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Art Andrews

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I've reached my limit on media storage and I can't figure out how to delete some of the unnecessary items to make room for new pictures.
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Not really, it hasnt happened since. I updated and cleared my phone and it hasnt happened again. I wasnt logged in. First thread was from Adam.

Okay...well let us know if it happens again.

I've reached my limit on media storage and I can't figure out how to delete some of the unnecessary items to make room for new pictures.

Interesting! Let me look in to that!
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Thanks....I want to update my builds but..........how can I post more pics w/o using up so much storage space?
Dirtdives, you have to click "Upload a File" on the bottom-right of the post box. Scroll through your files to see which one you want to post. then, once the image is uploaded, you have to click either "full size" or "thumbnail" to specify image size.
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Thank you FANGS. I appreciate it. Its just I can't update my builds w/ pictures......annoying.
Can you still upload pictures in your thread?

I thought uploading pictures directly in a thread was separate from uploading them in the albuns in your profile, so if you can't upload anymore to your media album, you can continue to update your build thread by uploading the pictures there..
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The only way that I know to load pics in to my thread is via the album.......unless there is another way......one which I don't know how to.
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In the reply box, next to post reply is the "Upload" a file option. The image might display as large in the thread as linking to the image on your album, but it will still be in the thread, and when you or someone else clicks on it, it will display full size.
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-redacted- I didn't see the second page. :/

It is weird though. I've used the "upload file" button in the posts before and there is no media in my media storage on the site. So, when you use the "upload file" button it shouldn't matter that your storage is full...

Have you considered using a separate hosting site for the time being, like photobucket? If you have a smartphone that you take the photos with, photobucket has a pretty good app, much better than their website.
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Still be nice to be able to delete some of your media. So you can make room for finished pics in your albums. I don't see a way to delete anything.
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I'm taking a guess at this but I think you can't delete it so that posts always have the photos they originally had. It's the problem of any forum to have really great detailed posts with all sort of broken images rendering the information pretty much useless.

As far as I know though there may be a limit on what you can put in your personal albums but I don't believe there is a limit on the photos you upload to posts. Art is definitely going to look in to all of this though so it will get sorted out.
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I'm taking a guess at this but I think you can't delete it so that posts always have the photos they originally had. It's the problem of any forum to have really great detailed posts with all sort of broken images rendering the information pretty much useless.

As far as I know though there may be a limit on what you can put in your personal albums but I don't believe there is a limit on the photos you upload to posts. Art is definitely going to look in to all of this though so it will get sorted out.
Ok that makes since,never thought of them being linked in posts. I had started loading some WIP pics into my albums but wasn't sharing them. So I guess with your media limited it sounds like best practice would be to save your albums for finished pieces and such. Then just upload your WIP pics directly in a build thread. Thanks for the clarifications.
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Something weird, when i click my profile to log out i have to scroll down very slowly until i see the log out button if i go past it it closes immediately. On a s6 active. Love the phone.
I am running extensions on my browser total of 4 i believe. Would they interfere perhaps?
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Can we make a new button/link? It would be nice if I could quickly get to my own threads for when I am ready to post an update. I'm imagining one up top next to the "Watched Threads" and "New Posts" ... something that says maybe "My Threads" and it could be just a link the same as the one on our profile page that says Find all threads by PerniciousDuke. Right now the fastest way I know to get to my own threads involves three clicks and some scrolling.. maybe there is already a better way?
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