EDIT: After seeing that link, I decided to do a google search of the windows recovery virus that I seem to have and...............eureka! I found EXACTLY what I needed to know:
this worked great. My son just picked up this virus and I was able to rid his sys on this and it up and running 100%
As for you're build its looking great. Question for you....Are you doing this for the Detroit Comic Con. If so let me know what days you're going to be there. I'd love to see this build in person. I direct traffic 4 blocks from Cobo.
This costume will debut at the Motor City Comic Con in Novi. For some reason, I don't feel that my Halo costume will fit in with the Detroit Comic Con. :\
Anyway..............LOOK AT WHAT I MADE!!!! hahahaaaa
This is NOT the greatest, but it will work for a foam build. It could possibly use some more work, but this is my
FIRST model!! It took me forever to get it to this point. XD I guess it's not too bad for someone who doesn't really have a clue what they are doing when it comes to modeling. LOL
This model will NOT work too well for someone that is doing the cardstock build. There is too much weirdness with this model. XD If someone that is VERY experienced with modeling wants to clean\touch this up so that people who prefer the cardstock can build it, then let me know and I will send you the file.
I also did this model with the intentions of having it function to hold stuff inside. The lid is seperate and I made it so that when I build it, I can hopefully put a camera in it or something. Just so that I don't have to carry my big Halo 3 messenger bag around, although it IS Halo, but the less I gotta carry, the better.

But if I have to, I could just have my husband carry it for me. He won't mind that it's Halo. haha
As far as releasing this file, I could, but I MUST warn you, this will most likely be a VERY tricky build and it will require a lot of thought in order to make it work. XD I'm hoping that I can make it work. LOL
How are you doing the paint job? It looks really good.
I'm just using acrylic paint and I'm brushing it on with a paint brush. For the "dirty" look, I just use some damp paper towel, dip it in some black paint ( not too much) then smear it where I want it. Once it dries, I will got back over it with the damp paper towel and smear it around as needed to my liking.

I ALWAYS fully paint the piece black as my base color before I do any other painting.