(Halo 4 armor build progress) Newb question about foam thickness

Progress update: the build is coming along and I think I'll finish in time for Halloween with time to spare to try to get some electronics installed: helmet fans, voice amplifier, hearing amplifier, and maybe even some lighting. I was thinking of trying to add a setup with some lights on the armor that glowed a steady blue but when I press a button a speaker plays the shield break sound effect and then the shield recharge effect, with the blue light changing to a flashing red light and back to blue when the sheilds recharge. I found some kits for the sound effects but am unsure how to get the led lights to sync with the sound effect, so we will see.

Photo dump including a fitting with what I have built so far, I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures as using a phone with gloves and a helmet I'd hard so I accidentally took some in portrait mode


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