The parts look like PLA prints at first glance. Is that a correct presumption ? If so, it would be nice to see how you're pitching the afterwork of those parts later on.![]()
Yes, that is correct.
The parts look like PLA prints at first glance. Is that a correct presumption ? If so, it would be nice to see how you're pitching the afterwork of those parts later on.![]()
All those projects are so good, it´s an inspiration for me to continue with my proyect. I had some problem because my computer was old (2012) and it don´t support the 3D. Finally i have a new pc and i´m scaling the pieces of the armor right now. I just have a question: what thicknes you recomend me? i was thinking in a 4mm thicknes for all the armor, but im not sure if that is a good idea. Greetings!!
Wow amazing stuff! I just started making a new helmet and while looking for visor reference pics I came across this thread and noticed someone already did (a better job than I would as well).
I'll be printing this helmet to upgrade my suit if that's ok![]()
I made an account just so i can post on this thread. I just want to say that you are amazing! It has always been a dream to make my own suit. I bought the Maker Select 3D v2. I have been watching blender, meshmixer and AUTOdesk tutorials just so i can learn to manipulate your files. I am starting with complete zero knowledge. I managed to scale the helmet and slice it up into 16 pieces. I will post my pics as I make more steps into this adventure!
Few questions.
What is the thinkness you have you files set at? And what is the recommended thickness i should make my suit in. And can i change that in blender?
What adhesive do you use to glue it all together and hide all the lines.
When it comes to printing out the body armor. How do you attach it to your arms and legs and such?
How did you measure your head to scale it perfectly.
Thanks man! keep the hard work up.
For the first question:
The tickness on the most up to date files should be around 5mm thick.
I say it this way because this projects have been a learning experience for me, this was one of the first projects i began with when i started learning 3d modelling. And this reflects on to the parts so some parts don't use my latest methodes wich means that the most likely have less than 5mm tickness.
For the second question:
I usualy don't glue my parts anymore, I kind of weld them together by using a soldering iron on the inside of the parts to make a strong bond.for hiding lines I firstly do alot of sanding, then i use something like bondo or two part modelling putty/clay and lastly filler primer and paint.
For the third question:
I planing on buying a wet suit, then I will probaly sew on buckels so I can easily take the parts on and off.
For the last question, I used a program named Makehuman to make a model that is close to me that i could use to scale the parts to me.![]()
What adhesive do you use to glue it all together and hide all the lines.
Thanks man! Here you go:Oooh, nice! I can't access One Drive, though...I don't know comp seems to not like it for some odd reason...
can you upload the PDO directly so I can work with it?
Thanks for reminding me! no, it is not. Should be x:35.875cm y:17.383 cm z:17.161 this full scale?
just checking.
yes, there is a reason for fans. a helmet will always get hot, especially for extended periods of time.Attached are my first two prints =D
In the long run I would like to wire LEDs into the helm and I have also heard of people putting fans inside the helm. Is there a reason for that? Anyone have advice about wiring the LEDS to a button on the side of the helm