name='RossOtterProphet' date='Dec 10 2007, 06:07 PM' post='102317']
I know you're busy, and i'm not asking or complaining to rush or anything like that. my only question is, is there a low-poly test torso in the works?
the torso looks beautiful, by the way.
dont worry, theres one on the way, i just need to sort out the high poly one. in the mean time you could try the halo 1 version, its the same basic shape. (dont worry, im not fobbing you off, just a suggestion for while your waiting.

name='Sinjinsmiley' date='Dec 10 2007, 06:46 PM' post='102327']
Model looks great although just from a quick peak I can see how devilishly tough the unwrapping is gonna be.
The separate panels sounds like a great idea so I'm definitely looking forward to that.
Oh and space diaper ftw
im just startin to fix some problems atm. hahaha, ok. ill keep that in mind.
name='Skullcandy Girl' date='Dec 10 2007, 07:14 PM' post='102331']
When you mean it's not unfolded, does that mean it's not layed out to be printed? Not whining at all, just askin' a question
And yes SPace Diaper FTW! *belches*
nope, not layed out at all, i kinda rushed it to stop the pms. sorry, itll be fixed soon. hahahaha, ok well if it requires a belsh then it must be important.
name='Datahar' post='102335' date='Dec 10 2007, 07:57 PM']Thank You!
I'm going to try the hot glue method, do a little, hot glue inside to hell, do a bit more.
Now I just need to familiarise myself with pepakura enough to unwrap it, I'm a UV artist so hard hard can it be[/quote]
keep us updated on how it goes, i realy want to see if it works. im doing kinda the same thing but with wax. well thankfuly its alot easier then uv unwrapping (*shakes fist at 'unwrap uvw' modifier* ).
crackhead09 said:
um scaling for torso?
great model btw the back is going to be tough
dunno im afraid, it was very rushed and theres still problems with it. there being fixed atm so it shuld be sorted soon.
Razgriz said:
I think he's crying because he's happy. I KNOW I'm crying because this sucker is going to be a nightmare to unfold.
HOWEVER! It shall be worth the effort! I'll unfold between bondoing the helmet tomorrow.

I'm so glad I bought a registered copy of pep!
Also, I know the arms are winning by three votes, but Space Diaper FTW! Hopefully by the time I'm all done bondoing the Chest and Helm, your next piece will be done.
got any pics of the helm? (i dont think ive seen it but then again im very tired atm so i might have n my briain isnt responding.) kewl, ill take that into concideration.
s-meister said:
Do we have to unfold it for ourselves!?
unfortunatly yes... for now
xobx said:
now that makes ALOT more sence!!!! thanks
Ruze789 said:
I took a look at this last night, I came across the same thing. Instead of it being text on the surface like on your helm models, it is a shape that tries to be cut out of the surface... hard to expain, but yeah it seems to be a problem. Pep also twisted the text like crazy, so it unfolds like insane little twisted pieces, and it also splits up that little flat surface it's written on. So instead of being a nice flat smooth piece in the 'cleavage', it's broken up into 3 separate little pieces with little curves taken out of it for the numbers.
Hope some of that made sense, I didn't think to take screenshots of it last night when I was workin on it and I'm on my work PC now.
yea that makes sence. i was a bit worried about this, ill remove em compleatly. there more hassle then there worth.
Skullcandy Girl said:
I'm so lost on how to unfold the darn torso XP FS are you going to unwrap it when ya have time or is it up to us? hah I'm just confused on what to do XP Thanks for all your work as usual

You spoil us!
dont worry, ill get on it. it was released in a rush and its very unfinished. sorry. thanks, no worries
Robogenisis said:
The chest piece looks great.

The only thing I would change would be to remove the"" letter cutouts off the front (It causes a few problems when unfolding), and removing some of the supports that created open edges. Those supports will not actually be connected to the model. These are the supports I would remove.
Remove this support
And remove this one too. Other wise it looks good.
Here's what happens to the "" cutout
When you first unfold it, it separates into these three pieces
Easily fixed, but there is still the little break in between the "C" and the "O", so I would just remove the cutout, and just add text when you unfold it.
There are two more supports that cause open edges. They are right next to the other ones, and you can see the open edge if you look from the back.
I would also make the scaling easier by using my scaling method. Adjust the size in 3D so that full scale is 86. It's much easier than your 1.xxxxx full scale size (I think it's somewhere around there), because you only need to put in your hieght.
yea, im removing the lettering, it seem to be fine on all my computers except one and i can figure out why so im justguna remove the txt alltogeather. as for the floating polys that arnt attacehed to anything, they were m,ent to be supports but because i rushed everything i didnt model the flaps. oh ad im not sure how to scale it properly because in max the scale is different. you could give me a height if you like n ill change it to that.
DoC ByTeS said:
Look perfect!!! Sorry I've been alil busy.......
Is that what I think it is?

waaaaaaaaait a minuite.... theres two of em..... that means.....
are you selling perchance? i know someone who'd LOVE one of these!
dannifood4less said:
i agree with robogenisis,, theres a few support struts that mess it up, and that lettering sux, actually, fyi squirl, thats all soft armor there in the middle 'cleavage' part anyways... i cant unfold it good enough to release it to anyone yet untill those problems are fixed..
also im not sure what will happen if i turn off the chest part and use the same "assembled height" scale for this..
example... my old torso file was scaled to an assembled height of 44.9CM, thats the full torso, including the gutplate.
if i turn off the chest part, or vise versa, and still use that assembled height, (or scale factor for that matter) will it scale only the visible part to be that big?
or will it make just the one visible object to a build size of 44.9CM?
i need to go to bed i just spent the last 2 hours unfolding this model, and its not entirely useable, ,,mostly, but not completly,,
im not sure about the scale/assebled height thing. ide say if you get the whole lot at the right assembled height and then note the scale and use tht it should work.
ok, theres some seariously annoying issues with the torso popping up (not that you guys are annoying, im annoyed at myself for not doing a better job) so im guna take down the link and repost a better version a propper version in a lil while.
now a few questions:
1. will i release an unfolded model again or will i wait till i have it unfolded and only realease the unfolded one? ie: do some of you feel you want to unfold it yourseves to get a head start?
2. the floating supports that Robogenisis pointed out above, will i model flaps onto the ends and leve them as 'optional' where by you have to figure out which edges they go to n stuff, or will i do something like i did for the wings on my
flying squirl model and have them so there not seperate elements in the mesh and have tabs with numbers etc.?
3. would a basic vertex painting texture help with which parts are which or will i just aim for seperate sections on groups of pages again?
4. what assebled height is the adverage for the torso section? ill set it to that in max before exporting it, that should make everything a bit easier.
im realy sorry for releasing this before its finished and functional, ill fix it up now. mind you this does give you more time to sway my mind as to which part to do next. personaly ide like to do the sholder but im not that stuck on doing it, so, for example, if robogenisis felt like doin it i dont mind.
any (more) problems, gimme a shout
p.s. whats the deal with the space diper? why do so many people want it? its because of the name isnt it?! you saw 'space diper' and thought 'that'll be funny'
pps: 'RossOtterProphet', 'Sinjinsmiley', 'Skullcandy Girl' and 'Datahar' im sorry for removing the quote box from you first posts, it kept saying ive quoted too many people for one post.