Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Art Andrews will have a look at both of your questions in a few days. He's currently out of town again. Crimmson - there is all the potential in the world that it's something not playing nice with the forum on your phone. I don't believe we'd installed the "frustrate the crap outta people" app just yet.... ;-) Or perhaps we're trying to test out your dexterity? hahahaha Art will have actual answers likely though for you.
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Art Andrews will have a look at both of your questions in a few days. He's currently out of town again. Crimmson - there is all the potential in the world that it's something not playing nice with the forum on your phone. I don't believe we'd installed the "frustrate the crap outta people" app just yet.... ;-) Or perhaps we're trying to test out your dexterity? hahahaha Art will have actual answers likely though for you.

Ha! Wait you guys are doing it on purpose?
Just kidding. It only happens when i click my name and scroll through the menu, but i have deleted apps and reset my phone to see if its my phone. I honestly think its on my end since i havent seen any one else with the problem.

I disabled my internet extesions and the quick menu button that floats on my left of the screen aaaaannnndd the problem is gone. Sorry about this FANGS and Art Andrews.
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Can we make a new button/link? It would be nice if I could quickly get to my own threads for when I am ready to post an update. I'm imagining one up top next to the "Watched Threads" and "New Posts" ... something that says maybe "My Threads" and it could be just a link the same as the one on our profile page that says Find all threads by PerniciousDuke. Right now the fastest way I know to get to my own threads involves three clicks and some scrolling.. maybe there is already a better way?

In the upper right scroll over your name which will give you a dropdown and click on "Your Content." I believe that is what you are asking for, right?
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Something weird, when i click my profile to log out i have to scroll down very slowly until i see the log out button if i go past it it closes immediately. On a s6 active. Love the phone.
I am running extensions on my browser total of 4 i believe. Would they interfere perhaps?

I see what you are saying. I am experiencing a similar issue on my iPhone. Let me see if there is a solution. The core issue is that you aren't technically supposed to click on your name. On a desktop, you simply hover over the name and the dropdown appears. I can only guess at this point that the issue is clicking and then touching the screen again when you are scrolling down. Let me look into it.
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This isn't a super big issue, but I got this weird page re-direct.

I "liked" somebody's post, and this popped up:

I also could not reply to threads, which was when I was about to post that^ issue:

Any idea why?
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mblackwell1002, I am not 100@ sure about the second issue, but the first happens when a member clicks the Like control before the page has finished loading and the JavaScript has fully initialized. In other words, stop being so quick on the draw! ;)
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mblackwell1002, I am not 100@ sure about the second issue, but the first happens when a member clicks the Like control before the page has finished loading and the JavaScript has fully initialized. In other words, stop being so quick on the draw! ;)
Ok, thanks. I'll be...patient next time. lol. I figured that was the issue, but it has never happened before (and I am impatient with my lousy internet pretty often, so Idk). It actually happened to me 3 times today, 2 times on one thread(Pepakura requests), and once later on a different thread(file it under crimmson)so...*shrugs* Idk.

That second issue does happen to me somewhat often. Usually when I've been online for 10 minutes or so, if it helps at all.

Anyhow, I just figured it was something to mention.
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Hey, just a heads up, i went to update one of my threads, uploaded a bunch of pictures, and they just show up as blank thumbnails with no option to insert them into the reply or anything. i moved the pictures into different folders, restarted my computer, restarted my browser, even deleted the cookies for 405th.com and NOTHING will work! what's going on?
Pictures not loading.png
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Hey, just a heads up, i went to update one of my threads, uploaded a bunch of pictures, and they just show up as blank thumbnails with no option to insert them into the reply or anything. i moved the pictures into different folders, restarted my computer, restarted my browser, even deleted the cookies for 405th.com and NOTHING will work! what's going on?View attachment 262137

This is what it looks like for me when my image files are too big to insert. Try opening a photo in Paint, click resize to 60% and resaving it.
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Hmmmm......I'll see if we can fix that but it might be tied to the permissions.
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