Group Project - Halo 3 Standoff Recreation

What material would you like me to use? Simple PLA can work or if dared attempt I can use almost a rubber like material, the upside to rubber is it won’t break as easy when dropped, the downside it might not want to print, just wanna get your opinion on this

We're not at the printing stage yet. As I mentioned I will have to vet the printers to make sure everyone understand the use rules. But, most likely it will be PLA.
i may be able to help with printing, i've just been doing a lot of projects for other people recently and need a break so, after hcs ill be able to give you a better answer, just kinda burned out.
I'm not sure how how much help i would be but i would be willing to come to the build party. I don't have a ton of experience with foam but i do have experience with wood working and a bit of metal working, not sure how well those will translate but I'm down to try if needed.
I have updated the second post with the build plan. Please check it out.

We have received enough donations to start, but we still have a ways to go. If you or your family is able to donate I would really appreciate it soon before everyone starts holiday shopping! But, we can also retroactively add you as a donator if you're able to donate after the holidays too.

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I have updated the second post with the build plan. Please check it out.

We have received enough donations to start, but we still have a ways to go. If you or your family is able to donate I would really appreciate it soon before everyone starts holiday shopping! But, we can also retroactively add you as a donator if you're able to donate after the holidays too.

I don't want to step on any toes here, but isn't the tripod that was picked for the turret a little small? I was just seeing how tiny it is in the photos and wondered if you were using it as the top part of the mount and then were going to use PVC pipe or something for the actual legs.

If not, I feel that this style might be better. I have an extra one lying around that is this style if you'd want it (for free, of course).

If there was a reason you picked that specific tripod, feel free to ignore me. ;)
I don't want to step on any toes here, but isn't the tripod that was picked for the turret a little small? I was just seeing how tiny it is in the photos and wondered if you were using it as the top part of the mount and then were going to use PVC pipe or something for the actual legs.

If not, I feel that this style might be better. I have an extra one lying around that is this style if you'd want it (for free, of course).

If there was a reason you picked that specific tripod, feel free to ignore me. ;)
We aren’t doing that turret shown in the image, but for mounts/tri-pods I’m sure we’ll come up with something when we get to that bridge
I don't want to step on any toes here, but isn't the tripod that was picked for the turret a little small? I was just seeing how tiny it is in the photos and wondered if you were using it as the top part of the mount and then were going to use PVC pipe or something for the actual legs.

If not, I feel that this style might be better. I have an extra one lying around that is this style if you'd want it (for free, of course).

If there was a reason you picked that specific tripod, feel free to ignore me. ;)
It is a great question and I did spend quite a bit of time to come to the one I picked.
1) I don't want to make something because I need it to be sturdy and quick, booths at cons get chaotic.
2) I didn't want to use the traditional camera pod because the handle and plates at the top just give it away as, oh that's a camera pod.
3) The one I linked to can easily go to 27" and bears 22 pounds. The one you linked had a max 7 pounds.

I'm definitely open to more ideas. I do like the flat plate at the top for easy integration to the 3d print. I also like the pod design, skinny pole with a wide base I think is what leads to the higher poundage.
It is a great question and I did spend quite a bit of time to come to the one I picked.
1) I don't want to make something because I need it to be sturdy and quick, booths at cons get chaotic.
2) I didn't want to use the traditional camera pod because the handle and plates at the top just give it away as, oh that's a camera pod.
3) The one I linked to can easily go to 27" and bears 22 pounds. The one you linked had a max 7 pounds.

I'm definitely open to more ideas. I do like the flat plate at the top for easy integration to the 3d print. I also like the pod design, skinny pole with a wide base I think is what leads to the higher poundage.
I didn't notice that it could do 22 pounds! Holy smokes! I just thought it looked a bit different from the in-game one with the big center pole, but it definitely scores a 5/5 for functionality.
What if we designed some 3D printed attachments for that tri-pod? Maybe a cylinder to cover the main bar (once its extended to height). Even just a piece of black PVC pipe that we paint and detail. We could also design some feet for the tripod legs to rest inside, once its all set up?

Ignore the crude drawing, but hopefully it helps with what I'm trying to say. Lol.


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Just an update: I am currently working on drafting the three walls and the three parts that come off the wall, it is going well.

I'm planning to use the money we've raised to start buying things. I'm going to wait until I start seeing black Friday deals on the off chance I might save some money. We've stalled out on donations which is a bummer since we're still quite far from the goal. We've got Extra Life this weekend then holiday shopping so I imagine there will not be much raised for this until next year. But, I am still hopeful we can get it done.
We've met our goal!

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Thanks to everyone who has donated money! Now it is just up to those of us donating time!

I've still been chipping away at organizing everything and it is going well. Lots of behind the scenes kind of stuff. With the Holiday break coming up I will definitely have time to elaborate more. Stay tuned!

And donations are still welcome! My $1250 goal was just a preliminary guess and I most likely underestimated. lol. I'm part of the original donations, but I figured I would also be filling in the gaps to get it done. In either case, this is definitely happening now. Just got to stay on course.

Also, first Black Friday deal I've been able to take advantage of was thanks to heads up from JSLund who uses Sunlu and Elegoo on his prints and both of which are having great bulk sales on the manufacturer's websites. I picked up 10kg of Gray PLA for $112 out the door! At least half of that will be used on the booth expansion!

I have purchased some of the finished items, like tripod, magnets and chest rigs and saved ~10% on Amazon's Black Friday. Spent $180

I have sent the screen shot references to Pipninja for the digital assets and also to NickYelsa for the switch model with deadlines in place.

SubXzeroXhero is putting together a shopping list and researching how to rubber cast. TBD (to confirm we can get the materials), but we are looking at casting party at his house December 17th. Please let us know here if you are interested. We'll probably cap it at 6 people.

Priority is now having me print the ODST chest to create a master for molding.

Printing the other items will be underway soon as well. Luka and PapaHawk printing the MG and JSLund printing the two helmets.
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