First full armor build! Halo Infinite MC build

little update. once i get filament i can print the boot shenanigans and once those parts are all sanded, painted, and strapped, i will have a completed suit! If i have sized the boot shell parts properly that is
Small update. I've been at my father's house for the last little bit, but while I was at my mother's house I got the front of the left boot printed, just need to see how it looks compared to the rest of the armor. don't want to have massive feet xD. if I did well, I will move on to printing the right boot parts while I sand the left boot parts. next update will probably be if I had to scrap the left boot or not.

once I have time I'm gonna remove the brand name stuff on the motocross shirt and make some final minor adjustments to how everything sits.

I'm so close! very excited to have a finished suit! then I can start a new project to consume my time and money lol
I will be taking a break from the armor for a little bit.
I have had a lot of fun with this armor over the past year, but it has also been pretty stressful because it was my first huge project, i was juggling the armor, school, and relationships, and i had the fear that it wouldn't be up to the standards of the rest of the 405th at it's completion. Only thing left to do are the boots, which i can do at any time. i have no sort of time constraint with this suit since i have not turned 18 to qualify for deployment, but I will be working on a few other, smaller projects in the meantime just to take a break from the grind. hopefully yall can understand where i am coming from, and I know i am not terribly active on the forums anyways, but i will still be active on the 405th discord server, and if any of you follow my Instagram you will still be seeing updates on whatever shenanigans i am up to.

I also wish to thank all of you who have supported me on this journey. As a novice prop and cosplay builder, i have greatly appreciated the tips yall have given me and the kind words of encouragement along this journey

-Kind regards, Torrin

TL;DR: i am taking a break from the spartan armor for now, and instead doing chill side projects to relax a bit.
Part of making things is taking breaks. It’s especially important to balance everything in your life, and sometimes that means putting projects on the back burner.

Don’t fret about not building to a “standard” because there really is none! Everyone has a different skill level, time commitments, and financial commitments, and so it’s really not fair to tell yourself you haven’t met the “standard”. Just build your character the way you want! The 405th is here to help and support when you need it.

Enjoy your break from the grind! We’ll be here when you get back :)
Hey, Im back!

figured i might as well start finishing up the boots since Fan-X SLC is in September and i dont want to be doing them the week before xD. I got a bit fed up with the boot files i have from Galactic Armory since they just look huge no matter what you do. Does anyone know of some good looking files i could get just for the boots?

I know Moe has some free ones on Thingiverse but i would like to have some that are a bit more lore accurate. I Just remembered that Moe uploaded the Silver Team armor files recently, and that armor is heavily based off of the Infinite armor so i can probably just use those boot files since they look hella accurate

I know that InstinctCreative3D has some files, but idk, spending 65 just to use the boots seems like a bit much for me. i definitely sound like a choosing beggar right now lol. i understand that it will be expensive no matter what since the only thing i have left to do is the boots and all files anyone sells will be the entire armor set.
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Many thanks for that info. I did some tests and I decided upon 5 walls at 10% gyroid infill. Seems tough enough when I smack it with a hammer.

I see we are using the same files from Galactic Armory. Maybe we can share our file settings. I am trying to plan out the entire suit as I print it. I made some modifications to the biceps and to the shoulder pads because I couldn't figure out how, after printing them, they would stay up. So I edited them to have built-in loops to use velcro straps to attach the biceps to the shoulders, and the shoulders to the chestplate. Let me know if your interested.

Love what you did with your boots. I was worried about slipping or damaging the boots as I would weigh almost 280lbs with all the armor on. I think I am going to print the boot part out in TPU. I cut out the soles and also made straps loops to attach the boots to the armor.
Sorry to reply to such an old message, but now that i am working on the boots, would you mind sending me the files for the cut boots? if you still have those files that is.
Alright small update. i have chosen to print Moe's boot files from his Halo TV show armor set. i will start printing the boot shell covers as soon as i can to have the full suit done before Fan-X SLC in September before i continue with my Mandalorian suit
I have come to consult the foamsmithing overlords about a Halo Infinite Master Chief ab wrap.

First question: what thickness of foam would yall recommend for the ab wrap?
Second question: are there any templates that exist or would I have to make them myself? I know that Armorsmith has an "export as unfold" sorta thing but I do not have experience *yet*
Lastly: are there any good ways of kinds connecting the back together? I have seen some people use zippers or magnets but I wanna know what others have done firsthand. I do plan on covering up the back with the spine detais if that is the case
alright, after asking around on the 405th Discord, i have decided that i will be doing a full EVA foam ab wrap

I will be taking tips from N8TEBB's youtube video about his armor, along with tips from a few forum posts of other ab wraps.

For this I will be using Moe's ab wrap file from thingiverse. i will import it into armorsmtih, scale it, and then create an unfold to then craft from 5mm EVA foam. I will be doing a similar thing to Pipninja where there is just a zipper on the back, however for mine i will be using a black zipper and make it so there is a thin line of velcro on either side of said zipper so i can velcro the spine details over the zipper.

To make the ab wrap fit though, i will be removing a little bit of foam from the motocross armor around the abdomen portion while also removing any visible logos that are on the elbows. any logos on the back and abdomen will be covered by the ab wrap.
All the info I was about to say you seem to have already figured out! haha

Dyl Pickle asked about finding a foam unfold for chief's ab section a while back, perhaps your unfolds will be able to help him too! Here's where he asked the question:

I used 4mm EVA foam for my ab wrap. 5mm will do the job just fine as well. I tried to use a zipper to do it up but I found that if the seam that the zipper is not a straight line it can sometimes have trouble closing. I ended up just using Velcro to close the seam. To get it on, I put it on backwards to access the Velcro, and then I spin it around.
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