New Member
Hello! My name is Dani. I recently got into the hobby of cosplay, and I'm quite good at it. I acquired the Deluxe Edition Master Chief helmet from Halo Infinite. This is going to be a strange question, as I couldn't find the exact place to ask it and get a response... I have the helmet, but I want to make the armor myself by hand. The problem is that when it comes to painting it, I’ll have an issue ensuring that both greens match, so I would like someone to provide information about the color code/Pantone used for the green of the Deluxe helmet. This way, I can find or create a green that is as accurate as possible for the armor. I know this is complicated, and I might be delving into business privacy issues, but it would really help me. I don’t want to have to paint the original helmet just to match the colors. There is no way to make sure which color is just using internet images but i'll add some of it anyway to make more obvious which helmet i'm talking about. I'd prefer using spray to make it but i know that's more difficult than making a mix myself. Thank you!$_1.PNG
Thank you all for your attention and i'll wait patiently for a very helpful hero to save me <3$_1.PNG
Thank you all for your attention and i'll wait patiently for a very helpful hero to save me <3