Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
All of these pretty much fall under basic functionality issues of the software package. Since we are moving away from vBulletin we aren't going to address that at this point as those issues will all

Will all......?
You have the text in the parenthesis, but they don't seem to complete what you were saying.
I think I got the gist of what you were saying though.

What are we switching to?

I also had one other thing I forgot to mention; I think it would be good if New Recruits were unable to post in threads that either:
Were started more than 3 years ago, or
the thread's most recent post was more than 6 months ago.
With some exclusions of course, being all the unclosed stickied threads, especially the "Help!" ones.

I came up with the numbers off the top of my head, they could possibly use some adjustment, but it might help things.
Personally, I kinda enjoy random threads reappearing, especially ones I had not seen before, but that's just me.
Currently, those that do use the search tool can resurrect some old threads, and sometimes its good, as it prevents a new one from being created, especially if it's simply a question related one.
Idk, something to consider.

Is more threads with 1 question better, or is necroing old threads better?
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Well crud. I didn't finish my thought. Those issues will all be handled differently under the new software.

We are switching to xenforo.

The granularity you are asking for in terms of permissions for New Recruits is not native to the software.

In terms of necroposting, it is just a matter of personal preference. We have always left them open so the possibilities are out there and we leave it up to the members to decide whether or not to post to old threads or create new ones.
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Hi! I had a member (SprtanJAG94) with a question regarding forum registration.

When he clicks on the e-mail activation link sent after registration, he gets sent to page which says: "Your account has been activated but you are currently in the moderation queue to be added to the forum"

He says it's been that way for 6 days (Now ~11 days) and just wanted to know if there was some other step he needed to take, ETA of his account being added, or something along those lines.
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Art Andrews will need to have a look at this. I'm sure we can get this straighted out shortly.
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@Art Andrew Wondering if we had an update on this. SprtanJAG94 contacted me again on FB about half a week ago and said he was still having issues.
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I'm currently at work, but I'll check when I get home myself. I recently did some work with the outstanding reports, I'm hoping I haven't accidentally deleted anything while I was at it. Shouldn't have, but I'll consider the possibility of 'user error' -read: 'Cherry done durf'd up'.

BREAKTIME EDIT: I've had a quick look in the Archive, the files have definitely disappeared off the radar. I can't check to see how they disappeared since I can't access activity logs, but I'm really, REALLY hoping that the 'Delete and Dismiss' function for the Reports CP doesn't mean 'Delete file and dismiss report' - because if it does, that's both really dumb AND means I've purged a good few files by accident.

Hopefully those files are easily restored, if that's the case.
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I'm currently at work, but I'll check when I get home myself. I recently did some work with the outstanding reports, I'm hoping I haven't accidentally deleted anything while I was at it. Shouldn't have, but I'll consider the possibility of 'user error' -read: 'Cherry done durf'd up'.

BREAKTIME EDIT: I've had a quick look in the Archive, the files have definitely disappeared off the radar. I can't check to see how they disappeared since I can't access activity logs, but I'm really, REALLY hoping that the 'Delete and Dismiss' function for the Reports CP doesn't mean 'Delete file and dismiss report' - because if it does, that's both really dumb AND means I've purged a good few files by accident.

Hopefully those files are easily restored, if that's the case.

Thanks for looking into that so quickly!

So, as of now, do they look gone for good? Do I have to reupload em?

Kinda suck to lose all those downloads.
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Thanks for looking into that so quickly!

We Deliver™.

So, as of now, do they look gone for good? Do I have to reupload em?

Unfortunately so. I did a test, and it seems that, for some reason, the 'Delete and Dismiss' function does indeed remove the file in question, instead of (as I'd hoped) deleting the report only.

That's a pain in the backside, to be sure, and I'll be combing through the Archive to see what I've accidentally purged, in the hopes of re-uploading the files. If Art Andrews is able to perform a restoration from backups, that would be good, but I'm not holding my breath on that action given how busy he seems to be recently - we're going to have to look to our own salvation.

Kinda suck to lose all those downloads.

It does, and I can only apologise for the error. I'd hoped that the 'Delete and Dismiss' function would remove only the report, since I'd been having issues with duplicate reports bouncing back and spamming my control panel - now, at least, I know why those reports weren't bouncing back.

Picture very related, I'm now going to bury my head back under the blankets in shame.


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Have another person trying to register that's hitting some issue. Username is TruthBringer.

Here are the messages he received:

"Registration denied. We check new registrations against a database of known forum spammers. At this time, we are unable to contact this database to verify your registration. We are sorry for the inconvenience but please do try again later."

"Registration denied, this forum runs an active policy of not allowing spammers. Please contact us via the "Contact Us" page link if you believe this is in error.

Wanted to see when this database is likely to be back up or if there is any other route for this person. Thanks =)
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With respect to the missing archive items, it is an issue we've just discovered. As Art has explained it to me, this platform is very, very unique in terms of how it runs and there are some functions that don't operate the way you would think they should. This would be one of those situations. Chernobyl interpreted the delete or dismiss functions as in relation to the actual report she was getting and not in relation to the file itself, which is exactly how I would interpret it. However, we've discovered, both of those functions delete the report AND the file. Unhelpful as all get out. Unfortunately that means that some files may need to be re-uploaded. Hopefully there aren't too many.
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Chernobyl interpreted the delete or dismiss functions as in relation to the actual report she was getting and not in relation to the file itself, which is exactly how I would interpret it. However, we've discovered, both of those functions delete the report AND the file. Unhelpful as all get out. Unfortunately that means that some files may need to be re-uploaded. Hopefully there aren't too many.

Yeah, I'll second this. If people are experiencing missing files that were there previously, please let me know exactly what you're missing and I'll get to work on it - otherwise, it's literally a case of my having to comb the Archive and compare what we have against what's in my own personal backup set.

Again, Halo-based files prioritised.
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How do you edit a thread title? I was able to find an answer, but it said "Go Advanced" and I'm not finding that option anywhere. Maybe it was from an older forum template (being 5 years ago). Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but I can't find it.
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PerniciousDuke - I'm not sure that you can. I'm guessing you're talking about a thread that you've started - correct? Otherwise you definitely cannot. Usually if you open the post that you started the thread with, you'd be able to change it there. If that's a no go, then I'm guessing that you can't change it.
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