Props Halo weapon props

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Haven't posted on this in some time. I know my original plan was to use rare earth magnets to make the suppressor and holo sight removable. I was mocking up the parts for the suppressor and noticed that it dipped a little and looked crooked when I stepped back. What I figured out was the combination of a small magnet size and the weight of the tube was causing the wonkyness.
So I scrapped the magnet idea and just cemented all the parts together. I might add small details here and there but, this build is pretty much finished. Since the weather has warmed up quite a bit I can got outside and start sealing and painting.
What si
I haven't been able to work on this since the weekend. I have a lot of ideas going through my mind on how to proceed. One idea is to be able to remove/interchange the sight and suppressor. I want to attach the holo sight via magnets as well as the suppressor. As well with the suppressor I was thinking of being able to switch it out with a muzzle break, flash suppressor or stubby barrel.this way it would look more akin to the SMG in H2.
The other idea was to attach a quick release swivel so I could connect a single point swing to it. But, where would I place it?
Would anyone know where to get some rare earth magnets that would ship to Canada? I checked my local hardware stores and no one sells them.
What thickness foam do i use for this
No sir. Not available in store locally. I would have to order it online. I am currently using LePage contact cement.
I just learned about an online cosplay supplier who has it available and will buy if from them when the times comes.
Same here. No barge cement available.
I did watch loads n loads of YouTube videos before beginning and settled on Angelegends process of using Loctite the reinforcing with hot glue
Wow man thats next level stuff there!
Thanks! I have been really lazy lately so I haven't done any work on it. Same goes for my ODST armour. Hopefully I can get motivated again and finish this up.
Bad Paigan! Bad Paigan!
Yes get on this!! How dare you leave something in primer!!! :eek:Just playing sorry I lack patience, especially when it comes to paint :) at least be nice to see this amazing piece in black ;);)
Started painting my SMG today. I don't have any black spray paint so I'm using some black acrylics and painting by hand. Since I am doing by hand, I can only paint one side at a time.

At this point I have one coat all around. Let dry and now have the second coat on one side. I will end up having 3 coats in total.


I'm uploading an image of my magnum here cuz I'm too lazy to dig up the thread that I have for this build. I reworking the paint on this. I really didn't like the paint I used for weathering. It was a silver paint with glittery stuff in it. So I ended up going over it with a thin layer of black to dull out the glitter. Next step to use some Grey's that I bought and weather and highlight the edges.
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