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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
where is the unread watched thread button? i cant seem to find it.

Watched Threads.jpg
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On mobile, you cant zoom in on a picture. When you select a picture to veiw, and slide your fingers out, the picture zoomed in all the way instantly, and when you pinch in, zooms out to full size with no inbetween...
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The margins occupy 50% of the screen space on a 2560 x 1440 monitor, but only about 30% on a 1920 x 1080. Is there a way to utilize this real estate without simply zooming in?

405th margins.png
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The margins occupy 50% of the screen space on a 2560 x 1440 monitor, but only about 30% on a 1920 x 1080. Is there a way to utilize this real estate without simply zooming in?

View attachment 268345

Unfortunately, no. I am in the same boat at you, but we are the outliers. Less than 2% of those who come to the site have a resolution above 1920X1080. Believe it or not, most people are still below 1024X768. :(

The other issue is that if you utilize a larger width at higher resolutions, it actually creates eyestrain and readability is diminished because the page-width is SO wide.
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The margins occupy 50% of the screen space on a 2560 x 1440 monitor, but only about 30% on a 1920 x 1080. Is there a way to utilize this real estate without simply zooming in?

View attachment 268345
Friendly, switch to the light style and you'll get a pretty cool Halo Wars 2 watermark in that area. I'm a fan. :)
Maybe we could come up a a dark theme watermark. :unsure:
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Pressing the stickied posts in the Europe regiment forum brings me to completely unrelated posts from 2007, not the con list I'd like to see. Even entering the address manually or in incognito mode it brings me to other posts. I can't find other posts which also bring this issue.

For example, the first two 2019 con posts bring me to this old post: ultimate pep halo weapon
2018 con calendar brings me to this post for some reason: Marine Sniper!

All other posts seem to be fine.

I'm using google chrome

Edit: Please remove the hotlink from the background to the home page. When using multiple monitors I am used to pressing the background to go back to this window, but now it brings me back to the homepage.

Edit 2: It seems to be fixed now. Thank you!
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Hi TnG R1ckx

I agree that the hyperlink on the background image is troublesome

As for European sticky threads, your Regiment staff should have control over that. I'll alert them and hopefully they can resolve it and I'd also recommend they send you a private message in case you have any questions on events happening in your area.
TheCostumeGeek 247District Masky

EDIT: those redirects are very unusual. I'm worried that without knowing the thread number for the url we may have lost those somehow.

In the meantime TnG R1ckx check out Dirtdives' con list European Cons 2019
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Every once in a while I get one of these. This is either the second or third time I've gotten it. I refreshed and it was gone. Dont know if it is the site or the wifi I was on...

Also the zooming in thing is still an issue for me...
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