Props Halo weapon props

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Instead of starting new threads for every Halo weapon prop I make I am going to dump everything into my SMG thread (which still needs a finished paint job), which has been renamed.
If you have been following my Project Mini Chief thread, the armour is finished but, my son doesn't have a weapon. I've downloaded the foam files for the H3 assault rifle from the Armoury. It seems the files are for a foam board build. I will try to do the build out of EVA foam. As far as progress goes I've had to edit the file slightly on Armorsmith by simplifying the amount of templates by joining some together to lessen the amount of cutting out I would have to do. I also scaled the AR down by 15% so it wouldn't look like some honking cannon in my son's hands.
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Decisions decisions... Should I follow the templates and have 12 layers of 6mm foam and have to deal with filling in all the areas that should be smooth instead of having that weired staircase look. Or should I use roughly 6 layers of 1/2 and have to carve off the excess foam to get the right shape and slope at the front of the rifle and around the grip.
View attachment 250729
Decisions decisions... Should I follow the templates and have 12 layers of 6mm foam and have to deal with filling in all the areas that should be smooth instead of having that weired staircase look. Or should I use roughly 6 layers of 1/2 and have to carve off the excess foam to get the right shape and slope at the front of the rifle and around the grip.
I think you should go freehand with the front of the weapon. Or you can shoot me the model with some dimensions and I can model an easy attachment on there, If that helps at all. :)
I think you should go freehand with the front of the weapon. Or you can shoot me the model with some dimensions and I can model an easy attachment on there, If that helps at all. :)
Thanks for the offer.
I'm gonna see what I can do freehanding the front or Frankenstein these templates with the AndrewDFT AR templates that I have as well.
If that doesn't work I may hit you up for help.
Okay... Finally got off my lazy butt and started the assault rifle. I scrapped the previous templates and opted for AndrewDFT's templates and modified it slightly. I added a removable clip. Surprisingly I got a lot of work done today.
ya i know if u spend like two hours straight just focusing that foam weapon u can get a lot done although I also do suffer from that lazy butt syndrome and still haven't finished my assault rifle
looks great so far bro keep it goin
PaiganBoi looks great so far.....I've use foam for 1 prop weapon......not really a fan as it's a bit flimsy......even with the wood dowel to stiffen it up a bit. But again.....looks awesome!!!
PaiganBoi looks great so far.....I've use foam for 1 prop weapon......not really a fan as it's a bit flimsy......even with the wood dowel to stiffen it up a bit. But again.....looks awesome!!!
I understand where you are coming from. Surprisingly my build isn't flimsy. I tried giving it a shake and it didn't flex. It may a combination of having a 1/2 inch dowel in the centre. The core is 3 layers of half inch foam mats. Then a layer on each side of 6 mm foam that is denser than the mats.
Worked on the AR a little bit tonight. Started on some details.

Rounded out the grip so isn't so blocky and would fit my son's tiny little hands a little better.

I also tried my hot knife for the first time to do the scoring details... As seen in the pics... My hands are not as steady as they should be. Even with the aid of a ruler. Lol.
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I understand where you are coming from. Surprisingly my build isn't flimsy. I tried giving it a shake and it didn't flex. It may a combination of having a 1/2 inch dowel in the centre. The core is 3 layers of half inch foam mats. Then a layer on each side of 6 mm foam that is denser than the mats.

Density of foam is the key here. I have had a wide variety of densities in floor mat packs and now I've started to find a few different ones that I like for different purposes. The Canadian Tire black puzzle mats in the automotive section are by far the toughest I've found and are great for thin, overhanging detail pieces such as visor brims or thin objects such as knives.
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