Bloody beautiful work!
I can't wait to see the completed swords in particular!
Thanks! I totally can't wait to get them done

. Sadly, I'm not that satisfied with the blades so I'll probably go back and retool the mold after comic-con and make another set
Gotta say man loving the build. For your magnet problem have you considered ordering a different sized set off the world wide web? Cause i know you can get the thicker types for a few bucks each. Cheaper in massive orders. But maybe thatll help with our chest problem.
Keanu/ runcornstuntman
Ps im going to inbox you to and spam you for all your foam info
At this point, I think the magnet problem is solved simply by adding more magnets

which you'll be seeing in the update...
So I've got 21 days to finish the build (I said a few months ago I'd try to get this done faster and not rush at the end, I guess I've failed miserably in that respect)
As I said, I molded a few more sword blades, I got three more sets done before I blew a fuse. I guess three 800 watt heaters wasn't the best idea...
I totally managed to get a gigantic piece of plastic to make the swords out of. I just thought I'd share this with you guys
In foam news, I finally finished all the detail work on the chest plates
The front still detaches, and with the addition of the third floating magnet, it stays on pretty well
I've attached less powerful strip magnets to where the arm seals connect to each other. Basically just to keep things neat and make sure the arm seals stay in thier place when i move around.
The part I'm most of proud of are the spinal pieces on the chest plate. I very carefully cut and stacked them so there are gaps for the light to show through
Here's a proof of concept with some leds in the spine area
Well, that's about it for now. I'm totally running out of time. I'm hoping to have all foam work done by the end of the weekend and start plastidipping throughout the week. Forecast calls for some rain this weekend, so I'm going to have a slight delay on finishing the helmets