Free 3D Model Index

Any way anyone could make a pilot helmet? Specifically the one used for Haunted. I thought there was a file around for it but I was wrong. Thanks!
You mean like this?



or something with more detail?
My bad, by Haunted variant I meant like the forehead attachment it has, not the full skull haha. If the helmet were possible with a little more detail minus the skull then it would be perfect.
Would you happen to have a picture of what you are looking for? It may help me if I can put it together easily or not.
That looks great, the visor would be able to be a separate piece right?
Updating for Halo Reach Pilot and Haunted Pilot Skull Helmets:


Updating for Halo Reach Pilot and Haunted Pilot Skull Helmets:

View attachment 298254
View attachment 298253
You are amazing as always man. Thanks so much
Brother your amazing. You are awesome and give so much time to making models. No when is the armor coming to match the helmet lol
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