Halo 5 Guardians Weapons For 3D Print

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It was ina bunch of sections, didn't seem to sag. Even still ill stick a steel rod through the majority of the barrell just in case :)

Seems fair. I don't pretend to assume that everyone who wants to make these sorts of weapons has access to their own lathe to turn their barrels to specification, I'm just surprised to see that the main length was 3D printed and wondered about the structural implications.

It's still an extremely nice build.
I use Autodesk VRED for rendering. Here is a shot of all the sniper parts except the pins. Also I started working on the shotty.


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That is an extremely nice job on the Sniper Rifle. Colour me dead impressed.

If you do ever offer kit casts, what would your pricing plan be? Purely out of curiosity.
That is an extremely nice job on the Sniper Rifle. Colour me dead impressed.

If you do ever offer kit casts, what would your pricing plan be? Purely out of curiosity.

Not really sure man....with the amount of people that would need to preorder to fund it im not sure it would be cover-able. It would take over 2k to cast that bad boy, and with the very low sales of the Halo 4 AR, who knows if it would be bought by more than a few people.
Not really sure man....with the amount of people that would need to preorder to fund it im not sure it would be cover-able.

That's understandable. Even so, that is an extremely nice weapon, regardless of whether or not it's ever replicated.
I'll say it again: That is a REALLY nice sniper rifle. I'd be interested in a cast, or I would if I had money.
Just a thought, if you can't cast it, why not sell the file for others to 3D print, now obviously you get the risk associated with people casting the 3D print and then profiting off of said casts or passing/reselling the file. But if you price it right, you might be able to dissuade the likes who would try to do such things.

EDIT: I personally am not interested in printing a Halo 5 sniper rifle, I just had this idea when you said you wouldn't in all likelihood be casting it. Don't want to give you the wrong opinion that I'm desperately after your 3D files
Just a thought, if you can't cast it, why not sell the file for others to 3D print, now obviously you get the risk associated with people casting the 3D print and then profiting off of said casts or passing/reselling the file. But if you price it right, you might be able to dissuade the likes who would try to do such things.

EDIT: I personally am not interested in printing a Halo 5 sniper rifle, I just had this idea when you said you wouldn't in all likelihood be casting it. Don't want to give you the wrong opinion that I'm desperately after your 3D files

I believe it's been mentioned previously that any of these files will be distributed, for the explicit reason of preventing profiteering from them. Which, personally, I don't mind; I'm rather happy with either finding a cast, or constructing my own.
I believe it's been mentioned previously that any of these files will be distributed, for the explicit reason of preventing profiteering from them. Which, personally, I don't mind; I'm rather happy with either finding a cast, or constructing my own.

Oh, I didn't know that, I havn't followed this thread too closely, I just remembered someone early on asking for the files and getting told he's not sharing them out, so I assumed that decision still stood. Thanks for clarifying.
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As a good follow up to that fun stuff above......sniper prints are now availible!

Finally, 3D printed kits of my H5 Sniper are up for sale. Price is a fixed $500 USD + shipping (this thing is a beast!). Lead time is currently 3 weeks. Modeled by me, Michael Flanagan:https://www.facebook.com/irishcowboyprops
and printed by the amazing Adam Leach!
Kits come raw and ready for clean-up. I recommend filler primer and putty, there really is not much to clean up on these!
Sniper is over 5 feet in length, yet weighs under 25lbs! Sniper has removable clip, real sized round, functional bipod, trigger, and bolt. (instructions on how to make these function will be posted on my page soon).
Please pm my page for questions, sales, modeling commissions, etc. H5 SMG kits on there way next!

also work on the Halo 5 shotty continues :)



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To be sure, she's a beautiful-looking weapon. If I didn't have to funnel my funds elsewhere I'd strongly consider a copy down the line.

Impressive work, as always. Well done.
WOW, I can't say how amazing your work is... it's jawdropping! this is a job very, very well done. I'll have to check on this every few days and admire your work... again
Update on the shotgun, also the smg is fully printed!
I also did a saw for a commission, no moving pieces (I may remodel it to include moving parts)


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