Foam HALO Infinite Master Chief Build (EVA Foam)

Estoy trabajando con las plantillas de shandeDark515 (que son muy precisas. Solo he tenido que modificar una o dos cosas aquí y allá), y gracias. No tengo experiencia en la conversión de plantillas, pero estoy seguro de que podría aprender. De todos modos, estoy feliz de ayudarte en lo que pueda.
Donde puedo conseguir las plantillas de ShandeDark515? No he podido hacer mi antebrazo me ayuda con los moldes o un video tutorial? Gracias
Donde puedo conseguir las plantillas de ShandeDark515? No he podido hacer mi antebrazo me ayuda con los moldes o un video tutorial? Gracias

Here is the link. It's a gallery of suits so you'll have to look around. Hope those helps.
Do you happen to have a template or any documentation on the BR? was going to make a foam AR, but it looks far more difficult
I got my patterns through a YouTube channel called AndrewDFT. He has a video on how to make a Halo 2 BR. I used his free template and modified it a bit.
I just found your YT channel by chance and went through it a bit. The guitar is cool as hell and I think your chest piece is considerably better than mine. I have some questions though, what did you do for the bottom of the shoes and how tall are you? also, if you use super glue, how do you not have any superglue belmishes? even on nice perfect seams I still have it.


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I recently started work on the helmet, and I've gotta tell you. It was a pain! But all very worth it in the end.

First I had to spend a while sealing all the holes and seems in the helmet, as well as adding the details.
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After that I sprayed on 3 coats of plasti-dip and primer.
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After it was finished priming I painted on two coats of my green paint.
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After the helmet was finished, I had to start making the visor. Which wasn't easy. I first cut out the general shape from a sheet of 2mm plexiglass. After that I shaped it with a heat gun, and got the curve.
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After that part was done, it was on to window tinting. I was able to make a good base layer for the visor with the plexiglass glass. It took a couple tries, but I got the hang of it.
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Next I had to make the detail layer, and this part scared me. I only had four sheets of plexiglass and already used one for the base layer. This detail visor you see took me three tries.
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Also took a couple tries to tint the detail, but it came out nice.
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I finally had the bulk of the helmet done. And after some weathering and more tweaks I was able to achieve my greatest work of all.
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The lights were made with cheap finger lights that fit into slots so I can change them out in the future. Also something funny happened at the end of making this helmet. I was spraying some matte clear coat onto the helmet to protect the paint, but I forgot to cover the visor. I was so scared. I thought I had ruined my helmet. And I did... for only five minutes. I learned that I could scratch it off the visor, so I used it to my advantage. I scratched most of it off leaving some of it behind to make a grime on the visor. This made it look even better. I am so happy with this helmet. All that's left now is to paint the rest of the suit, and make some tweaks to make it all more comfortable.
Where did you get that plexiglass? Branfuhr's visor is just too expensive and this is the second best option I've found. Also, was the visor under 105$?
Where did you get that plexiglass? Branfuhr's visor is just too expensive and this is the second best option I've found. Also, was the visor under 105$?
A good visor material is the icon props visor sheet, bendable and flexible for most helmets
A good visor material is the icon props visor sheet, bendable and flexible for most helmets
I've used that one in the past and it's great, but I find it better for Titanfall because this has the height difference, though if I am unable to do anything else I'll use that again.
How did you measure the boots? Because I want to add some height like you did, I don't know at what level I should even begin to measure. If you could point me in the right direction on that I would very much appreciate it.
How did you measure the boots? Because I want to add some height like you did, I don't know at what level I should even begin to measure. If you could point me in the right direction on that I would very much appreciate it.
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Making the boot was a tricky task. I used 5mm foam to give me as much space as possible. The shoe itself is built on top of a half-inch piece of plywood for the heel and sole of the boot. I bought a cheap tennis shoe and screwed it onto those wood pieces and had to cut off the tip in order for it to fit inside. I also took out the foam sole so my foot could fit. If you're measuring upwards, I'd start a half inch from the bottom.
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