Free 3D Model Index

Hey does anyone have a file for the reach medkit?
If you find it let me know I was looking for one
Update 10.26.20 - Halo Reach - Health Pack by moesizzlac


Here. I'll upload it on thingiverse when I get a chance. No idea about the scale though.


  • MoeSizzlac - Halo Reach - Med
    1.4 MB · Views: 358
Last edited:
I made a foam one, maybe print this one now tho, thanks Moe you're a wizard! I'm having a go at some modelling stuff myself and gotta admit, I'm struggling and I really dont know how you do it! It has me pulling my hair out lol
Hey everyone! I've been through all the listings on the front page, and I'm seeing a massive lack of Covie weapons. Is anyone working on those? I have a few specific wants, but I don't want to ruin anyone's carefully crafted plans if there's a pattern at work. Also, all of the CPO mendez links are broken, though from my reading y'all already know that. Is there a work around that I missed?
Hey everyone! I've been through all the listings on the front page, and I'm seeing a massive lack of Covie weapons. Is anyone working on those? I have a few specific wants, but I don't want to ruin anyone's carefully crafted plans if there's a pattern at work. Also, all of the CPO mendez links are broken, though from my reading y'all already know that. Is there a work around that I missed?
I'm going to be working on some more of the Infinite Covenant props soon if that counts.

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