First Build (Halo: Reach) Mk:V

The main part thats annoying woth the mk.v5 detail is the outer face with that detail. What method for that is "If it's covered up, it doesn't news to be detailed" like if the shoulders cover most of that bicep detail you just need the basic shape of it
Thank you, I'll probably be doing that to save myself a headache and a half during construction.
As promised the biceps are done and the advice given was followed as i used the shoulders to cover up the heinousness underneath

Another promise I'm holding up is how all the pieces look on me so far and some thing are a bit small but I think it looks decent enough

The last promise to keep is the old thighs compared to the new one and OH DEAR THE DIFFERENCE

Now onto the last pieces the Forearms. They will probably be the worst looking of the bunch
I'll see you in the next one wish me luck everyone!
This suit is really coming together nicely! I can't wait to see the finished product Carrion, you've made some amazing progress over the course of this build, and I truly think it'll be super inspiring to new members looking to get into foam work!
This suit is really coming together nicely! I can't wait to see the finished product Carrion, you've made some amazing progress over the course of this build, and I truly think it'll be super inspiring to new members looking to get into foam work!
Thank you, truly. It means the world to me. There are not enough words to describe how much I have come to love the people of this community and if this thread can spread that love & care then that will be all I ask.
Hello everyone. It's done it's finished. The forearms turned out better than I expected Now the only thing left to is sand EVERYTHING and then paint but I digress here's how they look
Now there are a few gaps here and there on everything i've built those gaps will be filled with some gardening fabric that's just sitting in my
garage collecting dust so the gaps won't look to bad in the end. Hope to see you all there.
So ran into a problem I should have seen coming, when walking the thighs rub together and create a horrid screeching sound that I can only compare to nails on a chalkboard. Any advice on how to silence this issue?
Also the paint job looks rougher than sandpaper but I think it looks not good, but good enough. The other thing I'm working on is the rigging that gardening fabric is surprisingly useful. However the biceps are what are confusing me they slide down my arms the second I move longer than five seconds so any advice on how to handle that would be greatly appreciated.
The last thing is photos of the paint job will have to wait until the helmet is finished but currently white spray paint eludes me, (Aka: I'm to busy with school to go to the store and pick some up) but other than some other smaller details the painting is basically finished. It's odd now that the end is almost here because it's been a goal for a good half year and was something to look forward to at the end the end of the day, but I guess all good things have to end at some point. Though there will be a lot more fun when it is finished so bright side. Thank you all.
So ran into a problem I should have seen coming, when walking the thighs rub together and create a horrid screeching sound that I can only compare to nails on a chalkboard. Any advice on how to silence this issue?
Also the paint job looks rougher than sandpaper but I think it looks not good, but good enough. The other thing I'm working on is the rigging that gardening fabric is surprisingly useful. However the biceps are what are confusing me they slide down my arms the second I move longer than five seconds so any advice on how to handle that would be greatly appreciated.
The last thing is photos of the paint job will have to wait until the helmet is finished but currently white spray paint eludes me, (Aka: I'm to busy with school to go to the store and pick some up) but other than some other smaller details the painting is basically finished. It's odd now that the end is almost here because it's been a goal for a good half year and was something to look forward to at the end the end of the day, but I guess all good things have to end at some point. Though there will be a lot more fun when it is finished so bright side. Thank you all.
Have you already painted it?
However the biceps are what are confusing me they slide down my arms the second I move longer than five seconds so any advice on how to handle that would be greatly appreciated.
My bicep armour is connected directly to my torso armour with a strap. I can connect/disconnect them with parachute clips. This will stop them from sliding down. The strap doesn't take away from the look of the armour too much because it's often hidden behind the shoulder armour when looking at the suit from straight on (like in the second photo)

