Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Alright... I have no idea why my topic became so popular just when I had a break. :D
Sorry about it, guys and sorry I made you wait!

Well... Good and bad news.
Bad news first - I didn't make any real progress. Winter has been bit harsh and working in basement in very low temperatures without any heat made me bit sick, so I kinda left it for some time.
Just lately I started to harden the chest and before I took the pieces to the basement I took a photo of it with the helmet on :D
Just for fun and to see if it looks properly scaled. How do you think? :D


Anyway, the good thing is... I worked on the visor. Like... REALLY worked on it and tried improving the idea. Which I succeeded!
Also I see many of you are interested and of course I'm willing to share my experiment as it can be very useful and nice alternative (and cheaper) to the vacuum forming.
I thought of making a video and also for this I'd like to make a new thread - because if someone were to look how to make a visor, no one will look through 5 pages of my thread, right?
So yeah... I'll try to make it soon. :)
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Darn right we want to see your improvements. Looking forward to when you get time to post it.

Alright... I have no idea why my topic became so popular just when I had a break. :D
Sorry about it, guys and sorry I made you wait!

Well... Good and bad news.
Bad news first - I didn't make any real progress. Winter has been bit harsh and working in basement in very low temperatures without any heat made me bit sick, so I kinda left it for some time.
Just lately I started to harden the chest and before I took the pieces to the basement I took a photo of it with the helmet on :D
Just for fun and to see if it looks properly scaled. How do you think? :D

View attachment 23258

Anyway, the good thing is... I worked on the visor. Like... REALLY worked on it and tried improving the idea. Which I succeeded!
Also I see many of you are interested and of course I'm willing to share my experiment as it can be very useful and nice alternative (and cheaper) to the vacuum forming.
I thought of making a video and also for this I'd like to make a new thread - because if someone were to look how to make a visor, no one will look through 5 pages of my thread, right?
So yeah... I'll try to make it soon. :)
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Those visors look amazing! I really like the cracked one but can imagine how difficult it would be to see out of. Will be watching for the tut because I need one of those in my life. Great job so far!
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Hey Marawuff, hope your feeling better. . We're getting hit w/ the cold weather as well here on the east coast. Expatiating snow at any moment..........wait for it.......no.....No snow yet. Dam those weathermen and meteorologist. Could use a day off from work.

Build looks fantastic!! One question: Is/was it the angle that you took the pic from or is the left shoulder a bit further out than the right? The chest piece looks to be centered w/ the helmet but the shoulders look a bit off. It could also be that the chest armor is twisted the wrong way on the mannequin. Looks great!!! Can't wait to see the finished product. Keep warm Mar!!!
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

I think the separate visor tutorial thread is a great idea, but don't forget to link to it from this thread so I don't miss it!! :D

Your thread has always been a hit, it's only when you deprive us from updates we start to riot.. I mean, get concerned for your well being ;) Sorry to hear you got touched by the cold. Hope it warms up for you soon!
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

looking really good so far! what exactly did you use for the hex piece on the finger? it looks like rubber, but i can't tell what it came from/how you made it. what is your secret!?!?!
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Darn right we want to see your improvements. Looking forward to when you get time to post it.

I think I'll post it on weekend. ;)

Those visors look amazing! I really like the cracked one but can imagine how difficult it would be to see out of. Will be watching for the tut because I need one of those in my life. Great job so far!

Thanks :D
To be honest it isn't that difficult or that bad... not as difficult as you imagine. You can see through pretty good. :)

Hey Marawuff, hope your feeling better. . We're getting hit w/ the cold weather as well here on the east coast. Expatiating snow at any moment..........wait for it.......no.....No snow yet. Dam those weathermen and meteorologist. Could use a day off from work.

Build looks fantastic!! One question: Is/was it the angle that you took the pic from or is the left shoulder a bit further out than the right? The chest piece looks to be centered w/ the helmet but the shoulders look a bit off. It could also be that the chest armor is twisted the wrong way on the mannequin. Looks great!!! Can't wait to see the finished product. Keep warm Mar!!!

Thanks! I wasn't feeling that bad. I was just bit sick... and due that I constantly went to the basement - I couldn't get better, so I left it be for some time. :)
Wow! I really feel for you. :( It's warmer here now, which is great actually... I hope you'll have some nicer weather soon. ;)

Oh, the picture wasn't done 100% straigt. ;) It was done a little from the side, also it's just on the mannequin and helmet isn't looking straight forward. xD Just quick photo. I actually put the chest on the manequin to harden it from the outside so it will retain the shape more or less. :)

It looks really great I love the hex on the visor.

