Unfortanately, I have to spend the next five weeks on a college campus for a Governor's Scholar Program, so I won't be able to make any more models until I get back. There may not be access to the internet there, but when I finally get my Archos 605 Wifi player, I'll be able to post comments at least. I hope we've made enough models to keep you busy until then. I'll look forward to seeing some almost finished armor pieces when I get back. While I'm not gonna bring resin and chemicals and stuff to a college dorm, I'll still print out pep pieces to work on there, so when I come back, I'll be able to resin what I've finished pepping (including the bucket). I don't know if I can release any new models after this post, but I may be able to finish the center equiptment piece (close to done, but the angles make it a bit hard to model).
I'm not leaving for another two or three days, but I wanted everyone to know that, if I don't reply in a week or so, I'm not dead. It's really too bad that I have to be away at such an inconvenient time (when I could finish modeling the ODST's -- by the way, Rundown, those helmets are absolutely kick-ass, although I'll probably still build the older model and mod it to fit in with the new game, due to time constaints), but I should still be able to make good progess on the armor there. I plan to finish the suit by the time the game comes out, and then go to Gamestop when it comes out with my friends.
I'll see what I can do to keep u guys updated, but I wanted to let you know about this before I leave. (Five weeks away from home may suck, but at least I get a free ride to any college in my state ... although, living in Kentucky, that's not sayin' much)
Sorry that I have to leave you all for a while,
PS - Remember, I'm not gone yet, just giving you guys a heads-up