You are all guinea pigs fixing my errors so I don't need to worry when I am printing them! Mohahaha!
Just kiddingI am very greatful for the feadback so I can pick out the errors that is hidden within that i don't spot before i release them.
I have fixed the fault in the chest plate, it was a dum thing i should have noticed... I have re-uploaded the zip files, note i have only fixed the the seperate chest plate not the file with all the parts.
It might be that i fixes the complete torso so it don't contain that error tomorrow.
Link: Torso
Well tbh, on a project like this, there's bound to be some issues no matter how careful you are. It's nearly impossible to catch all the potential problems prior to print and considering the size and complexity of this thing, you've been doing a fantastic job imho.
PS : By the way Kristian, I'm sure nobody on earth would notice, but by mirroring the Y - axis during the creation of the armour, the allen screws' writing on the top have become mirrored too.
PPS : oh yes, daddy likes this :
Nothing done on it, pulled of the printbed looking like that so cleanup is still needed.
Single part print, ABS+, 0,2mm height, 6 wall shell in total, 20% infill (which considering it's nearly all WALL doesn't say that much). Printed on a 300USD-in-parts, self assembled Delta Machine. Took approx 50 hours of print time. Temperature was a bit too low, next part will be printed hotter.
Comes of the printbed like that. Not 100% clean, but the afterwork on this is pretty minimal.
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