First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

Saw your build mainly in the Discord, I absolutely love your printing quality and decals. Would recommend making an undersuit that makes you look even bigger in armor (I mean, we´re Spartans after all); so you could work around the shoulders. Aside from that, amazing!
I do plan on using more eva foam to pad the shoulders, I just don't have time to do much as of late
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I am currently remaking the thighs, i figured my old ones are pretty short and inaccurate. im just about done with these ones though, just need to sand the left thigh and paint/weather both of them then get the strapping on them. im hoping to get it all done this weekend and post pictures with the new parts
Yeah, love the half face reveal. Just the kind of thing you'd see in the game.

Ps. What kind of paints and weathering are u using?
Yeah, love the half face reveal. Just the kind of thing you'd see in the game.

Ps. What kind of paints and weathering are u using?
I am so sorry that I am so late to respond to you.

my armor uses Rustoleum Flat Black and Satin Eden Green. I have used a chrome paint pen on some edges of the armor to replicate the paint giving way to metal, and after that I did a black/brown wash
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