Halo Reach Kat - Foam Armor *FINISHED* 10/31/11

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Well I got some awesome news on the status of my armor.........the bicep is DONE!!! :D I already glued the shoulder to it as well. All I need now is the chestplate, belt, tactical hardcase (thinking about scratch building), forearm and then I need to finish up my prosthetic arm. I wish I could show some pics of the finished bicep piece. :(

At this point, I have 23 days left to have this done by May 14th. I feel like I am making good progress, but I am just waiting on ForgedReclaimer to have the models so I can get my templates. XD
You will hopefully get all if not at least two models before that mark.

Right now im just worried that my computer caught the virus yours has. Several harddrives are missing from a directory and my profile was loading black screen for a while. I can fix it but just wanting to let you know i might be delayed.

btw, is there pics of the biceps???
You will hopefully get all if not at least two models before that mark.

Right now im just worried that my computer caught the virus yours has. Several harddrives are missing from a directory and my profile was loading black screen for a while. I can fix it but just wanting to let you know i might be delayed.

btw, is there pics of the biceps???

Well I did say I wish I could show pics of the biceps, so obviously that would mean I don't have any. I have no way to load them. This is my husbands computer and he would be VERY mad if I installed anything on his computer or saved anything else to his computer. It's bad enough I have to install and uninstall pepakura and the winrar program when I need to get my templates. I don't think he has caught on. XD haha
haha just load pic editor, take picture, edit it if you want, delete editor and pic from pictures and programs, delete them from the recycling bin! its poofed forever!
haha just load pic editor, take picture, edit it if you want, delete editor and pic from pictures and programs, delete them from the recycling bin! its poofed forever!
I don't actaully have a way to get the picture on to my husbands computer. I don't have a way to get it from my camera to his computer.
Is your phone a camera phone? If it was you can send the pics from your phone to your email and load it like that

No, it's a normal digital camera. You can tell from my pics that I am not using a camera phone. I can't even send pics from my phone anyway because internet is not enabled on it. I can not send or recieve pics on my phone. Trust me, I have already thought of everything and there is no way for me to load the pics off my camera to his computer.
No, it's a normal digital camera. You can tell from my pics that I am not using a camera phone. I can't even send pics from my phone anyway because internet is not enabled on it. I can not send or recieve pics on my phone. Trust me, I have already thought of everything and there is no way for me to load the pics off my camera to his computer.

You can always try a Vulcan mind meld! :-D
Just need to find a Vulcan first... Hm.
Well got some more updates for ya......

Computer is getting worse. A new window popped up and this time it was some Vista firewall security thing along with the windows recovery thing. They are programs that want me to buy something and I am NOT about to input my personal information into something that looks fake. So once again, I am on my husbands computer typing this.

Not trying to get off topic but I had that same virus. Heres what you do. There is a security code you can type into the product registration box. They want you to buy it and type it in but I found it on the net. If it is the same I had the code is 1147-175591-6550 . I am posting a link to another site that has a screencapture of the security system that pops up. I can't be sure but I seem to remember the virus popping up on my computer after I watched an imbedded video on this forum. Hope this helps.

Edit: I should specify that by entering the code, the virus and all associated programs will be uninstalled automatically. This virus was a huge pain because it would let me open my antivirus program or my internet to find a solution.

By the way the armor is coming along nice. I am experimenting with foam myself and hoep to see some more pics up soon.

Not trying to get off topic but I had that same virus. Heres what you do. There is a security code you can type into the product registration box. They want you to buy it and type it in but I found it on the net. If it is the same I had the code is 1147-175591-6550 . I am posting a link to another site that has a screencapture of the security system that pops up. I can't be sure but I seem to remember the virus popping up on my computer after I watched an imbedded video on this forum. Hope this helps.

Edit: I should specify that by entering the code, the virus and all associated programs will be uninstalled automatically. This virus was a huge pain because it would let me open my antivirus program or my internet to find a solution.

By the way the armor is coming along nice. I am experimenting with foam myself and hoep to see some more pics up soon.


Wow! That's it! Well that takes care of that one, but I still don't know what to do about the other one I am having issues with and the fact that my desktop is blank along with the fact that my folders I created are apparently empty or don't even exist on my computer.

EDIT: After seeing that link, I decided to do a google search of the windows recovery virus that I seem to have and...............eureka! I found EXACTLY what I needed to know:

I think that by reading all this stuff, I might be able to fix my computer myself! :D We will just see what happens since I'm not exactly very tech savvy. XD
Sorry I can't help you with that one. I'm glad that code worked for you though.
Well I haven't done the code thing yet. My computer has been shut of for a couple days now and I did turn it on today, but the Vista one has not sown up yet. The windows recovery is my BIGGEST issue at the moment since it's hidding all my stuff. From what I have been reading, My stuff IS all there and I need to run a prompt which will unhide all my desktop icons and everything else.
One other thing you could try is check the recovery drive settings. A few of my system recovery updates failed and it turns out I was trying to save too much to the disk. Instead of picking and choosing files it just failed all the time and I constantly got error messages. I would also check for some windows updates if I were you.
Well I haven't done the code thing yet. My computer has been shut of for a couple days now and I did turn it on today, but the Vista one has not sown up yet. The windows recovery is my BIGGEST issue at the moment since it's hidding all my stuff. From what I have been reading, My stuff IS all there and I need to run a prompt which will unhide all my desktop icons and everything else.

If you bought it from the store with Vista on it, you would be better off getting your data off, scrubbing the hard drive, and reinstalling Windows from scratch anyways. Preferably from a disc with Service Pack 1 already on it. (Great thing I have copies of Service Packs 1 and 2 saved to a flash drive...those things save me HOURS of time otherwise wasted downloading them from Windows Update.) There's a lot of other things I could do with it, if I could find the time to get some facetime with the ****ed thing...

I sent you a PM, by the way.
OMG!!! Guess what!?!?!!
I haz picturezzz!!!!
But sadly no, that does NOT mean the virus is 100% gone either. Malware is keeping it at bay for the time being and I have been able to use my computer for quite a few hours now.

Anyway, here are the pictures I have to show of my bicep piece. :)

The shoulder pieces also got a total new paint job to match the new blue paint I got.




On this side, you will notice that there is a weird curve in it. That is because I was pulling on the foam while glueing to get the edges lined up and since a piece was shorter than the piece next to it, it resulted in an odd curve. Oh well, I am NOT redoing it since the bicep was a pain to make out of foam! XD

Also, what do ya think about them screws I added? :p hehe

Since I now seem to have a majority of access to my programs again, I am going to finish on my attempt of modeling Kat's tactical case. I'm TOTALLY new to this modeling stuff and I feel like I am taking on a pretty difficult model. I started a thread for it since I needed advice from someone that knows how to use blender and so far, I guess I am doing it right. XD haha You can look it up and see what it looks like. :) I'm modeling it with the intentions of it being a model to create templates to build it out of foam, but I guess one could also pep it if they wanted. :)
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I think the biceps look so much better curved! The in game biceps have curves, but most of the 405th make them blocky. The curve looks good if you ask me.
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