Thank you. :)

I think the separate visor tutorial thread is a great idea, but don't forget to link to it from this thread so I don't miss it!! :D

Of course, will post it here in my thread and the separate. ;)

Your thread has always been a hit, it's only when you deprive us from updates we start to riot.. I mean, get concerned for your well being ;) Sorry to hear you got touched by the cold. Hope it warms up for you soon!

Hah, and I always wonder why, especially when I take a break I come back and BAAAM so many replies. O.O
Nah, it wasn't that bad, I just had to take a break to get healthy - when I was going down to the basement to the cold... couldn't really get better. :D

looking really good so far! what exactly did you use for the hex piece on the finger? it looks like rubber, but i can't tell what it came from/how you made it. what is your secret!?!?!

Thank you!
Oh, the hex piece on the trigger finger? :D It was actually very easy. ^^


What you're seeing here is about 2mm foam as underbase, on top of it I glued the mesh that is used inside backpacks, etc. and the outerline is hotglue. xD

- - - Updated - - -

Darn right we want to see your improvements. Looking forward to when you get time to post it.

I think I'll post it on weekend. ;)

Those visors look amazing! I really like the cracked one but can imagine how difficult it would be to see out of. Will be watching for the tut because I need one of those in my life. Great job so far!

Thanks :D
To be honest it isn't that difficult or that bad... not as difficult as you imagine. You can see through pretty good. :)

Hey Marawuff, hope your feeling better. . We're getting hit w/ the cold weather as well here on the east coast. Expatiating snow at any moment..........wait for it.......no.....No snow yet. Dam those weathermen and meteorologist. Could use a day off from work.

Build looks fantastic!! One question: Is/was it the angle that you took the pic from or is the left shoulder a bit further out than the right? The chest piece looks to be centered w/ the helmet but the shoulders look a bit off. It could also be that the chest armor is twisted the wrong way on the mannequin. Looks great!!! Can't wait to see the finished product. Keep warm Mar!!!

Thanks! I wasn't feeling that bad. I was just bit sick... and due that I constantly went to the basement - I couldn't get better, so I left it be for some time. :)
Wow! I really feel for you. :( It's warmer here now, which is great actually... I hope you'll have some nicer weather soon. ;)

Oh, the picture wasn't done 100% straigt. ;) It was done a little from the side, also it's just on the mannequin and helmet isn't looking straight forward. xD Just quick photo. I actually put the chest on the manequin to harden it from the outside so it will retain the shape more or less. :)

It looks really great I love the hex on the visor.

Thank you. :)

I think the separate visor tutorial thread is a great idea, but don't forget to link to it from this thread so I don't miss it!! :D

Of course, will post it here in my thread and the separate. ;)

Your thread has always been a hit, it's only when you deprive us from updates we start to riot.. I mean, get concerned for your well being ;) Sorry to hear you got touched by the cold. Hope it warms up for you soon!

Hah, and I always wonder why, especially when I take a break I come back and BAAAM so many replies. O.O
Nah, it wasn't that bad, I just had to take a break to get healthy - when I was going down to the basement to the cold... couldn't really get better. :D

looking really good so far! what exactly did you use for the hex piece on the finger? it looks like rubber, but i can't tell what it came from/how you made it. what is your secret!?!?!

Thank you!
Oh, the hex piece on the trigger finger? :D It was actually very easy. ^^


What you're seeing here is about 2mm foam as underbase, on top of it I glued the mesh that is used inside backpacks, etc. and the outerline is hot glue. The foam was white so I painted it, so it looks bit like a camouflage - didn't want flat. xD
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Also, another update.

I completely forgotten to share - my second BoomCo pistol came lately.
I already took it apart and removed the mechanism. I also improved it. XD
Also - I slightly modded their slide, the front piece so it looks better and more game-accurate.


I was thinking how to paint them in the future... I really wanted to paint them in default colors with the stripe in the front... but the Full Moon skin came out.


The Full Moon looks really appealing... So much that I have hard time deciding. xD

Also, as for modding inside, here is a quick video that I can pull the trigger anytime, I can slide it back like reloading and it can the slide can be held back like the pistol was empty.

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Lady, I sure love that signature wolf paint job. :thumbsup
Some kind of transfer film ? Or did you paint that straight on ?

I toyed with the "slide open" position too, but couldn't get it to work in a trustworthy way. What kind of dark magic did you use there ? :D

I notice the action on it is _very_ light, almost as if the spring/cillinder presure combo is removed. Either that or you are absurdly strong. :)
Am I right ?
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Lady, I sure love that signature wolf paint job. :thumbsup
Some kind of transfer film ? Or did you paint that straight on ?

