how smooth I've gotten the one forearm to look.
Still, after I primed it today I see how much work I still have to do on it.
Yet, majority is done and then I'll move to the other forearm.

Also, I was using bondo today to fill some parts - it was so hot the bondo dries within minutes! The working time was so short, haha.
I was so surprised.

But yeah, I think forearms are the harder parts as they are so round, while majority of the armor requires less work.
Just the forearms to make them smooth and round, to get rid of those edges.
Still, I'm not complaining.

(srsly, look at how smooth and round it is @_@)


ALSO, I finished the knife but I have to do some nice pictures of it. Might even do a video.
Still, I'll be working on a sheath for the knife now.

Here is just a teaser of the other side finished:

I will explain the chest strapping soon, but want to make either a video or some pictures to show how it works. I feel so smart and intelligent because that plan... almost like an egghead. Almost.

I will also stray away a bit from the Palmer, I will add a pouch on the right shin and the knife and sheath on the left.
Why the pouch? It will be rather small, but I need my mobile phone and always some money, ID and such. I tried thinking of a place inside the armor to store these, but seriously as bit as the armor looks, there isn't enough storage!
Sure, I could probably squeeze something in the thrusters in the back of the torso - but how should I get this stuff then? I'd have to take off majority of my armor to access it.
Front chest is too small, I will get lights there, so the rest is no-go. That bottom part of the chest is too small, my mobile phone will never fit in there.
I was thinking of storing everything in the butt-piece, but I went against it. I could easily remove the butt-piece, but I don't think it's practical.

So, I thought a rather small tactical pouch will fit perfectly.
It will arrive tomorrow, together with a harness meant for strapping system, so I'll share more soon.

- Palmer

Mesh - thank you! I do my best... I still have over 2 months to finish it. O_O (only two months... panic mode ON)
And it's the super secret group for the uncool non-uk fellas approved by ONI. Muahahaha.
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did you just call yourself uncool? I'm uncool! Does that mean I can join? Or do I have to meet both criteria? :D

No, this is what most UK peeps are calling us. Acting all cool, making their own UK-ONLY groups and trying to be better than us. :p
So we - poor Europeans not being cool enough for UK to like us, had to think of something else than just cry, because UK doesn't want to hang out with us. :B

Hmm... We must not be Royal enough, we think. :B
The knife looks awesome Mara! Very stabby!

The sanding of that bondo is really nice. After using bondo for my trooper armour, I know how hard it is to work with (actually I swore I would never touch the stuff again, that's why I am now a "foam guy").

I now have an image of you sitting under a tree in the garden, surrounded by bunny rabbits and squirrels sanding bondo.


"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie


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Wait, UK peeps have their (or our) own chat? On what? For what? ..What?

Closed groups for UK-only, all non-UK GTFO. So we, poor human beings that aren't good enough for you Royals made things for ourselves too. :p

The knife looks awesome Mara! Very stabby!

The sanding of that bondo is really nice. After using bondo for my trooper armour, I know how hard it is to work with (actually I swore I would never touch the stuff again, that's why I am now a "foam guy").

I now have an image of you sitting under a tree in the garden, surrounded by bunny rabbits and squirrels sanding bondo.


"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie

Hahaha, why? It isn't that bad, sanding it... o.o It's so friendly!

Actually it kind of is similar to that picture. We have many birds flying and chirping.
No other animals, as we're located in the city center, but I could upload a short video showing how quiet it is and how birds are chirping.
ALSO, actually under the roof we had a nest - just today it seems the offspring flew off...

Much to learn, you have, young Peakurawan!

Spartans, knock it off. Lt, you should have called Royal Pepakurawan, then it would have been more proper. ;)
Closed groups for UK-only, all non-UK GTFO. So we, poor human beings that aren't good enough for you Royals made things for ourselves too. :p

No, no I understand that. But where are these groups? On here? Or like Facebook, etc. I don't see the point in having it UK only if It's on here.
Today I've received my pouch.
What is this for? For carrying stuff like my cell, wallet, ID, etc.
I'm going to attach it to my right shin. While it isn't fully game accurate to the Scout variant, I've seen other Spartans carrying pouches - Soldier or now Helljumper having 2 very similar pouches on the shin...
So it kind of still fits! Haha.


The pouch here looks bit bigger due the perspective, however it really isn't that big.
It's about 14-15cm long, just enough to fit my cell //nokia 925 which is 13cm long// and from the side it looks a lot better.

The knife is as a comparison and it will actually go to the other shin after I'll build the sheath.


Great job on the sanding Palmer! The knife is looking SICK!!

Thank you.
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