Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Well, As I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, I have lot of time to not rush and just do it in peace.
I got really exhausted today, like I had troubles waking up...

BUT, I'm not stopping on the costume, just no crazy working for 35 hours straight.

First thing I did today was to remove the paint from my combat blade. I want to completely repaint it. To be honest I wanted to repaint it ever since I finished the two Magnums.

Anyway, here are two photos of my undersuit so far.
It is NOT finished yet. I still want to do some padding on the inside - the knees in the front and in the back and elbows to stand out from the inside.
But this is how I look like in it. I have some more bulk, because I wear the strapping system UNDERNEATH the undersuit, so you can see it on my body - like on the thighs you see buckles standing out, etc.


And just a selfie. My Gamescom experience at home LOL.


Oh no! What happened?

Well, no transport. I could have tried to made it for Sunday, but I see no point in trying to just see Gamescom waving goodbye at you, because I'd get there at afternoon.

Wow, this suit is easily one of the best I've ever seen. Sucks you didn't get it done in time, but you'll have this for many more cons.

Wow, thank you very much!
Well, I wanted to go and I was ready to leave out some stuff to just go there, but there were some other complications.
Oh well. Next year for sure and yeah, there are other cons. Next one is in October. :D

wow it all looks really cool! The lights look amazing i am going to have to try that

Thank you!
Yes, hah, buy a flashlight, strip it from the body and have fun with it!
Well, as I said I'd repaint the knife. Here it is. Fell in love with that color scheme.


Mara, sorry you didn't make it........I know you were looking forward to this one even though there will be others.........Your still #1 in our team!!!

Thank you, but really - it's alright. I'm over it. It was really disappointing and I was sad I didn't make it, but I'm over it. Pity it didn't work out, but as you said - there will be other events and Gamescom will be next year again.
I've been following this build on Facebook, but I just have to say again that I am blown away by this! Your attention to detail is incredible, and the undersuit is stunning.

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Alright, I'll be visiting my mom, so no finishing and no work on the costume til end of the next week.

I've been following this build on Facebook, but I just have to say again that I am blown away by this! Your attention to detail is incredible, and the undersuit is stunning.

Thank you very much. :)
Alright, I'll be visiting my mom, so no finishing and no work on the costume til end of the next week.

Thank you very much. :)

Have a nice visit Mara.

"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie
Alright, I'm still at my mom's place, however I just wanted to update.

First, I should be done with my armor at the end of September. There is not much left - just mainly to secure electronics in a good way, to finish strapping system, mainly to attach the ending pieces to the thighs and shins. And to add padding so everything is tight inside and doesn't slide or rotate on its own and so it also looks good on the outside.

ALSO, I will be restarting the helmet from scratch. My current one is bit heavy, almost 1kg. I poured too much of rondo once and was stupid enough to leave it like that, but normally I wouldn't mind that at all.
BUT, what bothers me A LOT is the fact that the helmet is a little bit warped and crooked to the side at the beak at the bottom. It is just a little BUT IT BOTHERS ME TO NO END just because I KNOW IT IS THERE. I've seen on the photos from afar - it isn't visible, but it just bothers me to no end that it just is there and I know it.
So, most likely I'll be printing the helmet next week and then put it together. I really hope I'll be able to get it done straight and nothing will be crooked. ._.
But, with the helmet, I'll be doing it slowly. I don't need to rush or finish it this year. I'll work on it when I want and when I can, so I can finish it somewhere next year as well - what I know, I NEED to have it done for Gamescom. Maybe earlier. However, that is the latest date - which means, if everything goes right, I could finish it this year as well. Dunno.
However, I'm aware I didn't do the two tutorials I wanted - visor and weathering tutorial. I know that and I will do it with my helmet.

(the beak on the bottom isn't straight, it's crooked to the right and it bothers me to no end)


Have a nice visit Mara.

Thanks! However I suffer from a withdrawal. I miss my costume. I miss working on it.

For a first costume build, this is incredible! Very impressive pepakura skills!

Thank you very much. :)
It took a lot of time and work (a lot of bondo and sanding, haha), so thank you. ^^
Haven't checked in on the thread but I've been keeping up with your build elsewhere and your armor is truly outstanding Mara. I really hope you're able to get to the next Con to show it off.
Haven't checked in on the thread but I've been keeping up with your build elsewhere and your armor is truly outstanding Mara. I really hope you're able to get to the next Con to show it off.

