First Build (Halo: Reach) Mk:V

So got got the chest piece done yesterday, some things went wrong however the underarm things, don't know what their called, wouldn't bend into shape no matter what I did so I pinned it in place with toothpicks, an unholy amount of toothpicks. The back is the same. Working on the Thighs next, see you then.View attachment 353247
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Well if you can get another heat gun that doesn't commit self forever sleep that should help with bending into shape. You don't need an expensive one, just a cheapie with a low and high setting off of Amazon. For attaching the foam to each other you can try loctite 5 second superglue. I don't bother with contact cement, I use superglue and reinforce the seams from the back with hot glue. It works super well, is way faster and holds insanely well. You just have to deal with being careful getting things lined up on the first shot as the glue bonds almost instantly, and with picking dry superglue off you fingers lol .
For attaching the foam to each other you can try loctite 5 second superglue. I don't bother with contact cement, I use superglue and reinforce the seams from the back with hot glue. It works super well, is way faster and holds insanely well. You just have to deal with being careful getting things lined up on the first shot as the glue bonds almost instantly, and with picking dry superglue off you fingers lol .
Thank you for the suggestion I'll have to try that!
So the thighs didn't work out because I forgot to scale them before tracing on to paper. I'll have to wait to get more foam before continuing, so it's on to the waist.
Now for a question; What methods did you guys use for building the waist? The two ways I am picturing are leaving the segments separate and connecting it in the style of a belt or connecting all the segments together and sliding it on like pants? Because I have no clue which would work better.

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