First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

Boot. Still needs bondo in some places and sanding but yeah. This is sorta how it will go
I made a big upgrade to my suit lol. i replaced the large parachute buckles that i used at the top connections on the torso with velcro. still holds as well but is a whole lot easier to put on.
So uh. I did a poll on my Instagram story for what prop i should print next. I guess I'm gonna be printing a Gravity Hammer lol
Best of luck printing the gravity hammer! How are you going to make sure it's not too heavy? It's massize!
Best of luck printing the gravity hammer! How are you going to make sure it's not too heavy? It's massize!
The head is only going to be 3 percent infill and the handle is gonna be PVC pipe. The other details along the handle are gonna be around 5 percent while I will print the pommel at 10 just because it will most likely hit the most things
Saw your build mainly in the Discord, I absolutely love your printing quality and decals. Would recommend making an undersuit that makes you look even bigger in armor (I mean, we´re Spartans after all); so you could work around the shoulders. Aside from that, amazing!
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