DoC ByTeS said:
Now you see the power of the distracting Banana!
Hope I get your torso done so I can try my hand at the MV
"damn you, you bastard bannana!" *shakes fist in air*
Sigma-LS said:
OMG Mk V soon! *runs off to obsessively work on finishing the Hayabusa*
Haha I know the feeling, I watched an anime the other day where the guy's right hand became a chick. The name of the show was right-handed girlfriend Midori or something.

*for emphasis*
hahaha, well dont let gravity get you down again. i realy dont want to see another "son of a b*tch" video.... then again it was prity damn funny. right handed girlfriend midori? some of the names just dont seem to translate well.
Spartan117x said:
Sorry, I hate to be an annoying pest. But I'm bumping myself x-x;
im not realy sure how to help cuz i go about it differently. what i do is i ask a friend to measure my head side on from my chin to the top of my head keeping the ruler vertical, then i add a cm or three and bobs your uncle. most people end up with something in the range of 26-30 or so. oh and i wouldnt use the brim as a tester, its not accurate in that sense. ide definately recommend the size tester model. i know its extra work but not as much as if you started the hd and screwed it up.
(oh and we ment to tell you bobs your uncle before but it never seemed the right time. j/k)
Silverzippo93 said:
How do I make a model smooth like you did?
5 years of collage, 4 tutors, 3 websites, 2 repeat projects and 1 thesis. heh, sorry, couldn't resist. do you have a 3d modeling program? if so which one?
Shorion said:
Just a quick question. What program do you use for models? I have autocad, blender and googlesketchup. I'm pretty good with autocad. I made a cube with autocad but it doesent even show when i open it with Pepakura Designer2. any suggestions? also anyone know of any links to a mini tutorial for a simple model that i can start with or something god i've spent like 2 days reading tutorials and searching and I have nothing grrrr
im using 3ds max 8. and im using a program called debut to record the mrk v modeling process. personally: i can only use autocad as a drafting program, never could get my head around the UI, never tried blender and sketchup just annoys me, its almost but not entirely unlike 3d max. im prity sure that magnum is fairly confident with cad, you could send him a pm. oh or you could post this in the 3d program help thread, you'll probably get better help there. heh, yea ive spent many a day not knowing how to do something and not being able to find anything about it anywhere.
YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!! got a full day to have a crack at the mrk V. and just look how formal my writing is!!!!
EDIT: i just did a search and didnt find anything relating to this. i saw it on hbo a while ago and automagicly assumed it would be up here its that good.
''It's not about awesome snipes, or triple kills, or unreal sticks - it's about Halo gameplay, shown in such a way that you just want to pick up a controller and start playing.'' its one of thoe rare halo videos thats acuialy worth a watch: (make sure you have sound)
heres links to higher rez versions, you might want to download this one:
heres what hbo had to say:
Halo 3 Spitfire
deftangel found a video which appears on YouTube, GameVideos, and It's a montage - but it's not like any montage I've ever seen. It was created by UnfilteredNoise (his YouTube handle)/krushedNsorted (his GameVideos/1UP handle), and although the music grates strongly on my nerves, the camerawork is amazing. It's not about awesome snipes, or triple kills, or unreal sticks - it's about Halo gameplay, shown in such a way that you just want to pick up a controller and start playing. Go watch. (The YouTube version is crap; download the higher-res version from Mythica or GameVideos.) (Louis Wu 19:22:47 UTC)