Sinjinsmiley said:
If you're using Max there is only one way I know and it involves completely screwing with the model and from my little test it seems to screw up Pep designer as well. My advice if you don't have a Eureka moment is just do the little bit extra and make the flaps.
Its either that or program a completely new 3D modelling program
Wow this post really goes at odds with my last but oh well
hahaha, thankfuly i had a eureka moment...well more a 'oh, why dont i do this?!' moment.
Robogenisis said:
I would DEFINETLY suggest scaling it with Milkshape 3D. It doesn't screw with the faces, and it has an easy "scale all" tool that you just scale in percent. I described the process earlier a bit.
same thing in max, the problem im having is defing the laws of physics. damn laws, why amn't i a bumble bee *refrence to why, according to physics, bumble bees cant posibly fly*.
Dev_ace said:
your model is awesome.
i've been pretty busy, and haven't had time,
but i'm gonna make it!
all there is to do is everything to make a helmet that's not paper.
thanks again for the model. woot.
funky! nice layout! very neat!!! im glad you like it!!
raven2751 said:
ok some pics of my helmet still to harden and paint will be starting that after xmas

SCF0193.jpg] [attachment=2308


SCF0195.jpg] [attachment=2310


had ran out of white card so the missus has been takin the piss cause i had to use the pink card which is all i had left
thanks to fs for a great model
heeheeheeheehee. dont wory about it. ive got an over sized half pink half yelly AR! hahaha. its looking great. i thought it was clay before i enlarged the picks because of the colour.
raven2751 said:
i was thinking of sort of engraving but i'm working on a few ideas to make it look good maybe a mold in resin to be placed on to it
that could be funky! would look great with a bit ware and taire effect.
ok torso is very slightly on hold. work is a bit mad atm. apperently everyone thinks they need there stuff for before xmas!!!
but the good news is:
ive sorted out how to do the inner supports
ive got XBL (gamer tag: flying 5quirl) connections a bit laggy but its hillarious at times.
oh and the project im workin on in work is fun... hard, but fun.
so in summery, all's good, still on track, just a lil delayed... like public transport.
any problems, gimme a shout
p.s. 405th was on HBO front page!!!! BOOYEA!!! you can just hear the thunder of stampeeding n00bs approaching!
pps: i know i promised some of you stuff through PMs, i havnt forgotten you, dont worry. sorry for the delay.