First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

Oh, and I am so curious, but how does the shin calf/shin guard piece with that little ankle slip feel to you? Have you tried it on? The locking mechanism seems so delicate. I don't know how just doing a little bending with your leg not just pop or break that section right off.
Oh cool! Yeah with the boots I have the heel at 30% infill and the top is just 10%. I need to re-print the front but im doing it at 20%. For my supports I have them at 3% and gyroid fill and it works well. I just kept cubic cuz it was sturdy enough for me. I do quite like gyroid tho
Oh hey, I just noticed in the files we got from Galactic Armory that the Torso section as printed might not match up correctly. The front and back part are of slight different scales. I was matching them up in my 3D program and they were off. I am working on matching them so they are the same scale. Would suck to print the most complicated part of the armor and it not fit correctly.
With that if the magnet doesn't work im just gonna use elastic nylon strap stuff so it can just stretch away and back. I cut off the little section from the calf that slips into the insert
Oh, and I am so curious, but how does the shin calf/shin guard piece with that little ankle slip feel to you? Have you tried it on? The locking mechanism seems so delicate. I don't know how just doing a little bending with your leg not just pop or break that section right off
Oh hey, I just noticed in the files we got from Galactic Armory that the Torso section as printed might not match up correctly. The front and back part are of slight different scales. I was matching them up in my 3D program and they were off. I am working on matching them so they are the same scale. Would suck to print the most complicated part of the armor and it not fit correctly.
Oh good catch. I sorta noticed it but I forgor xD. I noticed while using Armorsmith and it wasn't looking right
Little update, I will be home from camp for a few days for the 4th of July weekend and I can work on the suit then. Along with playing a bit of season 4 of infinite of course xD. Will be printing the right thigh when I get home and after that the rest of the boots
k so i got the bottom half of the right thigh printing and i figured out the under suit. gonna get the motocross armor and use EVA foam to add the details. might take some fiddling around but it is the best solution i got cuz i really dont want to make TPU parts lol.
I should add that it is the best option I could find for cheap ish. I found a 500 dollar latex undersuit on Etsy but I didn't want to drop that kind of money on that sorta thing
I should add that it is the best option I could find for cheap ish. I found a 500 dollar latex undersuit on Etsy but I didn't want to drop that kind of money on that sorta thing
Oh definitly dont do that. And just imagine how flipping hot a full latex suit with 40lb+ of armor on top of it would be. Ill put a list of what i am using for underarmor for you
I should add that it is the best option I could find for cheap ish. I found a 500 dollar latex undersuit on Etsy but I didn't want to drop that kind of money on that sorta thing
Buy it in parts:

Chest and shoulders - HK Army Crash Chest Protector

Elbows - Bodyprox Elbow Protection Pads 1...

Knees - Scoyco 1 Pair Motorcycle Knee...

Pants - Cienfy 3D Hip Protection Eva Butt...

Gloves - Zune Lotoo Tactical Gloves TPR...

Belt and clasps for chest piece - Ginwee 4-Pack Tactical Belt,Military Style Belt, Riggers Belts for Men, Heavy-Duty Quick-Release Metal Buckle with Extra Molle Key Ring Holder Gears

Height booster - Height Increase Adjustable...

You really want to fill in the spaces between the armor. It also lets the armor sit a little more comfortably on the body. Let me know what you end up doing. I am currently working on the chest piece.
Buy it in parts:

Chest and shoulders - HK Army Crash Chest Protector

Elbows - Bodyprox Elbow Protection Pads 1...

Knees - Scoyco 1 Pair Motorcycle Knee...

Pants - Cienfy 3D Hip Protection Eva Butt...

Gloves - Zune Lotoo Tactical Gloves TPR...

Belt and clasps for chest piece - Ginwee 4-Pack Tactical Belt,Military Style Belt, Riggers Belts for Men, Heavy-Duty Quick-Release Metal Buckle with Extra Molle Key Ring Holder Gears

Height booster - Height Increase Adjustable...

You really want to fill in the spaces between the armor. It also lets the armor sit a little more comfortably on the body. Let me know what you end up doing. I am currently working on the chest piece.
Sick, I'll look into these. Thank you!
Here with another long update on my suit! I just ordered the motocross shorts and knee pads for the undersuit. After that i will get the motocross shirt and that should be all for the undersuit. I currently have both thighs and shins printed and i have the left heel and the top portion printed. I currently have the front part of the left boot printing and after this i will print the right heel. Back to the thighs, i may have to dremel out a little bit of them for the motocross shorts to fit under them but i am not too worried. i will be wearing a cheap black skinsuit under all the motocross stuff so it will be pretty tight anyway because we dont want clunky armor xD. after i get all of the undersuit situated and all of the boot parts printed, along with getting some sort of grip on the bottom so i can walk, i can print the codpiece and buttplate. after that is all printed i will be able to start on strapping the entire lower half of the suit. once the strapping is all figured out I can paint and weather the lower portion of the suit. I will try and post pics soon but that depends on what free time i have this weekend
Cant wait to see how you did the belt piece. I had to break up model into pieces and added strap inserts to attach it to the climbing harness i use to hold it all together.
So i did an oopsy. the boot parts technically fit around the boot, but they look massive and i hate it. i know that i will have to reprint all the parts for the boots but i'm not gonna worry about the boots rn. im gonna do what i do and procrastinate.
So first, i realize that even though the scale percentage for both thighs is the same, the right thigh is slightly smaller. not a big issue, just going to dremel it out a bit more. Second, i waste two spools of filament on boot parts that dont even work. And third, now my order got delayed for the undersuit parts that i ordered so i can't size the codpiece as early as i had hoped. for now i am printing the helmet so i can at least get something done in this mess
I got over myself and just decided to re-print the right thigh after i finish the helmet. Once the motocross shorts arrive i will size the codpiece to me, and print it after the thigh and helmet.
Prints looking nice and clean bro, u sized those thighs great. I was thinking of using that exact same motorbike undersuit pants when I do my master cheif suit some time next year.
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