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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
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Chernobyl, should we make a link at the top of the File Archive to this?

Probably, but as I think I've discussed in other threads - Pepakura Viewer has quite a few limitations. It'll do for now, but it'd also be worth encouraging users to find a copy of Designer if they want to develop files.
I also have a few File Archive things for you to sort out; I'll PM you when I have the chance, I'm in the middle of batching some work up to upload.

Maybe rather than a direct link to pepakura viewer there should be a link to a write-up of all of the file extensions contained in the archive. Then the write-up could have a small blurb about the limitations of pepakura viewer and some other open sourced software.

I would be willing to write that up if it would be of use.

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Maybe rather than a direct link to pepakura viewer there should be a link to a write-up of all of the file extensions contained in the archive. Then the write-up could have a small blurb about the limitations of pepakura viewer and some other open sourced software.

I would be willing to write that up if it would be of use.


@GeekGuardianDee please don't, for the time being.

I realise you want to help, but right now I'm still trying to get the Tutorials section up-and-running, and getting all of the files online. What you just described is going to overlap with the Pepakura and Foam Tutorials quite heavily, and is going to make somebody else's work redundant. If you want to give me a full tutorial for Pepakura I'd appreciate you looking in the relevant Tutorial Writers thread I posted a few days ago and applying for the position. However, it's worth bearing in mind that most mediums (foam/Pepakura) will have their own tutorials and instructions on how to use certain files and file types - I'd rather not have two people hammering away at the same subject and muddying the waters.

Throwing information around before it's all been gathered up and sorted out is going to make it very difficult for me to keep an eye on what's happening - and Art, I'd really appreciate having File Archive matters run through me so that I know what's going on and who's doing what. Currently I still have a lot of non-Pepakura files such as audio clips, PDF foam templates and the like, to upload - that list is going to get outdated pretty darned fast, and again: I admire your helping spirit, but let's wait until the Archive has been fully-furnished with current content before we start throwing other things up.

Too many cooks, and all that. Sorry if this is stepping on a few toes.
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@GeekGuardianDee please don't, for the time being.

I realise you want to help, but right now I'm still trying to get the Tutorials section up-and-running, and getting all of the files online. What you just described is going to overlap with the Pepakura and Foam Tutorials quite heavily, and is going to make somebody else's work redundant. If you want to give me a full tutorial for Pepakura I'd appreciate you looking in the relevant Tutorial Writers thread I posted a few days ago and applying for the position. However, it's worth bearing in mind that most mediums (foam/Pepakura) will have their own tutorials and instructions on how to use certain files and file types - I'd rather not have two people hammering away at the same subject and muddying the waters.

Throwing information around before it's all been gathered up and sorted out is going to make it very difficult for me to keep an eye on what's happening - and Art, I'd really appreciate having File Archive matters run through me so that I know what's going on and who's doing what. Currently I still have a lot of non-Pepakura files such as audio clips, PDF foam templates and the like, to upload - that list is going to get outdated pretty darned fast, and again: I admire your helping spirit, but let's wait until the Archive has been fully-furnished with current content before we start throwing other things up.

Too many cooks, and all that. Sorry if this is stepping on a few toes.

Okay, no problem. I'm not eligible for the tutorial writers as I'm not 80% completed my suit (darn these cold winters) but good luck with them.

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Okay, no problem. I'm not eligible for the tutorial writers as I'm not 80% completed my suit (darn these cold winters) but good luck with them.


If you've a decent amount of experience with Pepakura and can show me that you've a full understanding of how the program functions, I'll consider you for the position. Be aware: I'm holding tutorial positions for the Pepakura program as well as the Pepakura process, and the former doesn't necessarily mean you need a full and finished suit to be able to write about it.

Again, I do welcome your input, and it'd be good to get some help with these things - but I'd rather everyone not chase off and just do their own thing. Things will get pretty messy, pretty quickly if people do that, especially where collating information and guides for people is concerned. This is how the Sticky Threads situation got pretty dire - information needs to be gathered together in one place, kept as to-the-point as possible, and easily accessible, rather than having scraps here and there and then getting frustrated when we have a dozen threads a day asking 'BUT HOW DO I DO THIS?!'.
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Screenshot 2015-03-13 at 12.58.05 PM.png

So does this mean FANGS is double super status Staff?
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Stop being so darn popular and you won't have so many PMs! ;)

Oh, shush you. You're just jealous that nobody's filling your inbox with love and adoration on a daily basis.

Those of us that do get crammed inboxes on a regular basis, however.... yeah, the current system is a bit of a pain. Will this be remedied in the upcoming software upgrade, or will we bastions of popularity be forced to clear our bulging inboxes with the aid of a snow plough?
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Oh, shush you. You're just jealous that nobody's filling your inbox with love and adoration on a daily basis.

Those of us that do get crammed inboxes on a regular basis, however.... yeah, the current system is a bit of a pain. Will this be remedied in the upcoming software upgrade, or will we bastions of popularity be forced to clear our bulging inboxes with the aid of a snow plough?

Keep on and we will change the underpants rule... ;)
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Keep on and we will change the underpants rule... ;)

But... but... nnnooooooo D:

Oh, and on that note: genuine site issue. I'm getting notifications in my inbox every time I quote a person in a thread. I'd expect a notification when I'm quoted, but it's odd to be getting notifications for my quoting another member.
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But... but... nnnooooooo D:

Oh, and on that note: genuine site issue. I'm getting notifications in my inbox every time I quote a person in a thread. I'd expect a notification when I'm quoted, but it's odd to be getting notifications for my quoting another member.

Are you getting notifications or actual PMs?
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Are you getting notifications or actual PMs?

Notifications. PMs are another matter - they're usually from some dumb-split new member who wants me to email them files because they don't have full Archive access yet - that's, by the way, something I need to have a word with you regarding.

But, no - I'm getting notifications each time I quote a message. Because of the number of notifications a day I generally get, I check them to be sure it's nothing I've missed, but it ends up being a message saying 'you just quoted a post!'.
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Popularity isn't always the source of PMs!

View attachment 9871

For those curious, the answer was "No"

Congratulations, I practically wet myself with laughter.

I promised to ignore them if they are lucky or send them a virus if they are not.

I think we'd prefer if you didn't threaten people with viruses on the 405th. Just sayin', that's not really a cool thing to do - you can get your points across without resorting to threats, and if things get bad, there is a function to ignore users.
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