Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
The site keeps logging me out between visits. When I log in, I check the box to stay signed in, but every time I come back, I'm signed out again. It never used to do this. Only for the last week or so.



Hey SB, I've been having the same issue a lot lately. Sometimes it keeps me logged in though. I've noticed that it logs me out if I have multiple 405th tabs open or if I'm using my phone and a PC at the same time. Could this be causing your problem too?
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Clearing your cookies will fix this issue.
Clear cookie?
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Everyone, can we keep the off topic chatter to a minimum in this thread? The more clutter there is, the more likely someone's issue will be overlooked.

Let's try to keep this thread to reporting issues or problems and suggested solutions, please.
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What counts as a "post"? Is it anytime I make a comment/reply/thread, or is it restricted to creating threads?

Edit: I was a page behind, and didn't see the last 2 messages. I swear I'm not a heretic.
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