dylan Snyder said:
well the only "true" high detail stuff i have done is your helmet, and robogenesis's boots and hand plates. Everything else i believe is slyfos because i got bored and i really wanted to make something

But yeah go ahead and make me a thread if you want. I will update it a lot these coming weeks because i finally bought some resin, fiberglass, and bondo.
ohyea, wel they dont count.

j/k ill make you a thread after this post.
Ral Partha said:
At last, I have unfolded FS's torso armor!

Whew, what a beast to unfold! Here's the link:
A couple of notes:
- I have scaled this armor to have an assembled height of 40.3 cm, appropriate for a person 5'8" tall (me
), according to RG's scaling system.
- The file consists of 39 pages, 24 of which are for the armor itself.
- A couple of struts turned out to be too long and cannot be cut into smaller pieces so they occupy two pages.
- You may have to adjust the font size for the edge ID number. I have set it a 4 at the moment.
- There are some details that so incredibly small and detailed (like those things on the shoulders) so cutting and folding them are going to be challenging.
As always, let me know if there's anything wrong with the file so that I can correct it.
wow!!! well done!!! mind if i add this and teh scaling method to the first post?
tonsofhoopla said:
Ahh! very nice FS, now i see what you were talking about whe you said you were experimenting with wax, seems like a really good idea if you do the folding just right,
I might have to give it a try, would make making smaller models of mine way easier,
The only thing i see that could be a small pretty easy to get around issue is the flaps,
do they leave a bevel on the wax when you pull it from the paper? I'm sure if it does that's easily fixed.
But looks very nice FS,
you should, its lotsa fun! heres a few tips:
yea the tabs do leave a bit of an indent but thats very easily fixed by gluing them onto the outside instead.
use a TINEY ammount of releasing agent on the paper, it stuck n some parts of the hand plate and caused it to crack.
dont let the wax sit for long periods between layers
if you can, you should remelt the surface of the previous layer so the next layer bonds with it
poke the layer your working on just as it turs to the stage that looks a bit like molten lead so that the finish is quite rough
the last three tips are there to try get the layes to bond very strongly. i tryed it with a handplate yesterday but i had a bit of a disaster. it broke appart in layers and chunks. kinda prity but twaz seriously annoying to have two hours work go down the drain.
Keegan said:
I just printed this monster out! My printer is broken so I had to print one at a time. It was a terribile time for me
holy shiznit!!! that would suck!!!!
tonsofhoopla said:
I feel your pain man, it's 27 degrees where i'm at and makes it impossible to resin or bondo anything, although bondo doesn't really give off a stench so i do that inside sometimes but i don't recommend it.
But if you are interested you should give my method a try, it's coming out beautifully, but it's only worth trying if you are going to cast it in plastic.
I'm using the oil based clay that you would make a model with and do the Molded armor method, so far i've been able to capture really good detail and smoothness, but if you're just making this one to wear, don't bother.
Anyways, good luck!
that sounds like a funky method. i was wondering how that was workin out for you acuialy. originaly the wax idea was just to give realy cheap support to the pep so i could use modeling wax over the surface but the i tryed the other way.
silvershadow said:
Thank you! I'm just about done making the FS helmet( jaw gave me a bit of trouble) but it'll look great when its resigned and glassed. My dad has some kinda heater in the garage so hopefully i will finish the helmet today in time to put on a coat of resin tonight. Although this is one monster of a project, I doubt the torso will be nearly as challenging as the helmet with all the little angles and sides.But just to be sure, for the scaling i just need to get the scale from RG's model and put that size into the assembled size right? thanks again FS and thanks for unfolding it Ral!
EDIT: never mind, I think I got the scaling method down
MWAHAHAHAHA (thats my evil laugh) wait till you see the finiky details on the back.
bevbor said:
Do you want additional FS chest .pdo file?
Maybe not so accurate as Ral's, but scaled for A4 and 46 cm high.
Happy gluing!
funky!!! mind if i add this to the first post too?
dylan Snyder said:
Well here is an update. I started fibreglass(had to order it online because no store around here has any and it was cheap.) Well it was WAY too heavy of an ounce. Too hard to fiberglass on the insside. So my dad had this idea that he had used on the hard spots to get to in his Truck when doing body work. Medical Gauze. He said the the fact the cotton absorbs the resin and the woven cotton helps hold it together almost as much as fiberglass. So i believed him. It worked very well. Just did a little rough sanding and here it is. BTW how come no one thought of gauze before?
I'm going to start bondoing soon so i'll keep you updated.
briliant idea with the gause, ive done that with pva glue but not with resin. the only main difference is that your missing the streangth of the glass. i know that sounds silly but it does make a difference- probibly not with this kind of project thoe.
WOOH!!! the torso has been unfoldified and all is well with the world...well.. almost all... but still, YEAY!!!
importanter stuffs now, over the lat while i got a few pms from ppl lookin for stuff, i think i got back to most of you but
im prity sure i missed a good few. if i said ide give you somethin and didnt get back to you,
pm me! i wont concider it rude, ive got the memory of a . . . a . . . a whatchamahcallit?! what was i saying??? anyway, im guna delete the older pms cuz its startin to get a lil full.
alsos happyer add-an-'er'-or-'s'-to-your-words day!
alsoer happys make-up-your-own-days day!!!
any problems gimme a shout