I toyed with the "slide open" position too, but couldn't get it to work in a trustworthy way. What kind of dark magic did you use there ? :D

I notice the action on it is _very_ light, almost as if the spring/cillinder presure combo is removed. Either that or you are absurdly strong. :)
Am I right ?

What do you mean? What did I paint? o_O
The BoomCo pistols are red like that from factory. :D

Oh, I said I removed the mechanism inside - the spring from the cylinder is removed as I don't play BoomCo/Nerf. :)
The pistols are just for prop and display purposes... :)
With the spring inside the cylinder it was bit harder to pull back, but now with the spring gone - too easy. xD

As for the paintjob - I think I'll be going with the default colors and the stripe on the front of the slide... and on one side I thought I could paint the wolf o.o
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Euh ? So the Wolf paintjob .... is what, a mock-up ? I now just realized you stated how you _want_ it to make them look in the future .. guess I jumped the gun. Litterally. :D
Sorry for that. The picture just looks ... so bloody real. I just now realised it's a part of the skins in the game -well that's stupid of me-. Lol.

I'm a bit too old for BoomCo/Nerf too, but my son demanded that "whatever I did, the gun still had to work please", so I was a bit restricted in what I could do.
I used a little piece of double sided tape to mimimick the "slide open" position, didn't work all that well. What DID work was simply ommit the steel rod at the backside : that way the action/pump could remain in there, the black loading rod did not come out anymore and "slide lock" could be done by simply lifting the slide a bit when pulling and the gun could be put into working order by simply putting in the rear rod.

Tip : I remember you were thinking about magnetic mounts on these. I did that by using a 25x25x10 neodynium magnet in the front of the gun, as it fitted nicely between the two front screws under the barrel. Of course, as you don't have the cillinder in place, you can do whatever you want.
In my case, I still had the dart system in place in the gun, and the batteries for the tactical light in the handgrip so that limited my options a bit.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Euh ? So the Wolf paintjob .... is what, a mock-up ? I now just realized you stated how you _want_ it to make them look in the future .. guess I jumped the gun. Litterally. :D
Sorry for that. The picture just looks ... so bloody real. I just now realised it's a part of the skins in the game -well that's stupid of me-. Lol.

I'm a bit too old for BoomCo/Nerf too, but my son demanded that "whatever I did, the gun still had to work please", so I was a bit restricted in what I could do.
I used a little piece of double sided tape to mimimick the "slide open" position, didn't work all that well. What DID work was simply ommit the steel rod at the backside : that way the action/pump could remain in there, the black loading rod did not come out anymore and "slide lock" could be done by simply lifting the slide a bit when pulling and the gun could be put into working order by simply putting in the rear rod.

Tip : I remember you were thinking about magnetic mounts on these. I did that by using a 25x25x10 neodynium magnet in the front of the gun, as it fitted nicely between the two front screws under the barrel. Of course, as you don't have the cillinder in place, you can do whatever you want.
In my case, I still had the dart system in place in the gun, and the batteries for the tactical light in the handgrip so that limited my options a bit.

Oh, no no! This is the screenshot from Halo 5 game! :D There was a DLC about 2 weeks ago and I was lucky to get the skin and I really like it. :)

Hmmm... I realized that all you have to do is to remove a small piece inside - the one that blocks the trigger if no dart is inside. If you remove only this, everything else will work perfectly fine... in theory only. I never tested it.

Oh, I tried some magnets but they just weren't strong enough. Otherwise, if you have strong magents - surely it'll hold. :)

As for the cylinder inside - I still do! The cylinder keeps everything together, and if you want to have that slide-action, you have to keep the cylinder inside. :)

Oh nice! Tactical light! :D
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Here I am, not realizing that you have a YouTube channel. Subscribed, even though I have no idea what you are saying. Shiney pictures!

Also, another update.

I completely forgotten to share - my second BoomCo pistol came lately.
I already took it apart and removed the mechanism. I also improved it. XD
Also - I slightly modded their slide, the front piece so it looks better and more game-accurate.

View attachment 23403

I was thinking how to paint them in the future... I really wanted to paint them in default colors with the stripe in the front... but the Full Moon skin came out.

View attachment 23404

The Full Moon looks really appealing... So much that I have hard time deciding. xD

Also, as for modding inside, here is a quick video that I can pull the trigger anytime, I can slide it back like reloading and it can the slide can be held back like the pistol was empty.

