Well, here is where I am at so far.....
Seems to be looking pretty good!
I need to shape the other thigh I just finished building then I can go ahead and paint it black then start my color. I also need to go and buy some more craft foam so I can do the inner thigh area. The one that is already painted blue still needs a black wash and I need to add the silver paint to it as well. Then of course I gotta add that white stripe that is on it too. I WOULD Like to add some led's to my build, but that would require me talking my husband into taking the time to wire it all up for me and I don't know if that is gonna happen. :\ Oh well.
I am looking forward to getting the helmet and boot pieces from Brandon!
I am also hoping that ForgedReclaimer makes the belt and forearm for the female. I am also wanting to see a new tactical hardcase. I WAS working on modeling one, but due to my "computer issues" that saved file is MIA so as of now, I no longer have the model I was working on. 
Seems to be looking pretty good!
I need to shape the other thigh I just finished building then I can go ahead and paint it black then start my color. I also need to go and buy some more craft foam so I can do the inner thigh area. The one that is already painted blue still needs a black wash and I need to add the silver paint to it as well. Then of course I gotta add that white stripe that is on it too. I WOULD Like to add some led's to my build, but that would require me talking my husband into taking the time to wire it all up for me and I don't know if that is gonna happen. :\ Oh well.
I am looking forward to getting the helmet and boot pieces from Brandon!