First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

Armor so far. after i took this pic i soldered the ab piece on and put straps between the belt and the thighs. next thing to do is grab some padded suspenders from Smith and Edward's to hold up the belt and also put on the spine details.
View attachment 336619
i have a question did you design that chest or who did you get it from? second does it connect at all points or did you modifiy it to connect just asking.
i have a question did you design that chest or who did you get it from? second does it connect at all points or did you modifiy it to connect just asking.
all parts i have are from Galactic Armory. I only had to use a heat gun to slightly adjust the lower left connection just cuz the print warped slightly but it aligns well
Update- got a coat of black on the thigh gaskets and gonna do a second coat before i tape it and do a few coats of green on the rest. gonna do the same with the shins. gotta sand the torso stuff and do a little more sanding on the codpiece before I paint those but i am hoping to have this done by the end of November. maybe mid November if i get more filament soon because i am currently printing the left shoulder/bicep. of course I will weather the whole thing
Update- got a coat of black on the thigh gaskets and gonna do a second coat before i tape it and do a few coats of green on the rest. gonna do the same with the shins. gotta sand the torso stuff and do a little more sanding on the codpiece before I paint those but i am hoping to have this done by the end of November. maybe mid November if i get more filament soon because i am currently printing the left shoulder/bicep. of course I will weather the whole thing
this is going to be a awesome build i love to watch these builds
Got all the armor sized. i have been sizing one half and then mirroring it over unless it is asymmetrical (The chest). i did a ton of measurements in 3d builder to size the boot so there Should be no issues. But meh, im gonna finish the arms first because i really dont want to mess with the boots xD. i have already re-printed them several times just for the sizing to be wrong so i checked everything this time and i also bought a dremel so i can just make my boot fit lol.

anyways, i wont be able to work at the suit for a week since i will be at my father's house, but once i get back i will sand the chest, bicep/shoulder. and finish sanding the helmet. might also work on the inner workings of the helmet and then cover the insides with plastic wrap when i paint it. gonna be fun tho

Sorry for spamming updates today xD i have been getting a lot done recently.

oop, almost forgot. does the scaling of the boot look alright? i did measurements to fit the boot but does it look big? idk

Edit, i am using Galactic Armory's files so the boots themselves have a thick sole on the bottom, as well as the sole of the shoe you are wearing underneath
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Remember we are not super hero figures so you not may have to be a little big to be comfortable. It looks fine to me just my two cents
large-ish update. Just about finished the Helmet and got the back plate done. The helmet just needs some foam behind the vents so you cant see into the helmet and i need to buy/install fans. I also went to the store today and bought foam to pad the shoulders and vambraces. I am currently printing the right vambrace, and then after that i just need to print the boots. the shoulders are almost ready to be painted, i just need to dremel out a few places that lost detail and then make sure i got everything wet sanded. once i get the vambraces all done im gonna do stretchy nylon straps on the inserts so they will go back into place while also stretching when i slip my hand through.

very excited because it is almost done, and I am very proud of how this build has come so far with it being my first build. though i know i could do better in some areas xD

Sharing your excitement because those parts look beautiful, cannot wait to see what it looks like all assembled! You mentioned that these are Galactic Armory files; how has your experience with the thigh pieces been so far? When I tried to print them it seemed as if the thickness between the inner/outer walls would cause issues when standing straight, but yours seem to work out just fine so far. Also, did GA provide the visor as well or did you get that from another vendor (or did you make it yourself?) Stunning work so far, greatly looking forward to the finished product!
Oh man that painting job is AMAZING! As for the helmet, if you get black mesh it should be enough to make it hard to see in but still give it enough breathability as a vent, if that is something you want
Sharing your excitement because those parts look beautiful, cannot wait to see what it looks like all assembled! You mentioned that these are Galactic Armory files; how has your experience with the thigh pieces been so far? When I tried to print them it seemed as if the thickness between the inner/outer walls would cause issues when standing straight, but yours seem to work out just fine so far. Also, did GA provide the visor as well or did you get that from another vendor (or did you make it yourself?) Stunning work so far, greatly looking forward to the finished product!
I don't have any trouble with the thighs, but that is also because I accounted for the thick walls. And yes, GA does sell the visor and that is where I purchased. Also thank you for the kind words! Makes me feel a lot better about the suit so far <3
Oh man that painting job is AMAZING! As for the helmet, if you get black mesh it should be enough to make it hard to see in but still give it enough breathability as a vent, if that is something you want
I plan on putting black foam behind the vents because I have the mics for the sound system hidden there just so inside noise doesn't get picked up from inside the helmet. I gutted hunting headphones and put the speakers inside and the mics in the front so I can hear people outside so I'm not so cut off from the world with the helmet on
Update! This is the suit so far! I have everything but the boots printed, I just need to paint, pad, and strap the shoulders, sand, pad and paint the vambraces, and start printing the boot shells. (Also in the pic I didn't have the actual boots I will wear for the suit because they were at my Father's house, the ones in the pics are my day to day work boots.)

Edit: i am also using a stormtrooper neck seal over my balaclava at the moment, but i still need to adjust it to fit my neck better
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