Grrr! We're freelancers! Red vs Blue WIP

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Everything is looking good. I like the physical damage on the handplate for sure. As far as the chest is concerned with scarring and whatnot, do you want to portray your freelancer as being in the fray a lot while out on mission or more of a distance fighter. Because if they are in the fray more then yes I think you might want to add a small amount of damage to the chest :) my oppinon anyways lol

Other than that your detail work is fantastic
Thanks guys :) appreciate the feedback. Agent Tex (my armour) is supposed to be pretty badass so I think she'd have a few dings and scrapes. It's a bit daunting hacking into something I spent so long perfecting but I'll give it ago. If I'm never heard from again, assume it went badly :p
Thanks guys :) appreciate the feedback. Agent Tex (my armour) is supposed to be pretty badass so I think she'd have a few dings and scrapes. It's a bit daunting hacking into something I spent so long perfecting but I'll give it ago. If I'm never heard from again, assume it went badly :p

Yes she is indeed, and scary lol.
Well best of luck on the battle damage, cant wait to see some pics :)
Looks great! I'd agree Tex seems like she'd have a few scratches here and there
Thanks, I figured she would too :)

Loving the latest detailing on the chest. The hand plate looks awesome as well.
Thanks very much :D

Sorry about the lack of updates, I haven't had a lot of time to work on my armour lately (my dog is still needing round the clock care) but I've managed to squeeze in some progress nonetheless.

To start with, I finally got around to adding in the lock thingy detail:


I also added in a bit of battle damage, I didn't want to add too much of it as I'm planning on adding a lot of weathering. With black armour a little bit of silver will go a looong way and will really stand out so I didn't want to overdo it.



I've finished sanding all of the front detail, I've only got to finish around the sides and then the front half will be done! yay! then there's the back half :/



I was looking at some early photos and I think it's really come a long way. Hopefully I'll be done with the front half tomorrow and we might have an update on the Carolina armour aswell :D

'til next time :)
Can't wait to see the finished armor. I agree perfecting something and then "battle damaging" it is rough. Unless it's actual damage I never feel like it looks real enough. I actually went after my mandalorian helmet with a knife, my drive way, and a run through some brush to scar it up.
I thought about attacking it but I was worried I might end up cracking it or something. In the end I just started digging at it with a flat scalpel. The marks on the right are meant to look like shrapnel damage and the damage on the left on the edge of the face is supposed to look like Tex has taken a hit or fell down and scuffed the edge of the metal.

I had to come up with some kind of back story for the damage so try to make it look right. I'm still not sure I'm happy with it or if I should add more but I think it's looking okay. It'll look more realistic once I can weather it up a bit I imagine.
Sounds like you got an awesome plan. I'm going to take some frag (shrapnel) from a demo shot I did and use it to model the damage on mine. The biggest thing is the blues that come out of metal when it's super heated. Once I get some more or get back home I'll post pictures of them.
Carolina Update

Hi Everyone!

It has been a while since my last update, Sorry! Things have been very busy for me the last few weeks.

Its really great to see so many people commenting on the thread and looking forward to seeing how our armour turns out, its great motivation when it all feels a bit overwhelming.

I've been doing some more work on the front of my chest piece, looking at adding in the details that weren't in the pep. Also As you can see I have now also cut in half which makes it a bit less cumbersome to work on (it also means I can try it on which is awesome :D )



1. I started by drawing on the design in pencil using a paper template I made, which I then flipped over and traced around of the other side as well to insure both sides where symmetrical.

2. This time instead of using the dremel to carve the initial lines I just used a small pointy nail file (I love these things) Using masking tape to keep a nice strait line really helps.

3. The line finished before I sanded it.

4. Using the same technique as the other detail I did, I sanded the edges down so the outer edge is sharp and the inner edge is curved.


As you can see it still has plenty of work to do but its really starting to look like the Carolina's recon chest piece. I think once colour is added the black detailed pieces will stand out more :)

Hopefully there will be more updates soon as me and Sara hope to get stuck in and do some more this week :D


Awesome looking details. It came out looking great.

You were very informative about how you got the look too. It will definitely help out the members here on the 405th (me included) on detailing our pieces.

Keep up the great work.
Awesome , as ussual on this build :)
Looking awesome. Good research to get more detail, and the step-by-step walk through is definitely going to help on my build.
Awesome detailing on the front chest plate. Loving all your hard work on this build.:D

Thank you, it is indeed a lot of hard work but I'm really glad we're doing it this way rather than banging it together asap, it'll be worth it in the end.

sara i am digging your work alot! it looks so great. i hope to build a suit as great looking as yours!

:D and I hope my helmet turns out as nicely as yours lol

Awesome , as ussual on this build :)


Small update guys, no bondo work the past fews days as the aircon in the shed died. It's in the shop as we speak, it's reaching 40 degrees Celsius here at the moment and it's only the first few days of summer! it'll be business as usual once the a/c is back but for now I'm catching up on some pepping. There's a few odds and ends that need re-pepping and I also had Agent Maine's chest attachment to make. Anyway, here it is:


I left a few of the smaller details out as they'll only complicate things when I smooth faces out with the bondo, I'd rather freehand them in later. I also had a bit of a brain fart and put a piece in upside down... did I mention it's been really hot lately? :p


In the photos it's taped onto my chest piece, I haven't started bondoing Kristian's yet. I think it's looking pretty good, would it be bad if I make him go as Tex and I go as mini meta? (5ft 3") :p
Hopefully I'll get around to resining it soon, I can't wait to start bondo on this piece, I think it's going to look really cool when it's done.

Thanks for looking!
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