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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Oh, no no! This is the screenshot from Halo 5 game! :D There was a DLC about 2 weeks ago and I was lucky to get the skin and I really like it. :)

Hmmm... I realized that all you have to do is to remove a small piece inside - the one that blocks the trigger if no dart is inside. If you remove only this, everything else will work perfectly fine... in theory only. I never tested it.

Oh, I tried some magnets but they just weren't strong enough. Otherwise, if you have strong magents - surely it'll hold. :)

As for the cylinder inside - I still do! The cylinder keeps everything together, and if you want to have that slide-action, you have to keep the cylinder inside. :)

Oh nice! Tactical light! :D

Yeah, I felt completly dumb for not realizing I wasn't looking at YOUR glove with YOUR painted Boomco. That's what you get from not having a Xbone. :)
But in truth it is just a testament to the quality of the job you did on those gloves of yours.

The firing security system ? Yeah, correct. I removed that lever that ran from the front of the barrel to somwhere above the trigger too so I could "deprime" the pump system without having a dart in there so I can confirm that. Wonder why it was build that way in the first place.

Actually, I closed the little hole underneath so no presure was being bled during firing the gun, and I removed the black air restrictor so the plastic rod of it sticking out of the barrel would be gone too. That way, the gun still works as "nerf gun" and it does whatever I want for Cosplay purposes.

As for magnets, I've read a lot about "just use magnets" on this forum and some other forums but you're right, "just" a magnet like you'd take out of a defective HD will not be strong enough to keep the gun in place. Those are strong enough to secure parts of an armor to each other I'm sure, but not something like the gun.

The neodyniums I used have a pulling strength of something like 20Kg each: to give you an idea : if I let snap those together it is IMPOSSIBLE to pull them apart without a set of pliers and a hammer. If I snap them together and there's a piece of skin in between, next stop will be the doctor or worse.

I fitted one of them inside the upper right leg armor piece and one in the gun in the front behind the "dart holder/so-call tactical light" position. I can walk with the gun without fearing to lose/falling out of place, and pull/holster the gun at leisure.

As for the tactical light I've made a little topic about it here : http://www.405th.com/showthread.php?t=46553&highlight=tactical
Since then, I added a plastic 1,5 cm optical lens which fitted perfectly over the existing "tactical light rim" in the front part of the gun, not only does this focus the light but it also makes the light more visable from all sides making it "pop visually".

I did the same thing using these lenses on the MK VI helmets' tac lights on the "poor leds" so the leds now work like real flashlights and it all looks pretty "real to game" as result.
A small test in my totally dark basement was _enlightening_ to say the least. :D

If you ever need lights to be REALLY bright, these lenses are the way to go.

Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Here I am, not realizing that you have a YouTube channel. Subscribed, even though I have no idea what you are saying. Shiney pictures!

Yeah, I do but it's in my native language - Polish.
I think I'll have to make an English channel soon. :D

Yeah, I felt completly dumb for not realizing I wasn't looking at YOUR glove with YOUR painted Boomco. That's what you get from not having a Xbone. :)
But in truth it is just a testament to the quality of the job you did on those gloves of yours.

The firing security system ? Yeah, correct. I removed that lever that ran from the front of the barrel to somwhere above the trigger too so I could "deprime" the pump system without having a dart in there so I can confirm that. Wonder why it was build that way in the first place.

Actually, I closed the little hole underneath so no presure was being bled during firing the gun, and I removed the black air restrictor so the plastic rod of it sticking out of the barrel would be gone too. That way, the gun still works as "nerf gun" and it does whatever I want for Cosplay purposes.

As for magnets, I've read a lot about "just use magnets" on this forum and some other forums but you're right, "just" a magnet like you'd take out of a defective HD will not be strong enough to keep the gun in place. Those are strong enough to secure parts of an armor to each other I'm sure, but not something like the gun.

The neodyniums I used have a pulling strength of something like 20Kg each: to give you an idea : if I let snap those together it is IMPOSSIBLE to pull them apart without a set of pliers and a hammer. If I snap them together and there's a piece of skin in between, next stop will be the doctor or worse.

I fitted one of them inside the upper right leg armor piece and one in the gun in the front behind the "dart holder/so-call tactical light" position. I can walk with the gun without fearing to lose/falling out of place, and pull/holster the gun at leisure.

As for the tactical light I've made a little topic about it here : http://www.405th.com/showthread.php?t=46553&highlight=tactical
Since then, I added a plastic 1,5 cm optical lens which fitted perfectly over the existing "tactical light rim" in the front part of the gun, not only does this focus the light but it also makes the light more visable from all sides making it "pop visually".

