Halo 5 Guardians Weapons For 3D Print

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Quick update, I'm starting on the M6HS now. I also did a quick traitor bullet and render. Looks pretty cool in my opinion.


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Another small update, I made the 12.7 x 40 round a hollow point like in game, and updated it a bit. The M6H2 now has a functional spring loaded mag release, and I utilized the pin to connect the grip to the trigger guard.


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M6H2 Complete
-Working trigger
-Fire select
-Mag release
-Cocking slide with moving hammer
-Room for laser sight internals
-Functional pins


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Halo 5 BR sight completed, need to do some better renders but these will do for now. \


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Also an update on the mag, I had to make it double fed as the BR takes a smaller size round than the AR. fgfffddd_zpsv28yojvo.png


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This looks awesome but I just can't hold it in any longer.
If you don't plan to release it there's no reason in my mind to show it off to people. They'll never get it, what's the point?
Are you trying to make people jealous or something?
Sorry for being rude.
I just personally don't understand why you would show off something that's so intricate, accurate, and detailed but that you have no intention of sharing or selling.
IMHO that's like doing this.

This looks awesome but I just can't hold it in any longer.
If you don't plan to release it there's no reason in my mind to show it off to people. They'll never get it, what's the point?
Are you trying to make people jealous or something?
Sorry for being rude.
I just personally don't understand why you would show off something that's so intricate, accurate, and detailed but that you have no intention of sharing or selling.

Why bother making anything, if you don't plan to sell it? Ask yourself the following question: why does a painter paint? Why does a sculptor sculpt? Why does a carpenter carve?

There's no obligation, here on the 405th or elsewhere, to release the models we create. Sometimes, we create simply for the pleasure of creating, and to share our artistic vision with other members of this community - there's no intent to make people jealous, or to wave things in front of them and say 'see this? You can't have it'.

It's an unfortunate case with communities like this that some of the members become accustomed to being given resources for nothing, and develop a sense of entitlement for every creation that's shown off. Nobody here deserves anything - modellers like myself, Master Builder and Mflanny34 create because we want to, and it's a happy consequence of our creative drive and ambition that sometimes leads to the general public receiving the content we create. Other times, things are created with other purposes in mind - either for display, or with the intent to produce exclusive props for sale through other means, which is the case here.

If you'd like to understand the thought processes behind keeping content private or exclusive, I'd invite you to begin learning the process of modelling and try your hand at creating pieces yourself. and then realise how generous the community here is by sharing the content we produce so freely. 3D modelling is hard, and the fact that we do so at all doesn't automatically entitle the community to every single thing we produce. Please don't get sucked into the mindset of 'I see it, therefore I deserve it'. You don't have to own a copy of the file to be able to enjoy it - regardless of whether that enjoyment comes from looking at the piece as an artistic venture, or as a resource for prop creation. Be grateful that Mflanny34 has bothered to share his creative vision with us at all, and don't question his desire to have the content he creates as exclusive pieces.

I likewise apologise if I seem a little too forthright and demanding in this response - however, it's extremely important that you understand that, while the generosity of the people that produce content for the community is what keeps this community thriving, you're not automatically entitled to every file the modelling community creates. Consider these pieces a museum display - you don't have to own them in order to enjoy them.
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Also, I don't think Flanny ever mentioned if he was not going to release kits of the BR. Just saying. Heck, I'm pretty sure he's all tied up, and busy with producing kits for the other weapons. Cut the guy some slack. And remember, good things come to those who wait.
Thanks guys, you said it better than I could have. As mentioned in the first post, all guns will be print ,, casted and made into kits eventually. Its a long process with a lot of personal finance involved up front. Work on the BR continues as usual. Working bolt and trigger/safety system as usual. What other stuff would you want to see function in the BR? Besides electronics and stuff. In the nade launcher (MLRS Hydra) it will have a spinning chamber
I completely understand the mentality behind not wanting to share your hard work. I get that.
What irks me is not that he won't share, but simply that these things interest me so much, and these are the most game-accurate models I've EVER seen. But I probably won't ever get one.

As far as feeling entitled, I must admit that what I said was immature.

But on the flip side, assuming that
1. I don't know how to create 3d models and
2. I feel entitled to other's work
based off of a single post I made is quite frankly insulting.

TL;DR I just really, really, really want them because I do FP animation which detailed models are great for. Respect and props to Irish Cowboy for the amount of detail in these.

Edit: On the BR I'd love to see the bolt/charging handle/whatever function. That's really a deal maker/deal breaker for me because that's the kind of thing that I notice.
I completely understand the mentality behind not wanting to share your hard work.

Then don't complain about file exclusivity. If you understand the reasons behind not wanting to share your work, you wouldn't be complaining about not being able to obtain exclusive properties. As for my assumptions: create or display some of your own work, then we'll talk. Having the ability to model yourself may not be a prerequisite for obtaining the work of others, but it's certainly a prerequisite to complaints regarding the decisions of others to share their work with you.

Perhaps next time it might be worth re-considering your post before entering it - if you don't want people calling you out for your behaviour, it's worth considering how people are going to react to what you say and build up a profile based on your actions.

Now, with that said and done, let's please move back to the subject at hand. I don't want this thread to be consumed by arguments.
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