Good ole 75 degree weather at noon.
I might try and shoot for more sanding later, hand was getting tired before and I had to break for lunch.
I know it seems big, well, it is. But still leaving it once piece it's a really tight sqeeze that needs to flex a bit to get it on my head right now. I wanted to make sure I had room for plenty of padding, fans, headphones, batterypacks, ect. Thinking now, it is a bit 'too' big. But it looks great enough for me and I'm not going to spend my time trying to rebuild/resin/fiberglass/sand a new one. I'll pick a different helm for my next one.
A little bit of both!
Shame we don't have out hammock up, we have a U shaped path that is set into some trees and the hooks to hang it up. Banana trees growing in another area, a lot of other nice little touches. Go sunny Treasure Coast Florida!
ooh, i love florida, i did a years worth of study in college in orlando, and loved it there how are you dealing with the smoothing of the spikes on your helm? its something i've been wondering for a while with anyone doing the hyabusa (plust, trying to keep on topic and not let my jealousy run out of control! )
Haven't had a chance to do any smoothing on the spikes yet but since they were pretty damn smooth before I figure just a thin coat of bondo and have at it with my mouse sander.
And for where I'm at, look at my last post with pictures. I haven't gotten a chance to do anything else between being sick, having school, and work just about every night I don't have school Probably will get a bit more done tomorrow if I don't get too distracted.