First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

Bottom half of the thigh is done, waiting for top to be finished printing
Well, all that's left for the left shin is to wet sand it and then its good for paint. Gonna work out strapping before I paint though. I got a bad spool so that threw a wrench in my plans for the right shin. But all things considered this is going rather well if you don't look at the sizing problems with the boots im having xD.
smoothed out the left thigh and now i just need to re-print the front part of the left boot because im stupid and didnt size it tall enough lol. once it is all taken care of i can print the right side smoothly. still need to order the motocross chest protection to size the upper portion of the armor. i was planning on getting This one but if any of yall know of another that would work better i would like to know :)
smoothed out the left thigh and now i just need to re-print the front part of the left boot because im stupid and didnt size it tall enough lol. once it is all taken care of i can print the right side smoothly. still need to order the motocross chest protection to size the upper portion of the armor. i was planning on getting This one but if any of yall know of another that would work better i would like to know :)
That seems to be a hefty sum to spend on only a section of the undersuit - what's your need for something like this?
Right now I have the left shin, shin insert, top of boot, and both hand plates printed. still need to sand them down and use some filler primer on them but I am waiting for my test prints for the rest of the boot to make sure it all looks alright. After that I'm going to start sizing/printing the thigh
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Hand plates are just the perfect shape! Instantly recognized ‘em.
Sorry I've been radio silent. Been busy with school xD. I've got most of the right shin printed, and I've completely smoothed put the left shin, thigh, and both hand plates to how I want them. Just need to get filament to finish off the right shin and the left boot
so i just started to print the rest of the right shin. i will be gone for two months cuz im staffing at a summer camp so there wont be any progress being made for a while, but i ordered a ton of printer food so i should be able to pump out a lot when i get back
If I may ask, what settings did you use for the strength of your 3d print? Like Wall loops, Top & bottom shell layers and infill %? I am just curious because I am about to start my own Master Chief Infinite armor but I want to make sure I print it strong enough for sanding and wearing. I'll be using Sunlu PLA+ Black for my filament.
Many thanks for that info. I did some tests and I decided upon 5 walls at 10% gyroid infill. Seems tough enough when I smack it with a hammer.

I see we are using the same files from Galactic Armory. Maybe we can share our file settings. I am trying to plan out the entire suit as I print it. I made some modifications to the biceps and to the shoulder pads because I couldn't figure out how, after printing them, they would stay up. So I edited them to have built-in loops to use velcro straps to attach the biceps to the shoulders, and the shoulders to the chestplate. Let me know if your interested.

Love what you did with your boots. I was worried about slipping or damaging the boots as I would weigh almost 280lbs with all the armor on. I think I am going to print the boot part out in TPU. I cut out the soles and also made straps loops to attach the boots to the armor.


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