Props Halo 4 MA5D Assault Rifle Styrofoam build

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Got a little paint done today, here's a teaser...

Is that all acrylics? I should be ready to paint by this weekend.

looks dope btw


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Sorry for the late response, been at the con all weekend. The paint is as follows:
First layer is mod podge to protect the exposed styrofoam.
Second layer is plasti dip as a sealer, two coats.
Third layer is primer, two coats.
Fourth layer is ultra flat black spray paint, two coats.
Fifth layer is ceramic craft paint, silver, dry brushed.
Additional ultra flat black is dry brushed in some areas.
Details are camouflage OD green spray paint.
Sorry for the late response, been at the con all weekend. The paint is as follows:
First layer is mod podge to protect the exposed styrofoam.
Second layer is plasti dip as a sealer, two coats.
Third layer is primer, two coats.
Fourth layer is ultra flat black spray paint, two coats.
Fifth layer is ceramic craft paint, silver, dry brushed.
Additional ultra flat black is dry brushed in some areas.
Details are camouflage OD green spray paint.

Thanks for these details. It adds a lot of info! :)

Btw, you should totally make an avatar for your profile with some of your awesome armor and your AR in it ;)
I'm almost done fixing all the little imperfections that showed up during the painting process and I'm really excited to attempt making a mold of this beast. I bought some moldstar 30, sealer, and release agent. Still need to pick up some clay, but I should be starting the process early next week. This will be my first time making a mold, so if anyone has any suggestions let me have em!
Ugh...the anticipation! Smooth-on products will be here either today or tomorrow!!! I am stoked to make my first mold. I am working out the details to make the casts with moving parts such as removeable mag, trrigger, and bolt action details. I fixed all the little bugs in the original and am building the the magazine today. I can't wait to see how everything works out. Does anyone know of a good ammo counter kit??? Or a tutorial to make one?
Very nice detail! I agree, balsa wood is an excellent choice to capture detail. It should also provide a little more structural stability than craft foam. Excited to see the molding! Keep up the great work and can't wait to see more!
that is one of the most beautiful weapons I have so far seen (especially when you compare it to some of the more popular guys on the internet)
Wow guys, thanks for all the support! So here's where I'm at with the molding process...
Main body boxed in with an MDF board insert, all clayed in

Trigger boxed and clayed in, I'm mixing the silicone in very small batches...

Initial layer poured just to seal it all up and make sure it gets into the details nicely...

Trigger box, first side poured...

Body box, first side poured...

Trigger box, first side cured...

Body box, flipped, first cured, removing spacer board and clay...

Spacer and clay removed, looks great!!!

Trigger mold complete!!!

Casted a trigger!!!

Casted a trigger!!!

And a receiver!!!
Casted receiver!!!


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Since you are online, wanted to catch ya before getting off. Not sure if ya mentioned where to find the balsa wood? Thinking about trying this approach to building the AR. Got a few more questions. When detailing the grip, and other areas of the styro foam. Did you use a dremel tool for rounding edges, and beveling them? My second question would be, what did you use to cut the balsa wood with? Last but, not least! Impeccable work my friend!
Thanks! I don't think I used the dremel much at all on this one, except for drilling small round holes and stuff like that. I mostly used sanding blocks of various grits. I cut the balsa with xacto knives. As for procuring the balsa, I am still saddened to this day that my source permanently closed their doors a few months ago, they had a crazy selection and fairly priced :(
this,............... is so ............. amazing!!! makes me look at my first two pistol attempts look Thanks for the inspiration!!
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