Thanks! ^^

I'm happy how it looks. Even if I wouldn't have rushed trying to get it done for Gamescom, I couldn't have done it better.
I don't have much to do to finish it and I'm 100% positive I'll go to a next con or game fair. :)

I just need to finish the strapping - planning took most of the time, now I just have to finish implementing it in real world, then just measure it for a perfect fit and well, done. :)
Then, I just have to add padding inside for good fit so nothing would move on my body and for the looks so it looks good too. :D

And well, helmet is a long term project, so I won't rush.
Yay me. -_-
Wanted to restart helmet from scratch and re-pep it.
Re-scaled again (because silly me doesn't remember where the scaled file was) and well... turns out it's "a little" too big. -_-

WhatsApp Image 2016-09-05 at 9.27.10 PM.jpeg
Half of the helmet is pepped.
Tomorrow the bottom side.

Got the scale perfectly now. It's about 5-10mm bigger, but I wanted that.

The first unfinished helmet. I wanted to destroy it first but I got this idea to finish it, but make it a heavily damaged, destroyed. Unfit to wear anymore. Totally destroyed.
More as to carry around or display.

Finished pepping the helmet.
Will resin it tomorrow. I really want to harden it this week as it's a nice warm weather with a lot of sun.

Side by side comparison. Funny thing is - they are same size. About 5-10mm difference in length, which is really nothing.
It has just the whole support at the bottom... It adds quite lot.

... now I seriously have to find my cracked visor... -_-


Did you resin the first one with the visor pepped? That always helps keep the shape. It seems like there is a lot of weight on the top of that helmet which is why the resined one looks so much smaller, it collapsed from that weight during the beginning stages of resining where it is still bendable. Either thinner coats to start or letting it dry upside down maybe? I don't know, you'll figure it out. :) The new one definitely looks good.
Damn. I have to order more of the visor material. I thought I could use the current visor, but the helmet is just a little bit longer, the visor would be either a tight fit or too small... So I rather make a new one.
That means more work for me, because I'll have to resin and bondo the visor as well...

Did you resin the first one with the visor pepped? That always helps keep the shape. It seems like there is a lot of weight on the top of that helmet which is why the resined one looks so much smaller, it collapsed from that weight during the beginning stages of resining where it is still bendable. Either thinner coats to start or letting it dry upside down maybe? I don't know, you'll figure it out. :) The new one definitely looks good.

Yeah, I did have it.
Now that I looked at the old photos - I didn't spot the mistake. When I was pepping and gluing it was MY mistake that it wasn't straight. No idea how it happened but it was done during the pepping.
Didn't spot it until I was bondoing.
I use thick cardstock, so it's quite stable. It's the thickest I found, I use 250g, so it's a little bit thicker, but it's very stable, so it's good. :)

It looks good. It looks all straight, like it was supposed to! XD
The sizing looks great! It's nice to have them just a bit bigger, easier to take on and off and more room for fans and lights.

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Alright. Hardened the helmet today. It was a perfect day for it - over 30C/90F.
Tomorrow will fiberglass it.
Also, I'm bit sad about the visor - I wanted to separate it and use it to make form for the visor, but it's so thick I'll have to use a dremmel to remove it and then make a visor from scratch again, haha.


The sizing looks great! It's nice to have them just a bit bigger, easier to take on and off and more room for fans and lights.

Well, it's pretty much the same sizing, no real difference.
Also, Scout doesn't have any side lights as Chief's helmet does so I'll install only fans inside, hah.
Fiberglassed the inside today. It was fast! The resin dried so fast... so I didn't have to take any breaks in-between.
Cut out the bottom so I can fit my head through it and cut out the visor area - I still to remove a little bit of excess, but tomorrow. It's already too dark.

I'm surprised how much 5-10mm can do, to be honest. The helmet looks bigger, it's noticeable but also, when I put it on, it looks better. O_O





- - - Updated - - -

It's weird seeing how the slight collapsing in multiple areas made it that much shorter.

What do you mean? Collapsing in multiple areas made it shorter?
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