Halo 4/5 master chief armor high poly 3d printeble for you!

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yes, there is a reason for fans. a helmet will always get hot, especially for extended periods of time.

nice print, by the way:)

Also, Kristian...would you mind if I used this pepakura file to create freehanded templates?
I've been modifying your templates, and they would work; but there's lots of gaps, and I think if I converted them to more 'streamlined' templates, the finished build would look cleaner. If you're ok with that, I'll do a build test, and if it's possible, but needs a little help; I'll make a tutorial.


Sounds all good to me. ;) If you feel it can be improved then I have no problem with that. :D
Dang. I am not sure if the last 3 prints messed up on my end or the printer messed up. I am having trouble slicing the helm in to correct pieces. When i print the piece with the two holes it always either doesn't print that entire are or slices itself into two pieces. I have tried to print it as one entire piece and two separate pieces but it still messes up and im not sure whats going on.

I scaled it with blender.
Then sliced with with Meshmixer.
In the attached meshmixer photo it is one solid piece.

and in the second photo it shows how it printed it into two pieces with the entire middle part missing.

Should i post this in a different thread?


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Dang. I am not sure if the last 3 prints messed up on my end or the printer messed up. I am having trouble slicing the helm in to correct pieces. When i print the piece with the two holes it always either doesn't print that entire are or slices itself into two pieces. I have tried to print it as one entire piece and two separate pieces but it still messes up and im not sure whats going on.

I scaled it with blender.
Then sliced with with Meshmixer.
In the attached meshmixer photo it is one solid piece.

and in the second photo it shows how it printed it into two pieces with the entire middle part missing.

Should i post this in a different thread?

I am pretty sure that the blue line you see inn meshmixer indicates that there are open areas/polygons that are not connected.
alright, I've finished up the pepakura templates, streamlined version Is on the way! might take a few days, as I'm constructing it right now.


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i dont know if it is normal but the arm protector part have like 3 solid wall and the exterior wall look like its glitched i dont know if this only happen to me :/


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i dont know if it is normal but the arm protector part have like 3 solid wall and the exterior wall look like its glitched i dont know if this only happen to me :/

Pretty much glitchless here. Could be a problem with your version of S3D. Start Cura (best 15.x as 2.x is still very much a bugged mess imho) and see how it looks there. If it's clean in Cura, it's a S3D version issue. Versions prior to 3.10 were known to have the occasional hickup on some models for whatever reason.

Also : the perks of having a nice build size : (and this is one of my smaller machines :D, part is 284-and-somthing in height, build size is 280x385 and some small change )


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DUDE! I didn't realize you could print thigh pieces in one big piece!? holy cow!
Dear dear Trevor.
I have like these big ass printers and I like to slice them to itsybitsyteenyweeny bits instead. :D
SOOOO much more logical. :D

Seriously, I prefer one-part prints if possible, two parts if need be. It's so much easier in terms of afterwork and parts tend to get stronger too, although as you undoubtably have noticed ABS welds are "pretty strong". :D
I can even do a complete "shield part" of the shoulder on that machine as a one part, sized to original Carterbuilder specs. It JUST fits the build platform of this machine as the arch of the shoulder shield follows the cillindrical buildspace as if "made to do it". That part is done in 2 parts though, cause the amount of support needed for the piece that goes around the arm and which would kinda "hang in space" during print would be non sensical. I've noticed I could do complex tree-type supports with Netfabb2017 but I'm not too comfortable about those thin "smart supports" : they don't need too much to horribly fail yet I do have to take a very close look at how this "advanced support system" really works. I wouldn't feel too comfortable using them on a Prusa style machine due to the vibration induced be the moving bed, nor is a Delta the best idea unless it's really well callibrated (in terms of bowl/dome errors) but on a something like a Makerbot/Qidi/Flashforge/Ultimaker style of machine ? It could be very interesting.

But if you REEEAAAALLYYY want, I can print them in parts just like you'd do on a Wanhao I3 or an original Makerbot. :) Just "say the word". Because as you might have guessed : those are YOUR tigh pieces.
By the way, atm, I've got 2 machines working for you. One's doing the armor, the other one is redoing the MA5D parts which I wasn't happy about. After swapping out the low cost hotend by an original E3D didn't do much in terms of quality, I redid the full mechanicals on the Hatchbox and the difference in output was just too much to ignore.

My biggest machine (still in callibration stage) can do 400x400x400 builds. Although I called the one above "massive build size", this is acutally the second _smallest_ machine I have ever build, and it will become my _smallest_ machine this year as I'll be rebuilding me current smallest one (220x281 buildspace) to an slighty higher version aiming for 220x500-ish, so it would be the ideal version for gun props and such. The idea is to have a full overhaul, keep the x-y axis parameters, extend the Z axis and swap out the Marlin/Ramps by a Smoothieware board.
And honestly ? I've NO idea atm if I can pull it off : a great deal can go wrong trying to do that.
heck, you've gotten this good with killer robots, you can definitely make another plastic-spitter.:p
Pretty much glitchless here. Could be a problem with your version of S3D. Start Cura (best 15.x as 2.x is still very much a bugged mess imho) and see how it looks there. If it's clean in Cura, it's a S3D version issue. Versions prior to 3.10 were known to have the occasional hickup on some models for whatever reason.