116-Halo Shoot Oct 28 hi res-116.jpg

So ran into a problem I should have seen coming, when walking the thighs rub together and create a horrid screeching sound that I can only compare to nails on a chalkboard. Any advice on how to silence this issue?
My thigh pieces also rub together. They can make a noticeable squeak if I'm in a quiet space, but in a convention atmosphere they are most definitely too quiet to hear. You may find that after some time they might wear down to the bare foam, which may make them quieter.
My bicep armour is connected directly to my torso armour with a strap. I can connect/disconnect them with parachute clips. This will stop them from sliding down. The strap doesn't take away from the look of the armour too much because it's often hidden behind the shoulder armour when looking at the suit from straight on (like in the second photo)
Ahhhh thank you
My thigh pieces also rub together. They can make a noticeable squeak if I'm in a quiet space, but in a convention atmosphere they are most definitely too quiet to hear. You may find that after some time they might wear down to the bare foam, which may make them quieter.
Oh ok then that's a relief didn't want to walk around and have people eardrums be violated by the smoke detector beep that is made by the thighs. :lol:
Thanks for the help N8.
Everything has been coated in plasti-dip and slate gray paint.
Something that can get rid of squeak in foam armor, is once your paint job is completely finished, you can spray a little bit of mold release on the parts that rub together, and it should prevent that squeaking. It gives essentially a clear fluid barrier between the two surfaces.
Something that can get rid of squeak in foam armor, is once your paint job is completely finished, you can spray a little bit of mold release on the parts that rub together, and it should prevent that squeaking. It gives essentially a clear fluid barrier between the two surfaces.
I'll have to try that, thanks pip!
Hey guys been awhile... so the suits still not finished. Honestly it will be that way for a week to a month my schoolwork has once more taken my time. But thats not whats really going to be my issue. The stuff in the spoiler box is a little more detailed on why this is the case but it's more personal than anything i've said before so it's just there in case anyone wants to know specifics.
Since the beginning of this project behind the scenes some of my family has been helping fund my project and... in all reality their help is a very big chunk of why this build has gotten this far. But one of them was recently laid off from their job and it going to hit us for a little while... it hit me more emotionally than I thought it would so I'm taking a break and am going to focus on other things for a while. I'll still be here just not working on anything.
It probably isn't worth putting in the box but it feels like they do.
I'll see yall around. -Carrion
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Family and School come first. It's totally ok to take a break from crafting for a while to prioritize the important things in life. The 405th isn't going anywhere, so we'll be right here whenever you decide to pick the project back up! See ya around
Hey y'all been only a week but after some looking and luck I finished the last of the rigging and painting. That means that I'm done the armors finished. The process was about as smooth as a freshly paved road from about 20 years ago but it was enjoyable. I could improve on the build but I think I'll keep the mistakes and problems. I started this project around seven months ago and I do not regret any second of it. But without further ado onto the showcase

First up the finished helmet the original plan was to have pink "eye" details sadly the skull mask I'm using makes those details to sunken into the helmet to look good so I had to paint over it. The mask itself is removable to open up my vision or extra ventilation if needed.
IMG_20250223_230557.jpg IMG_20250224_162631.jpgIMG_20250224_163324.jpgIMG_20250224_162640.jpg
I might put some glow in the dark paint on the white to add a ghostly aspect to my armor.

Next up is the chest I finished the rigging with yet more gardening fabric and velcro tape to hold my shoulders in place. I felt as if the front was a bit blank so I used a gingerbread Master Chief that I made for Christmas as some decoration.

Up next is the Legs and Waist. The light blue metallic is actually nail polish from the dollar store to imitate the lights from the ingame model.IMG_20250224_162239.jpgIMG_20250224_162244.jpgIMG_20250224_162247.jpgIMG_20250224_162256.jpgIMG_20250224_162311.jpgIMG_20250224_162321.jpgIMG_20250224_162551.jpgIMG_20250224_162601.jpg
I have labeled the shins with symbols to differentiate the left from right.
The Shoulders and Forearms are much the same as the legs. On the CQC shoulder is decided to put a stick I had gotten from the 405th booth when I first met everyone.
Lastly is me wearing everything except glove because I didn't remember to put them on as useal
Any black is exposed Plasti-Dip as I did not have black paint. Is there any disadvantage to keeping it this way?

Whelp this is it thank you all for your kind words and help this has been one of the most memorable times I've had.
I can't wait to see you all on the ground and in the field!!!- Carrion
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