Props Halo 4 MA5D Assault Rifle Styrofoam build

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Holy cats this gun looks beautiful already! I'm gonna have to look into getting some balsa wood.
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A little more today...


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Almost done


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This looks amazing, i have a question, do you have to score the balsa wood so that it doesnt break?

I haven't been scoring it, I haven't had any issues with it breaking either...I just use quick single cuts, mostly along the edge of a stainless steel ruler.
I meant when you were bending the balsa over the form of the rifle. I am trying your process right now and am getting a bit stuck:) I have also run into problems with the glue that dissolves polystyrene. What do you use for putting the balsa on the foam?
I meant when you were bending the balsa over the form of the rifle. I am trying your process right now and am getting a bit stuck:) I have also run into problems with the glue that dissolves polystyrene. What do you use for putting the balsa on the foam?

The best way I have found to bend thin balsa strips would be to soak it in water, take it out and wipe off excess water, glue it to your object and when it dries out you'll have a nice, smooth curve without splits in the wood. As for the glue, maybe try using spray adhesive. I've used CA glue and that didn't melt the foam (unless you use the accelerator spray.)
Man i gotta try this balsa wood. BMP you are getting fantastic results with it.
When you are done are you going to try and mold the rifle?
I meant when you were bending the balsa over the form of the rifle. I am trying your process right now and am getting a bit stuck:) I have also run into problems with the glue that dissolves polystyrene. What do you use for putting the balsa on the foam?

Ah, I see what you mean. I actually haven't been bending pieces at all, though that may have been easier. I have been cutting pieces on angles and gluing them together, then sanding them flush. That's the best thing about balsa, it sands so smooth, you can't see the seems.
Man i gotta try this balsa wood. BMP you are getting fantastic results with it.
When you are done are you going to try and mold the rifle?

This build has me wanting to attempt mold making more than is definitely a possibility...
This is really amazing work.

Is there any chance you would be willing to post a tutorial and the patterns you come up with for each layer with another weapon?
I would guess it would be better to ask for a tutorial on a project that hasn't been started rather than one that is most of the way complete. That way you can post pics, templates, and all the necessary information with how you are constructing it as you go.

Keep up the amazing work, I've totally subscribed already.
This is really amazing work.

Is there any chance you would be willing to post a tutorial and the patterns you come up with for each layer with another weapon?
I would guess it would be better to ask for a tutorial on a project that hasn't been started rather than one that is most of the way complete. That way you can post pics, templates, and all the necessary information with how you are constructing it as you go.

Keep up the amazing work, I've totally subscribed already.

Thanks! Its actually a fairly simple process to make the templates, I just find a good detailed image online, blow it up to scale, print it out (across several sheets of card stock), cut it out, tape it together, and cut the stencils out of that scale image. It leaves some guess work as far as depth of detail, but there are plenty of reference pics out there to figure it out. I'm doing the Magnum as soon as this one is done, I'll go more in depth with that one.
XO Just gimme a minute to regain consciousness..........ok, back up, have done some brilliant work, I am even gonna say it is a work of art, absolutely stunning my friend, if you decide to cast it, funds permitting, sign me up for one!
XO Just gimme a minute to regain consciousness..........ok, back up, have done some brilliant work, I am even gonna say it is a work of art, absolutely stunning my friend, if you decide to cast it, funds permitting, sign me up for one!

Wow! Thanks! I'll let you know!
I'm a really curious person, so please forgive me for all the question I have.
While I know I might be able to figure things out on my own, it is always nice to ask and see what more you might be able to learn by asking questions, plus it also provides an opportunity to receive answers to questions that others might have :)

Thanks! Its actually a fairly simple process to make the templates, I just find a good detailed image online, blow it up to scale, print it out (across several sheets of card stock), cut it out, tape it together, and cut the stencils out of that scale image. It leaves some guess work as far as depth of detail, but there are plenty of reference pics out there to figure it out.

You know, what you just said actually does do a pretty good job at explaining it....

Though... what would probably be the most helpful I guess would be knowing how you are dividing the project up layer-by-layer.
How do you decide what to make out of foam and what to make out of balsa?

In terms of how you divide things up, I don't think any of us realized you made the top of the gun in 3 pieces until you mentioned it, so going into details on things like that would probably be really helpful. Not all of us have wood working skills nor would we all know how to approach using wood in a build.
Did you have to sand down the sides you glued together at all? In my experience with balsa, not all of the balsa you can find at craft stores is perfectly level, I've found some warped pieces, and I've had sides that couldn't lay perfectly flat on one another, but from the pictures, it looks like you managed to get them to match up perfectly. Maybe it is just the glue that I'm seeing, that makes it look so good...

For things like the handle/stock of the gun (the pink foam on the underside near the trigger), I have no idea how you were able to shape it and sand it down to look so good, so tips/techniques on how you do things like that would be really great!
Did you add extra foam there, because it kinda looks as though it might be thicker than the pink foam in front of the trigger.

How did you decide what to use in terms of the thickness of the foam that you ended up using?

Does the pvc barrel just attach to the very end, or is it the length of the gun? I'm not sure if I ever saw a hole in the foam for the barrel to fit in which is why I ask.

This kinda goes in to how you decide what the depths are you decide for the details; when do you add a 2nd layer of balsa for details rather than cutting into the 1st layer of balsa already available?

Do you have a preferable way that you do the finest/smallest details? What I mean is, do you have any particular techniques you use for cutting or adding details like you did on the side of the gun?

I'm doing the Magnum as soon as this one is done, I'll go more in depth with that one.

Just throwing this out there, but you should totally make all the attchments for it a la carte. Make it so that they can be attached/detached at will. You might need something other than wood or foam if you do something like that though, because the grooves and pins the slide in and out of the grooves would likely weardown after a while of taking the attachments on and off.

Do you have any plans on putting a spring behind the trigger or making the cartridge removable?
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