Halo 5 Guardians Weapons For 3D Print

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I have blood shooting out of my noise over the amazing pron happening here.
Update on the sniper work, also made a "kit" to make the magnum look like Buck's/The Whispered Truth. Ill redo the suppressor when more images are released!.


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Going through the thread, i haven't seen any updates on halo5 BR. Well, as far as pricing, and when kits will be available? As aways, impeccable work your putting out! Eye candy isn't enough, must find a way to raise extra funds to get my hands on a kit!
Sorry for the lack of updates, other things on myplate at the moment. Br should be printing soon. Hopefully ill have time to finish the shotty soon!
First of all, great work man. Best halo 3d models I have ever seen. I know you are currently bussy with the halo 5 models, but do you think you will ever be making a m6c socom?
WOW!!! Just wow i agree these are best 3d models i have ever seen! As Rec0nlukas said i would love to see an M6C SOCOM, but please don't rush, this is amazing work as it is.
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Hey man my English is very bad so i don´t understand all what is written here.... so please excuse if someone just asked the question and i don´t see it. But where did you get your reference Pictures from and if it´s possible can you give them to me please? Thanks for your time and have a nice day.


Thank you for sharing your passion. Outstanding work. I would recommend to keep close hold of your SLDPRT files, although I'm sure you already have that figured out. My best wishes for your continued success.

Can you do some more work on the assault rifle... I am making an assault rifle laser tag system and this will help a lot as I then have a printable base that I can work with, which will save me a hell of a lot of time.
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