Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Discussed this with Masterchief0624, but I'm not entirely sure if it's been implemented or not.

As I'm already one of the admins for the Australian Regiment, I do need two more. I've appointed @Danielle J!NX and Bambii as my XO and RMO respectively, but I don't think anything has been done about it as of yet, and I'm wondering if it can be at some point soon?

We've added @Danielle J!NX and Bambii as your XO and RMO respectively but as I mentioned earlier that we're still working on this. We will get back to you as soon as we're done working this out.
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Hello everyone. Guess this will be my first post on this forum (Woohoo!).

No lets be serious, I accessed the archives yesterday without breaking a sweat but today when I was going to get the final pieces to my armour the screen turns white and I recieved this error code:

Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: VBDOWNLOADS::$version in /home/www_hosting/www/405th.com/file-archive.php on line 428

What does is it mean, is it temp. down or have I been denied access?
I have cleared cache and cookies, relog but nothing seems to be working :(
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Art Andrews or Chernobyl - any suggestions?

Hello everyone. Guess this will be my first post on this forum (Woohoo!).

No lets be serious, I accessed the archives yesterday without breaking a sweat but today when I was going to get the final pieces to my armour the screen turns white and I recieved this error code:

Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: VBDOWNLOADS::$version in /home/www_hosting/www/405th.com/file-archive.php on line 428

What does is it mean, is it temp. down or have I been denied access?
I have cleared cache and cookies, relog but nothing seems to be working :(
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Hi! Any help would be very much appreciated. I'm no longer a new recruit! :D But I still can't post in the Pacific Regiment forum thingy. I'm just curious, what would I have to do in order to be given the privilege to post there?
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Hi! Any help would be very much appreciated. I'm no longer a new recruit! :D But I still can't post in the Pacific Regiment forum thingy. I'm just curious, what would I have to do in order to be given the privilege to post there?

You still wouldn't be able to post in the Pacific regiment's sub-forum as you're not yet part of that regiment. In order to do so, you'll need to contact whoever's in charge of that regiment (in this case, that would be Trooper0621) to get added to that regiment. Once done, you'll see the PACIFIC tag underneath your username and will have full access to post in that sub-forum.
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Not sure if it has been discussed, but I am having issues saving pictures.

I have to Right Click > View Image in order to access them in a way that I can save them, otherwise, when I try to open the pictures, I get:
File Name.extension : Can't read file Header !
Unknown file format, empty/damaged file or file not found !
(for unicode file names please activate the Unicode PlugIn in 'Properties -> Launguages'

Like I said, I only get that issue when I try to save a picture directly while I'm scrolling through, but if I open them at their source, they save perfectly fine.

I'd have to check to see if it only happens on images that are uploaded to other websites first (photobucket) or if it also happens to images hosted here.
(EDIT: I don't seem to have any issue saving files hosted on the 405th)

Also, I save photos for personal reference only and I do not share them elsewhere. Just wanted to be clear. :)
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You still wouldn't be able to post in the Pacific regiment's sub-forum as you're not yet part of that regiment. In order to do so, you'll need to contact whoever's in charge of that regiment (in this case, that would be Trooper0621) to get added to that regiment. Once done, you'll see the PACIFIC tag underneath your username and will have full access to post in that sub-forum.

Will do! Thank you, sir!
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Art Andrews?

Not sure if it has been discussed, but I am having issues saving pictures.

I have to Right Click > View Image in order to access them in a way that I can save them, otherwise, when I try to open the pictures, I get:

Like I said, I only get that issue when I try to save a picture directly while I'm scrolling through, but if I open them at their source, they save perfectly fine.

I'd have to check to see if it only happens on images that are uploaded to other websites first (photobucket) or if it also happens to images hosted here.

Also, I save photos for personal reference only and I do not share them elsewhere. Just wanted to be clear. :)
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Not sure if it has been discussed, but I am having issues saving pictures.

I have to Right Click > View Image in order to access them in a way that I can save them, otherwise, when I try to open the pictures, I get:

Like I said, I only get that issue when I try to save a picture directly while I'm scrolling through, but if I open them at their source, they save perfectly fine.

I'd have to check to see if it only happens on images that are uploaded to other websites first (photobucket) or if it also happens to images hosted here.
(EDIT: I don't seem to have any issue saving files hosted on the 405th)

Also, I save photos for personal reference only and I do not share them elsewhere. Just wanted to be clear. :)

Can you link to one you are having an issue with?
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Can you link to one you are having an issue with?

Most recently: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php?t=29420&page=2&p=519578&viewfull=1#post519578
as well as Sepheus 13's build thread: http://www.405th.com/f19/sepheus-13s-forging-mk-v-foam-40211/

I double checked, still not working, but then I went and explored further...

It seems the issue may be browser-related. I was able to replicate the issue once again with Firefox, but had no issue with Internet Explorer. I do not have Chrome, so I did not make an attempt with it.

Since I was having issues with Firefox, I checked my versions:

Firefox 37.0.1
Java Deployment Toolkit -
Java Platform SE 8 U40

and updated to:
Firefox 37.0.2
Java Deployment Toolkit 8.0.450.14 -
Java Platform SE 8 U45

I couldn't find a way to update Quicktime, the link for the update kept taking me to a page that wouldn't prompt a download.

After the updates, I'm still getting issues.

Although I can save the photos on the Photobucket website, there also seems to be issues with Photobucket itself. Even after temporarily enabling Scripts for the website (I use NoScript), the icons for the buttons for the images when going to the website do not appear when hovering over the images. I was having this issue before as well.
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Not sure why this is happening. File archive can't be accessed. On my ipad, its fine. On my laptop, this is what I'm getting. Needs to be moved up into the bracket above. Although, the 405th, FAQ, and Calender can be clicked on. Seen someone start a new thread saying he cannot find foam templates for H4 mastercheif armor. Maybe this could be the reason why.


  • file%20archive_zpsdhkje3fn.png
    477.6 KB · Views: 259
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Not sure why this is happening. File archive can't be accessed. On my ipad, its fine. On my laptop, this is what I'm getting. Needs to be moved up into the bracket above. Although, the 405th, FAQ, and Calender can be clicked on. Seen someone start a new thread saying he cannot find foam templates for H4 mastercheif armor. Maybe this could be the reason why.

Try changing the zoom on your browser by holding Ctrl and rolling the mouse wheel. I've had similar issues in the past, and that was thr solution. Might not fix everything, but it could be a quick and dirty fix to allow you to get to the Archive!

Also, here is the link so you can help that individual, I'm not sure wuere their post is, but you might remember.
You should also note that there are 2 pages of files on that link, so be sure to tell them to check out both pages.
Sorry for not being more helpful, I'm on my phone at the moment.
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