I did the same thing using these lenses on the MK VI helmets' tac lights on the "poor leds" so the leds now work like real flashlights and it all looks pretty "real to game" as result.
A small test in my totally dark basement was _enlightening_ to say the least. :D

If you ever need lights to be REALLY bright, these lenses are the way to go.


Nah, don't worry. Can happen. :D
By the way, I find the new Halo 5 gloves very ugly. :/ I dunno why did 343i want to change underarmor and gloves, in Halo 4 these were perfect.

Yeah, not just "some magnets". You have to calculate the strength. I had my assassination knife and it wasn't that heavy, but with 8 2kg magnets, it fell of when I tried shaking - it fell of and broke XD
I tried holding the pistol with few of these and it didn't hold. I was thinking of buying 5-10kg magnets.

Oh damn! I hope you won't ever snap these magnets inbetween the skin, the weaker magnets can already pull your skin off and I can't imagine how devastating it could be with 20kg.
But... Did you really use the 20kg magnets for the pistol?! O.O Does it hold well? Also, how much distance is between the magnet in the pistol and the magnet in your thigh piece?
Sadly - the whole distance makes magnet pull a lot weaker.

Wow! Somehow missed your very practical thread! It's a very good idea! :D Great job! :D
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Alright, today came something I was really looking forward to.
I bought a 3D printed Assault Rifle from Halo 5. :D


Sadly, this thing broke in the middle while in transport and the frontal barrel and light too...


Guys, do you have any tips on gluing the 3D printed parts? Also, on smoothing these?
I came even to a point to make this rifle perfect and mold and cast it.

PS. Yes, it's huge. It's 1:1 replica, it's 100cm (39") long while I'm 160cm (5'2") tall. :D


  • DSC00722.JPG
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Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

An ABS primer and glue should do just fine. Heck maybe even a good super glue. Test it on a smaller part before trying to glue the two main pieces, just to make sure.
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Just noticed your PS. Was gonna say that thing looks pretty big. How much did they charge for the print?
Re: Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Palmer) Build [+ more]

Hello Mara.

Hehehe. The first thing that I though was "where's that gun going with that girl". :D
Now don't misunderstand me : I know very little to nothing about the Halo franchise after Halo3 (ah well, I did play Reach), but I've never played anything beyond that).
If I look at the specs of a MA5C in the wiki, it is stated as 88cm ? So 99cm ? That's one big version. But I could be wrong here because as said, I'm no expert and I didn't even see your picture was actually a screenshot. :facepalm

PS : aha. It's probably a MA5D if I look at the tigger guard, not a MA5C. In that case, the length is perfect. :)

Smoothing depends on what type of material it was printed with. ABS can be smoothed with acetone vapor.
PLA ... I've never used it yet, but there are products like XTC-3D.

I've some limited knowledge about 3D printing as I used to have access to a 3D printer at work. I'm currently awaiting the parts for my own 3D printer to be delivered this or next week so I'll still have a lot of learning in front of me.

Glueing ... same issue, depends on used material. PLA, I think your best bet will be epoxy. ABS ... I suspect any ABS-capable glue will do.
Look here http://www.shapeways.com/tutorials/gluing_3d_printed_parts_tutorial

Magnets : yes, they're 20kg magnets and as I already said, you'd better off being very carefull with them. It all depends on not just the mass of the thing you want to get stuck, the thickness of the armor and even the friction of the "weapon" will have a major influence on what magnet you need.
I started out with 8Kg too. Too weak.
The armor is rather thick (foam) on the holstering position.

To keep the gun "bounce proof" I had to resort to those magnets.
As said, I only had one "free space" left in the front of the gun, as the handle is filled with 2xAAA batteries for the taclight. If you don't have the extra weight of batteries and the armor is thinner you should get away with a weaker version. Having 2 magnets in opposite sides of the gun will definitly help in preventing it tilting. On my armor, I solved this by placing the magnet in such a way that the border of the front of the gun (where you'd place the extra darts) mechanically aligns with the "plate" on the armor. That way, it is stabilized from "tilting over" while just using one magnet.

In fact, the magnets are so brutal I had to reinforce the armor with a thin sheet of hard plastic, as the gun was slightly deforming the foam when holstered and it would have started to damage the paintjob given enough time.

I'll post a couple of pictures if you want to give you an idea, must make a couple of pics anyhow as I've been "friendly reminded that the lack of an avatar picture wasn't very nice of me". :lol
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