Also : the perks of having a nice build size : (and this is one of my smaller machines :D, part is 284-and-somthing in height, build size is 280x385 and some small change )

Holy **** man! :O That's some big printers you got (y) Kinda jalous :notworthy:

Here is a little insight to what I have been doing today:

Firstly I had to redo the welding of the parts of the helmet because I had been stupid and it broke under transport...
20170113_190241.jpg 20170113_190302.jpg

Then after that was done I took a look at my new parts that i got today. One part of the feet still missing and that's the outer toe part on the left foot. Got all the part for the right tho, so welded the toe parts and checked if it would fit the boot i would use (wich you can see on the first image under that it did, using my M77 military boots). :)
20170113_195630.jpg 20170113_195703.jpg 20170113_195642.jpg

So after that I began welding together the shin. I took some pics when I worked so you can see how it looks after I welded parts together. I will probably make a video to show my workflow in the future.
20170113_215739.jpg 20170113_232811.jpg

After that I took some of the parts (heel, shin and knee plate) to see if I had gotten things right. This also comfirmes that my 3d model of myself is correct. So all in all I am very happy with the result.
now, I had trouble getting my feet through the shin...is this normal?:D
Holy **** man! :O That's some big printers you got (y) Kinda jalous :notworthy:

Great work ! And no need to be jealous. These devices can be build by everybody. If you ever would be interested in building a bigger delta, just get in touch. I have "some" experience when it comes to building a machine yourself.
.... it's actually more like an addiction. I admit. :D

But the 280x380something (depends on the hotend I'm using at that moment, a Volcano knocks of a centimeter or 2 off the maximum build height of the machine I call D2) is under 300USD in terms of materials and can be build by anybody within one day of time if you get the needed tips and guidance. The delta corners and effector can be bought on Aliexpress for next to nothing, you need just 4 nema17 steppers, a ramps 1.4 + display, GT2 belts and pulleys, a hotbed and a hotend and I'd advise using a linear rails system so you'd need 3 of those too. The 20x20 profiles can be bought at Motedis for example, already cut to size.

That's really everything you need. And time. And a lot of M3 and M4 screws and nuts.
Great work ! And no need to be jealous. These devices can be build by everybody. If you ever would be interested in building a bigger delta, just get in touch. I have "some" experience when it comes to building a machine yourself.
.... it's actually more like an addiction. I admit. :D

But the 280x380something (depends on the hotend I'm using at that moment, a Volcano knocks of a centimeter or 2 off the maximum build height of the machine I call D2) is under 300USD in terms of materials and can be build by anybody within one day of time if you get the needed tips and guidance. The delta corners and effector can be bought on Aliexpress for next to nothing, you need just 4 nema17 steppers, a ramps 1.4 + display, GT2 belts and pulleys, a hotbed and a hotend and I'd advise using a linear rails system so you'd need 3 of those too. The 20x20 profiles can be bought at Motedis for example, already cut to size.

That's really everything you need. And time. And a lot of M3 and M4 screws and nuts.

Sounds like i can probably pull that off in the future. :) Right now I am a poor student. (n) Btw, how is the precision on those printers? Any wobble in the z axis?
Sounds like i can probably pull that off in the future. :) Right now I am a poor student. (n) Btw, how is the precision on those printers? Any wobble in the z axis?

Z wobble is per definition impossilbe on Deltas. :D It simply does not exist.
Not saying Delta's do not have their specific set of issues, but Wobble isn't one of them. :D
Z wobble is per definition impossilbe on Deltas. :D It simply does not exist.
Not saying Delta's do not have their specific set of issues, but Wobble isn't one of them. :D
sounds good. :) what is some of the problems with a printer like that?
If it's cool with you, I'll start a new topic on that but not JUST that.

I know Peter started a "problem solving" thread for 3D printing earlier, But I was thinking of kinda expanding that not to just "problems" but small tutorials, tips, tricks, discussions some time ago already. I think it might help several people if "all things concerned 3D" in terms of tips&tricks can be bundled in one place instead of being spread all over the forum.

For example, your 'pla welding" trick : I've NEVER seen a decent tutorial on that, yet assembly of 3D parts is pretty much a vital part of using 3D machines for prop/armour making. I'm 100% sure a small demo of how you do it, what's involved and whatever would be appriated by a lot of people, even people who at this point in time aren't into 3D printing at all. Or questions coming from people who don't have a 3D machine itself and asking themselves what to buy, why to buy it and god-knows-what.

It would not really be a "post here if you have problems" thread (which I think is a brilliant idea) but more an open "tips&tricks&discussions corner" type of affair, involving 3D printer hardware/software/post processing and what have you not. It would also allow all of us to share info in a centralized manner and learn from each other. Not just technical tips, but also experiences made with product X or modification Y, stuff that has no place in the current forum structure.

I certainly would learn from others. 100% convinced about that.

Go or no go ?
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If it's cool with you, I'll start a new topic on that but not JUST that.

I know Peter started a "problem solving" thread for 3D printing earlier, But I was thinking of kinda expanding that not to just "problems" but small tutorials, tips, tricks, discussions some time ago already. I think it might help several people if "all things concerned 3D" in terms of tips&tricks can be bundled in one place instead of being spread all over the forum.

For example, your 'pla welding" trick : I've NEVER seen a decent tutorial on that, yet assembly of 3D parts is pretty much a vital part of using 3D machines for prop/armour making. I'm 100% sure a small demo of how you do it, what's involved and whatever would be appriated by a lot of people, even people who at this point in time aren't into 3D printing at all. Or questions coming from people who don't have a 3D machine itself and asking themselves what to buy, why to buy it and god-knows-what.

It would not really be a "post here if you have problems" thread (which I think is a brilliant idea) but more an open "tips&tricks&discussions corner" type of affair, involving 3D printer hardware/software/post processing and what have you not. It would also allow all of us to share info in a centralized manner and learn from each other. Not just technical tips, but also experiences made with product X or modification Y, stuff that has no place in the current forum structure.

I certainly would learn from others. 100% convinced about that.

Go or no go ?

That sounds like a total go for me! ;) That would be awesome. :)
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