First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

All the info I was about to say you seem to have already figured out! haha

Dyl Pickle asked about finding a foam unfold for chief's ab section a while back, perhaps your unfolds will be able to help him too! Here's where he asked the question:

I used 4mm EVA foam for my ab wrap. 5mm will do the job just fine as well. I tried to use a zipper to do it up but I found that if the seam that the zipper is not a straight line it can sometimes have trouble closing. I ended up just using Velcro to close the seam. To get it on, I put it on backwards to access the Velcro, and then I spin it around.
thank you for the information! The ab wrap for Chief is fairly simple compared to the MK VII. the whole back is flat except for the recessed details and the spine portion that looks like it was an afterthought anyways, so i am fairly certain i can get away with a zipper but if not, oh well.
hey brother i got 5 of those creality cr10 and if i have really big issues like that i just order a couple of replacement heads and just change it out and work on the head later. but i feel your pain when this type thing happens. here is the ones i use for my units they are only 21.00 and they are plug and play basically. (have really good luck with this one)
hey brother i got 5 of those creality cr10 and if i have really big issues like that i just order a couple of replacement heads and just change it out and work on the head later. but i feel your pain when this type thing happens. here is the ones i use for my units they are only 21.00 and they are plug and play basically. (have really good luck with this one)
Thank you for the info! I'll get the one you linked because it seems very easy to install. Iau get a couple just in case. Once again thanks!
Alright I ordered the new part. Will get it installed on Friday when I get back to my mother's house. My grandma also said I can use her X1 carbon to print the boot shells while i fix my printer so that's cool. She lives right next to my dad's house so I can just walk over.
Alright I ordered the new part. Will get it installed on Friday when I get back to my mother's house. My grandma also said I can use her X1 carbon to print the boot shells while i fix my printer so that's cool. She lives right next to my dad's house so I can just walk over.
I love that your grandma has her own X1C.
I find it funny that I was showing my grandma my 3d printer and then goes and not only buys a better printer than me, but it's the X1C.

My grandma has a better sewing machine than me and that’s about it.
hey brother i got 5 of those creality cr10 and if i have really big issues like that i just order a couple of replacement heads and just change it out and work on the head later. but i feel your pain when this type thing happens. here is the ones i use for my units they are only 21.00 and they are plug and play basically. (have really good luck with this one)
So after replacing the hot end, i have been having under-extrusion issues despite using my usual filament and settings. I was also having bed adhesion issues but those have been resolved. i have messed with print speed and temp though it has done very little. i was having severe under-extrusion (First picture) and after increasing my temp from 210 to 220, it is now like this (Second picture) the first few layers have done well, but now it is doing the under-extrusion again.
So after replacing the hot end, i have been having under-extrusion issues despite using my usual filament and settings. I was also having bed adhesion issues but those have been resolved. i have messed with print speed and temp though it has done very little. i was having severe under-extrusion (First picture) and after increasing my temp from 210 to 220, it is now like this (Second picture) the first few layers have done well, but now it is doing the under-extrusion again.View attachment 344490View attachment 344491
the only time i have ever gotten that was when my filliment got damp from the air, but i have never had the issue from a new sealed roll. i have had one that was on my printer a about a week and when i went to use it i got the same thing you are getting in the pictures
the only time i have ever gotten that was when my filliment got damp from the air, but i have never had the issue from a new sealed roll. i have had one that was on my printer a about a week and when i went to use it i got the same thing you are getting in the pictures
it's a bit odd though because these two prints in the pictures are from today and i had just opened the filament today.
it's a bit odd though because these two prints in the pictures are from today and i had just opened the filament today.
Well that is odd? man that makes me scratch my head man im at a loss because you said you already adjusted the heat and twiked your settings. the filliment i thought for sure was it. who do you use filliment wise i used 3d max in the past but they were bad for bad rolls right out of the vacuform bag.
Well that is odd? man that makes me scratch my head man im at a loss because you said you already adjusted the heat and twiked your settings. the filliment i thought for sure was it. who do you use filliment wise i used 3d max in the past but they were bad for bad rolls right out of the vacuform bag.
I use light gray Overture PLA+. it is probably just a bad spool to be honest. i might get a new spool just to see if that is the case. never had this happen to me and i have been using the filament for almost 2 years
Weird thing. I am printing the two other parts for the boot and they have 0 under extrusion despite using the same Filament spool and settings.View attachment 344664
Well then something must be wrong with the file of the part you were using after those get done try that file again and see if it does it again maybe have a big in the software of the slicer. Try to re slice that file if it messes up and try again if it still messes up there is something with the file. This has got me really thinking.
Well then something must be wrong with the file of the part you were using after those get done try that file again and see if it does it again maybe have a big in the software of the slicer. Try to re slice that file if it messes up and try again if it still messes up there is something with the file. This has got me really thinking.
yeah that's where i figure the issue resides.

i will not be at my mother's house until monday, so i will print the heel and top again right now because i am sure those work well, plus they take the longest. on monday i will re-slice the front part and print it. I will be leaving for my school's preforming arts tour on tuesday and will be gone until the 31st so progress will be halted in that time
yeah that's where i figure the issue resides.

i will not be at my mother's house until monday, so i will print the heel and top again right now because i am sure those work well, plus they take the longest. on monday i will re-slice the front part and print it. I will be leaving for my school's preforming arts tour on tuesday and will be gone until the 31st so progress will be halted in that time
Ok buddy I will wait till I hear from you on this problem and answer
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